Hi Casper - To preface my comments - and before eveything else that I say - let me thank you [and everyone else who has commented] again for having maintained such an intersting [and most importantly] respectful dialogue. I have shared some rather personal and painful questions [as have you]. I appreciate your honesty, integrety, thoughtfulness, and kindness, I have a couple of more "true Taiwan stories" to share, personal experiences that I had. Moreover, I am still in contact with certain students whom I taught in Taiwan. There is girl whom I remember claims to be a "ghost spotter." Aside from this one peculiarity, she seems perfectly normal, with a lovely personality and the face of an angel. If I see her on "MSN messenger," I may ask her to tell me more of her experiences. I'll ask her if she has specific ideas about the university's campus and its history.
In regard to the orbs that show up in your photos, like you, I am unable to say what they are. Like you, I have read both "pro" and "con" websites, that is to say websites which claim that these orbs are a genuine manifestation of "spiritual" phenomena, and skeptical websites that "debunk" such claims and ascribe the appearance of orbs in photos either to "natural" phenomenon such as dust/moisture, or to hoaxing.
I'll number my questions, not with the intention of composing an interrogation [or might the better word be, inquisition? ] list, but rather to facilitate your answering them [only if you choose to do so, of course].
I think my first question is my most important one, but it's not intended to be a "tough" one that puts you "on the spot." I ask you only out of curiosity.
1.) I wonder why you took a picture of a brick wall with windows in it. I'm sure that you have stories/jokes about people who go on vacation and rent hotel rooms "with a [horrible] view." A similar notion came to my mind. Why photograph a brick wall? I would expect to see nice-looking people, with gorgeous smiles included in photos. Were these photos taken as "test shots" to try out the camera?
2.) Were these orbs visible and floating around before the photos were taken? Were they noticed prior to the photos being taken? Is that why the photos were taken? Were the photos taken with the aim of getting evidence on film?
3.) Have you taken these photos to be examined by an expert? Perhaps expert techinical analysis will reveal some clues. After all, there exists the possibility that you "have something here," as they say.
4.) Does the place/area where these photos were taken have a "history"? Have there been any bizarre/violent/tragic events associated with the place/area in which the photos were taken?
5.) Does it not seem to you that the whole orbs-appearing-on film phenomenon came about with the advent of digital cameras? I mean, do you remember orbs appearing on film in the day of "roll film cameras"? Do you remember the days when you had to bring your film to a pharmacy or "fotomat" to have it developed? Do you remember the days of double [and possibly triple] exposure?
I'm wondering if this "orb" phenomenon might not be the bane and "curse" of digital cameras, just as double exposure "bewitched" roll film cameras. I remember reading somewhere, perhaps on this board, that this "orb feature" was common with digital cameras. Perhaps you could consult an expert optician. At the very least, he/she may suggest ways that you could avoid this phenomenon in the future.
6.) As a general question, I have to wonder: Assuming for moment that orbs are indeed manifestations of some spiritual energy/entity, why do these things always take the shape of spheres or orbs? Why not little squares or triangles?
7.) I have to say that the shiny sphere in the top photo looks a lot like a ping-pong ball. I know that you are an honest and sincere person. But I wonder if some prankster may have had the intent to play a trick on whoever took the photo. I am not saying it is definitely a ping-pong ball; but it looks like one. Please don't be offended. I'm not saying that you are offering the photo as a hoax.
8.) Could you say who took the photo? Could there be any possibility of someone playing a trick on someone else, not to be cruel, just to have fun?
Please feel free to answer any, all, or none of my questions. In any case, I thank you again for your sharing and your kindness.