I started yesterday. Took the kids (they were both princesses) and my nephew to 3 different events. Got tons of candy and the kids had a blast.
Today will be a parade.
For Trick or Treating, are parents supposed to dress up? What are you doing?
i started yesterday.
took the kids (they were both princesses) and my nephew to 3 different events.
got tons of candy and the kids had a blast.. .
I started yesterday. Took the kids (they were both princesses) and my nephew to 3 different events. Got tons of candy and the kids had a blast.
Today will be a parade.
For Trick or Treating, are parents supposed to dress up? What are you doing?
my mind was wandering last night, and i though of this as a reply to a jw.. "oh, your the people who believe 8 men in brooklyn, ny are directing the world's only true religion.".
the sentence is a fact that they can't deny, but clearly shows delusion.
any other one sentence "stingers"?.
i want to celebrate it this year for the first time with my two daughters.
they are 4 and 2 years old.. i am afraid to tell my husband though.
i also don't think it's fair that i feel the need to hide it.. i'm pretty open about how i feel on most things, but i know he feels strongly about demons being involved in the holiday.. what do you think is the best way of handling this?.
I want to celebrate it this year for the first time with my two daughters. They are 4 and 2 years old.
I am afraid to tell my husband though. I also don't think it's fair that I feel the need to hide it.
I'm pretty open about how I feel on most things, but I know he feels strongly about demons being involved in the holiday.
What do you think is the best way of handling this?
years ago you read my horror stories about being raped by a jw.
i was nine years old when this took place, now the man has been getting all his works in order.
what do i do to stop the seventy-year old pedophile from getting his position back?
"I need a few Xanax, please send me well wishes dear friends!
Two more Xanax, the computer is going to shock me from being wet with tears, how dare they dig up my past again!"
Ok, this is really making me nervous. Does anybody have her number to check up on her??? I thought the usual was to have 1 Xanax a day for people who are prescribed them???
and it makes me sick.
i mean, i watch this big, black woman on youtube sing with this incredible voice and all i think is sadness cause i feel like she abuses her kids.
that's so awful.
Omg, no, not at all. I don't know this woman from a whole in the wall. Guess this isn't really JW related, but don't have anyone else to talk to about it so I guess you guys are stuck, lol...
Society's fault for leaving me no friends to talk about this stuff with, lol...
and it makes me sick.
i mean, i watch this big, black woman on youtube sing with this incredible voice and all i think is sadness cause i feel like she abuses her kids.
that's so awful.
And it makes me sick. I mean, I watch this big, black woman on YouTube sing with this incredible voice and all I think is sadness cause I feel like she abuses her kids. :(
That's so awful. Why is that my first instinct and how do I get rid of it??? I feel so ashamed... :(
Does anyone else get like that or am I just a terrible person???
once when i was profoundly sad for too many days, my brother in law sent us a mix tape.
he named each song after a person in our family.
this is the one he named heather.
i still believe it's coming.
i think if god is real, it has to come.
it only makes sense.
You have every right to feel anyway you want. :)
just wanted to say hi.
i understand how you may feel.
i remember lurking here years ago cause i didn't want to tell the elders on myself and have a judicial committee if i could figure a way out of it.
Just wanted to say hi. I was there once. I understand how you may feel.
I remember lurking here years ago cause I didn't want to tell the elders on myself and have a judicial committee if I could figure a way out of it. I came on here, was very careful on what I'd allow myself to read, talked to somebody on here who was currently an elder and thought to myself, "Well, I could have been in his hall and he is technically an elder and forgave me. Soooo, it's out of my hands now and is the elders fault if he's wrong." I could finally let it go...
When I came back as Cognac I didn't even realize this was the site I was on that time. It finally dawned on me when I went on an old email address I had.
ANYWHO, just wanted to say hi. If you want to talk about what is on your mind, feel free.... Hope to hear from you!!!
the scoop of humanity at one khall, the anointed ones" were a mixed group.. one bro, h. had been in for eons.
he was df for adultery, back in the day when they would announce your sin openly from the platform to everyone.
he just kept on coming and partaking until he was reinstated.
I had two that I knew pretty well. Both of which I must say are one of the nicest people I've ever met. One when I was younger named Manny. I believe he knew both Hebrew and Greek. He bought me a present and was so nice. I believe he became an apostate.
The other brother I met in my mid twenties. He was so nice. I loved him!!! He taught me how to read the bible for the first time. He was very important to me waking up. Probably the most important to me waking up. He's still in but I still wonder if he's really an apostate on the inside...