Geragos and Jermaine Jackson denied the Nation of Islam connection on CNN (Larry King) a few days ago.
Posts by Gozz
Jackson Camp Chaos - is Jacko "brainwashed"?
by Nathan Natas in,1,13188,00.html
jackson camp chaos
by joal ryan .
What Stood Out The Most To You On This Board In 2003?
by minimus inwas there any event, post, or episode that stood out on this board that will remain memorable for the year 2003??
We've seen this past year a number of different things that were interesting on this board. We saw a new board that Simon put together that had many more features than the old one (except a dancin' Minimus), we've seen more moderators than ever before because of the growth of this board. We've seen a few babies leave or infrequently post now. We've seen make-believe posters come and go. We've seen a decrease in swearing and attacks........and much more. Anything else?
Min, the question was "What Stood Out The Most To You On This Board In 2003?". Thanks.
double talk from the socity what a shock
by kilroy2 inthis quoat if from the dubs web site, they act like they are the peacfull people just trying to live and let live, any one who has been a dubber knows that this is crap.
according to them if they had the power all other religions would be converted or killed.
i can still remember an overseer holding a skull on stage in holt michigan saying that when you associate with people who are not dubbers remember that this is the condtion that they would be in if it was after the big a. they say they want religous freedom but as usual they mean for dubbers only.
20,000 Die While "GOD" Watches as he sips Iced Tea
by JT intoday i had an interesting conversation, not with a christian believer but a muslim believer, .
he was trying to recruit me into the faith--so i thought i would pose the question to him about why his god watches as 20,000 believers (muslims) women, children, etc lost thier lives-.
his explanation i thought was straight out of a christian handbook on.
JT, could you please redo the title? It's 28000 now, and climbing. Iranian authorities expect the final body count to be up to twice that figure.
How can man be more merciful than God? Men, women and children buried while asleep. Has anyone seen Iranian women in mourning? If there's a God, then we 're just on our own.
The Piano Has Been Drinking--Tom Waits
by blondie intom waits is underrated.
i the piano has been drinking.
the piano has been drinking.
Does Death & Aging Frighten You?
by Guest 77 inyeah, just what are your thoughts.
does death and aging frighten you?
why your answer?
No, death and aging doesn't frighten me. I'll hate to be so old and frail that I'm unable to get by on my own, but I wonæt be unhappy to live long. what I'll hate is to sleep one night, hale and hearty and alive, and find myself on the other side, dead and buried, say, by mudslides, without any warning and any chance at all to fight, like tens of thousands have in Iran. It'll be a cruel joke by Nature on life for that to happen.
Sincere apologies from Caspian
by prince caspian inthis will be my last post on jwd, and i am sure that is a relief for you all, especially the moderators.
first of all, i would like to apoligize unreservedly for my shameless flirting and conduct during september and october of this year.
i have no excuses whatsoever, and for any hurt that i have caused i am truly sorry.
Hey Caspian,
you're a full-time joker. And you're lying again; your apologies aren't sincere. Remember the day we were in chat and you were strong on knowing where I was? I'd asked a few questions and you got logged out, somehow. Whatever your mental or psycho problems, as diagnosed by your phantom friend, wish you goodspeed; I hope you get what you deserve. And you're a piece of shit for your stupid 'apology'.
If You're Having A "Bad Day", Does It Show Up When You Post???
by minimus inwhen we post, we pretty much express who we are, at least in cyberspace.
but every once in a while, we might get out of character.
we might express ourselves in a way that we don't typically.
If that's you in a good mood, woe betide your bad mood. Now, you should be doing some stuff at Writing, Bethel; what's the 'some' about... some may have taken you out of context, eh? It was sth like justice that your comment was deleted; and viewed through the lens of your deleted post, your explanation of your view towards anyone's sexuality is meaningless; it's easier to explain yourself here, while an acknowledgement of wrong would've simply been in order, no? Your rehash of recent posting is also meaningless. Recall your deleted comment and tell yourself you did right; between that thread and this, who's twisting contexts and doing grave injustice? Gozz
If You're Having A "Bad Day", Does It Show Up When You Post???
by minimus inwhen we post, we pretty much express who we are, at least in cyberspace.
but every once in a while, we might get out of character.
we might express ourselves in a way that we don't typically.
So when were you in a bad mood? When you attacked a certain poster per their sexuality when some other issue was on the table? YOu should be doing a different thread, like a thread of an almighty apology if you have any sense of decency than blaming a bad mood and praising some voice on the phone. It's called taking responsibilities; that's what's typical of decent people.
Michael Jackson in the news again.....
by DebraDoll inso sad..........arrest warrants were just executed against him for multiple counts of child molestation.
as a mom i am deeply appalled, as an ex witness i am saddened at his lack of power over his own life and ability to move forward, beyond the scarring of an abusive upbringing.