I have seen that statement quite a bit in the past few days.
Why do people believe that's true?
i have seen that statement quite a bit in the past few days.. why do people believe that's true?
I have seen that statement quite a bit in the past few days.
Why do people believe that's true?
twice in the past week, from two different posters, i have been called an "asshole.
" in both cases, the person made an assumption about me based on something that was said in a thread.
in both cases, i responded by saying i disagreed with their characterization and explained why.
Victory for Tina or Victory for Larc?
What is the result? Let's have a poll everybody...
Here are the options:
1. Tina Won
2. Larc won
3. They both won
4. They both lost.
My vote is for number 4.
twice in the past week, from two different posters, i have been called an "asshole.
" in both cases, the person made an assumption about me based on something that was said in a thread.
in both cases, i responded by saying i disagreed with their characterization and explained why.
Dont be so thin skinned dude. If someone can piss you off so easily then you have the problem.
I acknowledged your intelligence and I also now acknowledge how much you try and help others...
I won't choose sides in this shit - I want no part of it. I left it back in 4th grade.
hypothetically speaking, how do we know that we do not have a jw plant amongst ourselves??
?someone who could frequent the forum, post, be in chat and yet not be suspect of being a wt spy.
just tongue in cheek girls and guys....who would be the least obvious, and least expected to be a plant?
twice in the past week, from two different posters, i have been called an "asshole.
" in both cases, the person made an assumption about me based on something that was said in a thread.
in both cases, i responded by saying i disagreed with their characterization and explained why.
Same goes for you Larc. You are obviously intelligent...why waste your time, dude?
twice in the past week, from two different posters, i have been called an "asshole.
" in both cases, the person made an assumption about me based on something that was said in a thread.
in both cases, i responded by saying i disagreed with their characterization and explained why.
You can act as high and mighty with me as you like and so can anyone of the otherss. What I used a cuss word? Oooh my so bad of me. Perhap it was to get your and the other particpants attention? Perhaps you will stop or perhaps they will stop.
I know you and I know others away from this crap and you are nice people (as I have pointed out before you were one of the first friends I made here). Maybe at this location there is something in the water.....its just so fucking old already!!!!
Please don't try and show me how mature you and think41self can be about your immaturity in your dealings with Tina. I am not singling you out at all, you happened to be one of the first to respond. I am just telling you that this pathetic bickering has gone on for months now and many people are tired of it.
I don't give a fuck if any of you are right or wrong - for the life of me I have no idea why Simon has not taken stronger measures.
hypothetically speaking, how do we know that we do not have a jw plant amongst ourselves??
?someone who could frequent the forum, post, be in chat and yet not be suspect of being a wt spy.
just tongue in cheek girls and guys....who would be the least obvious, and least expected to be a plant?
Spot, the Bethel plant
oops you meant "spot the bethel plant"
twice in the past week, from two different posters, i have been called an "asshole.
" in both cases, the person made an assumption about me based on something that was said in a thread.
in both cases, i responded by saying i disagreed with their characterization and explained why.
When will this childish shit stop?
Bunch of fucking babies!!!!!
i raised this briefly in chat earlier today and i expect a similar response to this thread.. my opinion is that if you are religious/spiritual then you are mentally ill.
Actually Perry and 5 Gospels although I have been ripping you a little I respect your intelligence.
I have to run but will be back later to edit this post and respond to you both.
i raised this briefly in chat earlier today and i expect a similar response to this thread.. my opinion is that if you are religious/spiritual then you are mentally ill.
You quote me - but only half quote me.
gravedancer said:Ok - the first phrase "that is". Do you understand that it is a conclusion based on prior logic. If you want to quote it surely you should quote the prior logic too?That is why I answer that anyone who puts their life on hold or lives for some belief system (instead of themselves) is unbalanced mentally.
Some might recognize the flavor of my conclusion as having a basis in the works of Ayn Rand and the virtue of selfishness. A summary can be found at http://www.angelfire.com/ri/tucker/relativism/morality26.html
Perhaps you might consider the following examples (please note just a sampling not the complete set) of "putting ones life on hold" or making spiritual excuses:
- don't get a worldly education it will be no good after Armageddon
- don't pursue riches as the will throw their money in the streets in the last days
- keep on seeking first the kingdom
- do not be anxious over anything
- the Lord will provide
- it is sufficient to have just sustenance and covering
- bodily devotion is beneficial for a little (don't play too much sport)
- bad associations spoil useful habits
- keep buying out the time for spiritual interests
- the Lord took him
- it is god's will
- "a servant of god"
- tithing
- guilty conscience over personal sin that did not affect others
- fear not those who kill the body....
- don't take blood to preserve THIS life...
- I will go to heaven when I die
- if you are bad you will go to hell
- it's bad karma to do xxxx
I could go on for pages and pages. While much of this has a "JW flavor" many examples crossover into many other religious creeds and belief systems or the other belief systems have their own set.
Sure people are free to believe what they like (after they get permission from 5 gospels of course ) and anyone else is free to think about them, reason on their beliefs and express opinions about their beliefs.
Just because some people want to pervert religion, govt. or ethics doesn't mean we have to abandon to entire concept of standards; which for many are embodied in Karma, Jesus, or Buddah.Are there good standards in some of the works of cited? Of course. Do you base your life on them and make sacrifices based on them? That's up to you.