Believing Everything Someone Tells You

by minimus 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Are you the type of person that believes everything a person says?

    I'm not. Typically, my radar goes up, especially if a person either brags about all his or her accomplishments or tells you a sob story about how awful their life is.

    I was reading here today about how some posters have been upset with others for either feeling someone is fraudulent or is uncaring or caring too much.

    The funny thing is that most of us never really know who or what a person/poster is all about. They could be perfectly upfront and tell you everything in a most truthful way or they could be conning you.

    For quite a long time, I was considered by a few, as being totally dishonest and a fraud. Whatever I wrote was greeted with skepticism. Oh well....too bad if certain ones disbelieved me.

    On the other hand, we've seen how certain posters were clearly frauds. They were looking for sympathy or simply were getting their jollies by pretending to be persons they weren't. That too, is too bad. And very wrong. So how do you KNOW if a person is legit?? I dunno, really.

    All I do know is that a discussion board is pretty anonymous. Unless someone truly knows another's background, it's hard to vouch for someone's reliability and honesty. Some here would rather "be there" for a person---whether they truly "know" them or not. Others feel that they might be duped somehow and refuse to give their energies to someone they do not know, in reality.

    If someone decides to err on the side of mercy, it's their decision. If another decides not to invest of themselves emotionally, then that is certainly their right, too! And if people want to express their reasons pro and con, I think the discussion board is a great place to let it out.

    Happy New Year, folks and I hope we all are safe and happy throughout the year!

  • Snoozy

    I couldn't have said it better!


  • Dismembered

    Greetings Min,

    You're full of it. Just kidding. Hey happy New Year to you.

    Your old pal


  • minimus

    Thanks. I want to add that if someone really is in need of help, they need to see a professional. Especially if someone claims they want to kill themselves, they MUST STOP hitting the keyboard and make a decision to get medical and mental help. I hate to break any poster's bubble here, but I don't believe there is even one QUALIFIED person here to assist someone with real mental health issues. We shouldn't pretend to be MDs. We could ultimately be responsible for hurting a person, in the longrun.

  • restrangled

    Great Post Min....

    I was reading a post by you on the "best of" back from 2001. It was fantastic. I almost brought it up for rereading. Can't imagine anyone thought you were not legit.

    I think on a "help" or "support" board people might expect more from posters about their stories. Not that they need to give details that out them, but that the content is an actual experience. I don't think people here are looking to be entertained nor do they want to be taken for a ride.


  • hillbilly

    I went ot "BS Filters-R- Us... you hardly notice the filter.


  • crashfire451

    Very well put. I'd share more thoughts on the subject, however my internet startup was just purchased by Google and I've got the onerous task of picking out the options on my new Ferrari. It's important to match the trim to that of my yachts. I certainly don't want to seem gauche when my spread in GQ runs next month.

    Alas, that I could enjoy my good fortune, but my great uncle grandaddy passed away a few minutes ago and it seems to be exacerbating my PTSD stemming, naturally, from the trauma of being carjacked yesterday while driving my Meals on Wheels van to the impoverished section of my gated community. Ah well, perhaps I can put all this behind me when I deploy this evening on my 8th super-secret mission to........

  • minimus

    Thanks, Re.....btw, what post were you referring to??

  • Snoozy

    I agree..this is a support board for people wanting to leave or have left the JW organization...not a support board for those having mental or monetery problems!

    We are in no position to counsel anyone.Nor should we try..

    We share experiences but in no way can we guarantee that the way we handled a problem will work for someone else..I wouldn't want that burden on my shoulders.

    Only one thing I do encourage is giving those that are sick our support..real or is proven that prayer and support and energy sent CAN help a person survive a major illness. I just read about it in our sunday paper...being skeptical I was very surprised. I will no longer hold back because I doubt them. This would be emotional support not monetary. (Unless I know them personally.)

    That's one reason I like this board..people are so willing to show emotional support to those that are ill...they really care.



    Good thread minimus......Everybody has an opinion..Blah BlahBlah BlahBlah Blah.....Some get their Knickers in a Knot..Beating A Dead Horse 2Beating A Dead Horse 2..Some come up with some interesting comments..Clever.........FireworksFireworks..JWD is an entertaining place..Thats for sure..FireworksFireworks............................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW


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