14. You are discouraged from attending college
******Largely true, but this is changing; depends on where you live; in certain places, people attending colleges are neither shunned nor discouraged, nor are others who indicate they will directly. The WTS however spews out rhetoric encouraging youths to dedicate their life to "service to God", or serving as full-time servants of the WTS
28. You cannot read Christian literature from a Christian book store
**** You shouldn't. But you may read excerpts from such books from WTS magazines, as filtered by WT writers; the writers of Awake! and Watchtower and other WTS books are allowed to read such during "research".36. You cannot speak to former members who are shunned (disfellowshipped)
*****You may not, except if they are minors and/or very close family members living at home.
44. You must go from door to door weekly to gain converts.
***** Not necessarily. what's important is to be able to give a written report that you have "preached" within, usually, a month.
49. A child abuser is reported to Watchtower elders and not the police***** Not necessarily. YOu may choose to report a child abuser to the police; the WTS encourages that a first report be made to the elders, especially if the abuser is one of Jehovahs' Witnesses.
52. Men cannot wear beards.
**** Depends on where you live. A man wearing a beard may not get "responsibilities" in the congregation.
53. Men must wear short hair (but cannot shave their heads bald)
***** Almost correct. Men may not wear their hair long. You may shave your head bald if you're a man with a really good (bad :)) balding head; you're encouraged not to look "different" from the rest.
60. You cannot read any anti-Jehovah's Witness material
***** Could be a disfellowshipping offence, depending on what you explain your motive to be, and your reaction/behaviour after it is known.100. You can never question what is printed in Watchtower literature
**** Not exactly. You may politely ask elders about it; you may write to the WTS about it; but you may not discuss contentious issues with several others. You may have to do what the WT literature says before there is any official change.My 2cents. :)