I have two words for you:
according to the 2014 annual report:.
"worldwide, there are 115,416 congregations of jehovahs witnesses and 8,201,545 publishers.".
i don't understand how the borg is facing financial difficulty.
I have two words for you:
so i just smoked a cigar, then came back into the office to wash it down with some bourbon... for whatever reason i was telling cappy what i smell like now, here is the list, please add your own .
fmf: .
i smell like an old leather chair in a civl war era library .
this may seem to be a harsh subject, but we have repeatedly heard how shunned jw's, of all ages, have committed suicide.
they succumbed to the harsh treatment brought on them by the watchtower society and in turn their families and so-called friends.. is it possible that the 'harsh treatment' the australian royal commission will met out to mr. jackson, by the relentless, probing questions, that he consider suicide?
perhaps losing face under the onslaught of merciless questioning, bringing that which is hidden into the light.
earlier this morning the royal commission website stated:.
"the royal commissions public hearing into the jehovahs witnesses will recommence in sydney on friday 14 august 2015 at 11:00am.. it is anticipated that the hearing will hear from one witness, mr geoffrey jackson, a member of the governing body of jehovahs witnesses.
"now that has been changed.
so, jws are naughty, then?.
the hits just keep coming.i thought i had taken a little break from scandalous uncoverings.
Bookmarked to read later.
Are they being investigated by the UN?
let's pretend jackson actually takes the stand to be potentially interrogated all week.
when would be the soonest we could see this?.
i'm hoping with all my might that he does and ttatt goes global....
Looks like it will be this Friday!!! A new thread was just posted on it.
Crossing my fingers ttatt goes global too!!!
hey guys.
this was just put up on the rc site.
rc will recommence on the 14th august.. http://www.childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au/media-centre/media-releases/2015-08/public-hearing-into-the-jehovah%e2%80%99s-witnesses-to-rec.
like the title says....those of you who made it out with you husbands or wives.
you people are so lucky!!!.
lucky because your wife or husband isn't brain dead and can think and reason for themselves.
Sorry you are going through that. I just went through that and the marriage completely crumbled.
After having been through it for 7 or 8 years, trying everything to make things right, it's a huge relief to move on. In fact, it's exciting.
For the first time, my whole world has opened up.
I do hope that you can figure out a way to make it work. However; please know that there is life on the other side. You will get through this and you can be very, very happy.
this morning i phoned my sister so as to know how the things are going with her problem with the congregation.
if i remember well, five weeks ago, my sister was asked by the elders (in the street) to attend a judicial meeting for apostasy.
my sister told them that she firstly needs a formal letter specifying who is accusing her.
... and it bumped into a concrete wall.
you know what he said?.