welcome back.
And may you live long and young.
all went well with my operation.
very little pain and i can pee now.
i have to take it easy for two weeks or a little longer.
welcome back.
And may you live long and young.
i have seen on the 2nd page of the watchtower m. h. larson.... what's his first name?
is he the "pope?
i have forgotten a lot of things about jw structure.
Max H. Larson's name appears on page 2 of the Watchtower because he's he president of the New York corporation; Don A. Adams 's the president of the oldest corporation of Pennsylvania, and I suppose, should be the figurehead "pope". But the president isn't really the "pope". There's a nasty old nut called Jaracz on the governing body; he's the freaking pope.
And you could alway stest how much JWs know (or not) about their Watchtower coporations; they don't know Larson (some 're almost outraged when told his name appears in every Watchtower edition) and 're almost certainly ignorant of Don Adams. You could add a bit of intrigue by mentioning the Religious Order of Jehovah's Witnesses; that's almost sure to freak them out; yet, it is about 5 years old already.
this was posted over a year ago under my original screen name.
i am bringing it back to the top for newer posters:
jehovah's witnesses in russia are working with scientology, the unification church, mormons and others in a joint political effort to lobby the russian duma (similar to the us congress) for certain issues.
yes, says the watchtower society.
because, they inform us, only pagans celebrated birthdays per the bible and in each case a death occurs.
let us examine the two passages they use to support their conclusions.
Now there is mention of birthday celebrations by Jews in the Bible also, but JWs are quiet about that. See Job 1:4 Now it is possible that Job didn't wholeheartedly concur with these banquets, but he did not prevent them. Vs. 5 And it is also true that at one of these birthday parties all his children died in a tornado (vs. 18-19).
Kenneson, I reckon you didn't directly say this, but could you confirm if Job was an Israelite or Jew? I'm not sure he was. If not, then which Jews are mentioned in the bible as having celebrated the days of their birth?
...i thought i'd share this joke.
it was getting a little crowded in heaven, so god decided to change the admittance policy.
the new law was that in order to get into heaven, you had to have a really bummer day on the day that you died.
Oh my!
Too funny.
this what jesus said about mercy (matt.
"hence when you go making gifts of mercy, do not blow a trumpet ahead of you, just as .
the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be glorified by.
you're doing a wonderful job. Please keep it up. That telephone conversation is powerful testimony to the lame duck situation of the Society when it comes to disaster relief. JWs generally view the Organization as one very swift, efficient machine. Pity.
i am ex pioneer, ex ministerial serpent not been near a kh in 6 years, smoke, drink had a live in gf until recently, but not dfd, so much for keeping the cong clean!
still, none of my "brothers" with a couple of exceptions, speaks to me now, their way of trying to win me back perhaps?
not that it'd work - i am happy now after 10 years of bs from people who ought to know better but don't
Hey, welcome. You're not just a serpent, but a poisonous one with enough venom to do a whole congregation in .
the enemy is invisible.
there are no rules.
they wear no uniform.
Yeah, see how it's like a world war because, what, 500 precious Western lives have been lost, eh?
The US sent CIA agents to the country Niger to investigate a Saddam/WMD/Uranium connection; issues from that 're still very much alive with Karl rove and the US government... now, that same country is experiencing the most devastating famine is recent history; 3.5 million people will starve, thousands have already started to travel hundreds of miles in search of food; parents're feeding wild leaves to their children; millions may die; the West has, for 8 months, ignored the UN's plea for food aid, and that has already cost lives; another disaster is waiting to happen. Of course, Niger is relevant in so far as they're able to sell Uranium. Hypocricy, massive. And yeah, World War III; Africa and the world's poorest countries have been in an incessant state of War for a long time; the West is just taking notice, as you are, cos Westerners have been touched. Typically human; and almost curious.
quite a while ago i mentioned to my parents about the un scandal but they didn't seem too interested, but when i called in the other day my mother mentioned it to me again.
they had a elder and his wife (family friends who i was previously very very close to) staying with them for the convention and discussed it with them.
the elders wife is a very strong personality and super-spiritual but when she heard of the scandal back in spring she had a huge problem with it.
Yeah, a scan 'll be better. Too many typos in that letter...
i hate pop ups on my computer.
i can't stand getting salespeople calling from the same company 3 times in a day!
i hate being behind asian or indian drivers........
Just 15%?? Food is 12%. Most all else 24%. The communists.
People who put mayonnaise on ice cream. Yes, some extraterrestrial that should extinct did this just last Friday.