Hello, if you are still here.
How long have you been apart? How long have you been divorced.
First you should give it time... I was very lonely at first, but with time it gets better.
I went through the exact situation that you are. All I can say is that it is a battle of wills. When I was divoced without grounds my EX said to me... "I bet you give in first" My ex decided she wanted to get a divorce after I said I didn't want to go to meetings anymore. It was very lonely at first but it got better with time.
1. Buy a big screen TV and a DVD player and make a goal to watch every movie in the rental store. This will keep you at home most evenings with something to keep your mind busy.
2. Get some books and read, I recommend "Crisis of concience" as well as "In search of Christain Freedom"
3. Spend the rest of your free time on a discussion boad as this... you will meet new people and you will then be less lonely.
Now for the most important advise.....
A. Never tell your EX that you are lonely... always act like you are perfectly happy being single and that you are prepared to stay single the rest of your life if that is what it takes because you want to follow what is in the bible. (This will only put more pressure on your ex, because they will not have any hope in you giving in first) Every chance you get let you ex know you are content to be single and that is just the way it is. Make some friends on the internet.... if you go out on the town, do not do it where you live.
Your other options are to.
A. Learn the truth about the "TRUTH" and quit letting them control your life.
B. Do what the elders tell you and get back together with you EX and make it work.
In the words of Dr Laura, "Now go do the right thing."
Best of luck to you, and if you are looking for people who might be able to give you some advice, you did come to the right place here. You know what advice you will get at the Kingdom Hall, Make up with your spouse or learn to live single. What other advice would you expect from an active witness? really?
Best Regards B_D