Yes I get that too. Though lately I think even those with "balls" are avoiding me, I wonder why
JoinedPosts by Elysian
You know it's the Truth though right?
by freedomfighter insince i have been out i have bumped into witnesses at the supermarket where i work, as you do.
some have the balls to say "hi" and "hang in".
others have bigger kahunas and actually talk to me - this doesn't go unappreciated by me.
Quotable Quotes; Please Add Yours ...
by compound complex inthe endeavor to compel all men to think alike on all subjects,.
culminated in the great apostasy and the development of the .
great papal system; and thereby the 'gospel,' the 'one faith,'.
"I bargained with Life for a penny, And Life would pay no more, However I begged at evening When I counted my scanty store.
For Life is a just employer, He gives you what you ask, But once you have set the wages, Why, you must bear the task.
I worked for a menial’s hire, Only to learn, dismayed, That any wage I had asked of Life, Life would have willingly paid." Taken from Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill In other words we get from life what we had been asking for all along.
I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul." William E. Henley
Help me choose my next book
by Abandoned ini'm just finishing up harry potter and the chamber of secrets right now.
one chapter left.
i'll easily finish that before bed.
how about something real instead of fantasy ;)
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
you can even download it from here Download the bookor read it online if you don't want to buy a hard copy Think and Grow Rich
To whom do you MOST feel the need to justify yourself?
by Abandoned inis it your parents?
your spouse?
a religious organization?
Me and Myself. I'm my greatest judge, jury and executioner. I don't need approval or disapproval of a third person to tell me if I screwed or did well. And what would be the point of it all anyway?? If you cannot live up to your own standards how can you ever live up to somebody else's?
Believing Everything Someone Tells You
by minimus inare you the type of person that believes everything a person says?.
typically, my radar goes up, especially if a person either brags about all his or her accomplishments or tells you a sob story about how awful their life is.. i was reading here today about how some posters have been upset with others for either feeling someone is fraudulent or is uncaring or caring too much.. the funny thing is that most of us never really know who or what a person/poster is all about.
they could be perfectly upfront and tell you everything in a most truthful way or they could be conning you.
I've been reading posts on this board for a while and this one is by far one of the most balanced I've seen. I think we all need to get a grip of why we are here in the first place. Some people may prefer to have a public persona here in order to protect their privacy and perhaps even wellbeing of their families. So way even tell all the details??!!
One sure sign if people are genuine though, in my experience is if they do not go out of their way to to protest their "genuineness", "innocence", "cleverness" etc. while smearing somebody else at the same time to EVERYONE who would listen to their story. In my opinion, such people don't really need friends but ego-trophies on their wall, and while we are at it, real friends do not shy away from pointing obvious errors and ego-trophies hunters are of the sort 'either-you-agree-with-me-or-you-are-my-enemy' kinda like some president I've heard of.
So you can generally see if somebody is genuine or not by a simple test: are their post generally only about gathering people who will praise them how great, beautiful, smart, anything else, they are. I'd say such people actually need parents not friends regardless if they are 20, 30, 40 or more.
Are Witnesses really persecuted?
by Robert7 inyou know we hear it all the time.
witnesses are persecuted by satan, and this is one of the signs of the 'true religion'.
they love to quote wwii and the concentration camps, but really only 5,000 died versus 6 millions jews.
excerpts from Wikipedia
"Catholic priests in Poland that were opposed to the Nazis were taken to the concentration camps; about 3,000 catholic priests were murdered in the liquidation of the Polish intelligentsia."
"Freemasons were sent to concentration camps as political prisoners, and forced to wear an inverted red triangle.[73] It is estimated that between 80,000 and 200,000 were killed" Freemasons
Same page this: "Between 1939 and 1941, 80,000 to 100,000 mentally ill adults in institutions were killed; 5,000 children in institutions" ibid.
"Between 5,000 and 15,000 gay men of German nationality are estimated to have died in concentration camps." ibid.
In fact, why not copy the whole table
Victims Killed Source Soviet POWs 2–3 million [38] Politicals 1–1.5 million [citation needed] Serbs 600,000 [39] Poles 200,000+ [40] [41] Roma 220,000–500,000 [42] Freemasons 80,000–200,000 [43] Disabled 75,000–250,000 [citation needed] Spanish POWs 7,000–16,000 [44] Jehovah's
Witnesses2,500–5,000 [45] IF numbers are to go by .....that is what you get, which is rather sad to even use that as the basis of any argument of being "God's chosen ones".
Generation change in study article
by LadyCCC ini just finished reading the "journal" and it mentioned that they have said in the past that the generation meant the unbelieving jews, and then in modern day times generation meant world of unbelievers, now am i wrong to assume that what is mentioned in paragraph 15 of the last study article in the feb. 15th watchtower is that the annointed are the "generation"?
is this now new light?
are we to assume that this is still the truth despite the changes, i mean what if they are and our faith is being tested?
Thank you penny :)
Roman Catholic Church and The Nazi Party
by DianaMunn inthe holocaust was a 20th century inquisition done under cover of the nazi party.
hitler was catholic; and when it became known that pope pius xi supported hitler, the roman catholic vote swept hitler into power in 1933.
read what the press of the spanish dictator, franco, published following hitler's death.
Yes, what watchtower will never tell you is that Pope Pius XII was also hiding quite a number of Jews inside of Vatican during the WW2. He was a man who did lots of that privately and this was one of those things. Like Jesus said, "so that your left hand doesn't know what your right hand did", rings a bell?
Let suppose he even spoke publically, you think that would have changed a thing. What most people either don't know or easily forget is that Hitler wanted also to eradicate Catholic Church from Germany and introduce old Germanic rites. In fact, if I'm not mistaken many prominent members of SS even stopped observing Christian holidays such as Christmas. Does that tell you anything at all?
Hope for Alzheimers
by sammielee24 ininteresting article on a possible drug for dementia/alzheimers.
i think this is promising (fingers crossed) since a number of doctors have been investigating the link between inflammation and dementia.. dementia drug instant hit claim an excess of tumour necrosis factor-alpha may cause alzheimer'sus scientists claim a drug can reverse some of the early symptoms of alzheimer's disease - with the first effects seen within 10 minutes.. the journal of neuroinflammation reports how the memory of an 81-year-old man improved sharply after etanercept was injected into his spine.
but uk experts warned that a single success did not prove that the drug would work for every dementia patient.
Does anyone wonder why dementia and alzheimers are virtually non-existent among Eskimos?
I don't know why skin color or being a woman is even an issue, but hey I've got an alternative. Lets all vote for Halle Berry. She is black, a woman and she's hot as hell. Imagine her giving a talk at UN assembly, all you'd see would be a couple hundred old bastards jerking off with one hand and signing peace decelerations with another.