Soo, where's the letter?
eldubs in florida (maybe elsewhere too) have been told that the kingdom halls should not be used for relief efforts or for shelters.
liability and insurance issues were stated as the reason.. will try and get a copy of this letter.. of course the kingdom halls are supposed to be the center of true worship and a place of comfort but i guess only in fair weather.
what a crock.
Soo, where's the letter?
hey guys,.
since leaving, has anyone done anything specifically because it was condemned by the society?.
- i went and got a tattoo (i had wanted one anyway, but really enjoyed it since it was a no-no...i'm getting a big'n next week...).
Sometimes things the WTS condemns aren't good for you, like smoking.
I did do a smoke one day with a friend; I'd always liked the smell of that brand; it wasn't a memorable smoke, but it wasn't bad either. Now, the WTS is eternally stupid for condenming an average of one stick in a year. When JWs come up with arguments like "... smoking's not good for you, and we condemn it...." you just get a small laugh because that isn't exactly the issue. Do I have a right to a smoke? How much worse is a stick in a very long while than the smoke from walking the streets?? .
news from some lame-ass site called jehovah's witness world news......
witness escapes terrorist school bombing
dear friends:.
And what's God doing with all the hurricanes coming from His oceans destroying everything in their paths. If there's a God, some extraterrestrials must've been catching his attention all this time. Either that, or, he's been sipping ice tea and having some version of his own kind of fun.
so says the proclaimer's book, page 576: "...zion's watch tower tract society was formed on feb. 16, 1881, with w.h.
conley as president and c.t.
russell as secretary and 1884, zion watch tower tract socity was legally incorporated, with c.t.
it was[n'y] a non-prophets organization, because they hadn't received that status yet ... go figure!
I took some liberty there; but RR, that's a slip, eh, Freudian? ;)
cannes, france (reuters) - u.s. director michael moore's ``fahrenheit 9/11'' won the top award at the cannes film festival saturday.. thanking the jury headed by cult director quentin tarantino, moore said: ``you will ensure that the american people will see this movie.
'' moore's win capped a politically charged festival, with documentaries and films reflecting troubled times and french show-business workers staging demonstrations and sit-ins to protest against cuts in their welfare benefits..
Why does MM have to resort to lies?? May eb the facts 'ren't enough to sell his movies; may be.
Micheal Moore is a little leniant...
someone's slipping!
would appreciate any info or experiences on this subject.... a brother is disfellowshipped, 2 years later reinstated, five years later disfellowshipped again, immorality, 4 years later reinstated, becomes elder, 8 years later runs off with pioneer 16 yr old , divorces wife , dumps girl, remarrys 5 years later, appointed elder again, i believe due to the buddy system, how many times do'es a person have to be disfellowshipped before they say no to any priveledges let alone being an elder again ?
what's this "wrong attitude"?
genisis says god createted light then god created a" division between the light and the darkness."-.
so who created "darkness"? it possible that darkness never existed?
is it possible that if darkness never existed except in our minds.
who dares disturb czar during his slumbers from the board?
e-watchman dares!
very well, some of you seem to be in love with apocalypse already boy... look ye, upon his works, and despair.. from his latest commentary:.
::I can't understand why you people bother to read his sorry ass. You probably can; one reason 's a above. Another, related, is: JWs on the Net 're already spreading the e-watchman gospel; that, I reckon, is a good thing: one of them - claiming to be an annointed, and faithful to Jehovah and the truth, and committed to (some) JW doctrines- is pointing to cracks in the Tower's wall; he's making some of them think with his UN-WT adultery thing. Good to follow developments, don't you think? And, methinks you read him some, too. ;)
are you ready for a really dumb mistake?
im not talking about willful deception.
im not talking about stubborn adherence to a dogmatic idea.
My original reply to Prop was that he has misread and misunderstood the passage and is taking it too literally and then going off on how Moses at the account of the burning bush asked about himself so far as how it would grant him the authority to be the Israelite deliverer and what aid he would have etc.
What?? Just how literal has that reading been? Or, you mean the writer(s) of the book expect JWs to read more into their rendering and interpretation of events other than what was written in the book? Did you attend the meeting for this book study, Oroborus? If you did, what sort of comments did you hear in reply (by others) to the questions in the opening paragraphs? Which did the conductor say were correct? If you were the conductor, did you attempt to give your clear understanding of the meaning of what the Writer(s) supposedly meant?
Actually what the Society has done is compressed all of Moses' dealings with God and is focusing on just the one quesiton concerning the Divine Name only to make the point and to springboard into the discussion. The Society is not establishing some sort of account of the literal order of questions, or exchange and in fact is ignoring a lot that occurred, including many occurrences when Moses is definitely concerned about his own future and welfare. The Society is not being disingenuous in doing this since the pointof the chapter is not about Moses and Yahweh and they are not trying to relate all of those dealings in detail.
I disagree. The WT Society was in fact attempting to distill events in the account; this part of the book assumes an in-depth look at Moses' encounter with God, what Moses focussed (and didn't) on, and why that is important for us. If you woulnd't agree that the presentation was at best misleading (to anyone not reading with close-enough attention) would you submit that someone at Writing had done something like sloppy research and/or presentation?
e-watchman has sent over 5000 letters to congregations in the u.s informing them of the ngo debacle and a similar one to 101 branches around the world.
and according to his guestbook post he has signed his real name to the letters!
great work and great news!
Hi Dansk: I hope he's quite well-known; and if he maintains his position and continues to attend after 'action' is taken against him, perhaps that'll be additional 'witness'. E-watchman will match Brooklyn at the level of conviction (and the irrationalities it leads men to) ; only that his appears to be stronger than the Society's; and, of course, he's on the side of truth here.
Since e-watchman 's sending the letters to thousands of congregation in the US, he must be spending quite a chunk; but I wonder how he intends to get the letters to "Jehovah's Witnesses" though; the title reads "letter to Jehovah's Wtinesses and the Watchtower Society".
I've seen 'near-violent' reactions by some loyal JWs to the UN/NGO information; e-watchman's letter, written in a style most witnesses would easily identify with, and by one of them, is perhaps one of the best presentations of the issue to the JW. Again, email lists anyone??