Hi again Zico,
I can't see where a Christian would disagree with you on your definition on good, so I can't see the basis for any claim to be 'higher' than another. and where do you think YOU learned the Golden rule from?
Neither would a Muslim. But there's always a huge gap between between theory and practice. The verse after the Golden Rule (Mtt 7), for instance, mentions a broad way leading to destruction. Most christians I've met have a very dualistic view on reality indeed, like good things are really good and bad things are bad.
I didn't learn the golden rule from a book, I learnt it through practice and education.
I'd never claim to be higher than anyone else, but I think it's possible to claim someone's values are higher or lower than average. When you start claiming that some groups are worthless (cf. real one), your moral values obviously are inferior.
Kind regards,