Why debate one stupid word in one verse when you cannot even provide evidence that the whole book (the Bible) is worth anything?
Alan - you are a riot!!
i am looking for more scriptures that can prove to a jehovah witness that god is jesus, and jesus is god.i found only one verse so far in 1jo:5:20: and we know that the son of god is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his son jesus christ.
this is the true god, and eternal life.. if you know more scriptures that say directly that god is jesus please tell me the verses the jhw will see plainly that jesus is no way an angel, and he is jehovah god almighty.. my friend said if i can prove by the bible only that jesus is god he will leave the jhw society, and he will know that they are teaching lies and they would be to him a dogma religious sect.
my friend gave me a booklet called should you believe in the trinity?, and is jesus christ the almighty god.
Why debate one stupid word in one verse when you cannot even provide evidence that the whole book (the Bible) is worth anything?
Alan - you are a riot!!
sometime yesterday or this morning, i was ripped off for $2,000 in cash.
the money was in an unlocked attache case inside my private room of a shared home.. i kept about $5,000 in cash in my attache case inside my bedroom.
yesterday, i spent about $2,000 of that money buying textbooks (this is my occupation), leaving $3,000 in two envelopes, one having $1,000 and the other $2,000.
I read this thread on both sites....
Sorry to hear of your loss, MC.
Question: It seems as if some members are unhappy with the island scheme and they have made investments in terms of time, money and location.... Is my interperetation correct?
a moment of silence, i belive, is in store for the great deep trought star.. http://www.cnn.com/2002/showbiz/movies/04/23/obit.lovelace.ap/index.html.
"everyone might know her as something else, but we knew her as mom and as linda," marchiano said.
"we divorced five years ago, but she was still my best friend.
I had a lump in my throat as I read that....
a large proportion of the ex jws i know and stay in contact with are pretty much down and out.. i stay in contact with 4 from my past.. out of the 4:.
3 of them are long term unemployed.. 3 of those have psychiatric problems.. 2 of them dont have a stable relationship.. only 1 of them is a reasonable financial success.. my perception of the ex dub world is one of destroyed lives and, too a large degree, hopelessness.i base this perception on those ex dubs i know.
course, they are all hard core apostates.
I got down and got out of the dubs!!!!
That is what you meant right?
i sure hope this is satire, because if it's real, it would be very scary knowing people like this are around.
the dubs are bad enough!.
love, scully.
i sure hope this is satire, because if it's real, it would be very scary knowing people like this are around.
the dubs are bad enough!.
love, scully.
i am looking for more scriptures that can prove to a jehovah witness that god is jesus, and jesus is god.i found only one verse so far in 1jo:5:20: and we know that the son of god is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his son jesus christ.
this is the true god, and eternal life.. if you know more scriptures that say directly that god is jesus please tell me the verses the jhw will see plainly that jesus is no way an angel, and he is jehovah god almighty.. my friend said if i can prove by the bible only that jesus is god he will leave the jhw society, and he will know that they are teaching lies and they would be to him a dogma religious sect.
my friend gave me a booklet called should you believe in the trinity?, and is jesus christ the almighty god.
Jesus works at Taco Bell
a large proportion of the ex jws i know and stay in contact with are pretty much down and out.. i stay in contact with 4 from my past.. out of the 4:.
3 of them are long term unemployed.. 3 of those have psychiatric problems.. 2 of them dont have a stable relationship.. only 1 of them is a reasonable financial success.. my perception of the ex dub world is one of destroyed lives and, too a large degree, hopelessness.i base this perception on those ex dubs i know.
course, they are all hard core apostates.
I am down and out.
anyone got any idea how they do it?
do they understand what they are saying?
are they talking real languages or just jibberish?.
The holy spirit inspired me to "type in fingers"!!
anyone got any idea how they do it?
do they understand what they are saying?
are they talking real languages or just jibberish?.
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