Nathan, but what's criminal behaviour in these circumstances?`I'm hoping you're referring to those with guns, shooting at those offering to help. "Stealing" and "looting" become very flexible in these circumstances; we're talking of people at the edge; we may never know how much of the "looting" was done in desperation, or, the possibility of barter at the back of the minds of the takers; is it wrong to take food and clothing that would otherwise become ruined in the circumstances we've had in New Orleans? Next time the government prepares for disasters, they should also run scenarios with the decline of morality in extenuatingly desperate circumstances, it's human nature. People stealing cars so they can get out, people stealing food and water to feed themselves and their neighbours, would we all wrap them in that blanket of criminality?
But I digress.
Celine 's probably not acting; her inarticulateness alone is perhaps a clear sign of someone speaking from the heart. And she's put her money where her voice is. She's a singer and 's got a voice to speak for the downtrodden too. Great heart; she's shown it; great show, evn, if that's what it is.