I find this thread disturbing. Very disturbing.
Why? Well, I realize this is a sensitive issue so lets see who can focus on the content of what I write without taking personal shots at me. So here goes:
Is the WTBS a terrible organization? YES
Do they suppress peoples talents and their happiness by their policies? YES
Do they use mind control? YES
I could go on going through lists of the badness concerning them. But it is irrelevant at some point. I know thats a statement that will cause issue...it has before.
But until people realize that your reality depends on YOU then you will not find success or happiness. Some days I just sit around depressed, I procratinate and I blame everything for my frame of mind except ME. Or on other days I have the other extreme - I sit there thinking what a terrible person I am and how unhappy I am.
So let say that it is true. Let's say the WTBS is the cause of ALL the problems we have. I now have some choices to make. I can blame them and JUSTIFY my misery. I can become a zombie. Or I can realize that I am responsible for the rest of my life. The way I deal with things can be shaped by ME. Will this mean I escape from my past and it goes away? NO - we are who we are today because of our past. But realizing that means we will be who we are in the future based on decisions we make today. So do you want to look back in 10 years and see that the last 10 years were as miserable as the previous ones? There are no guarantees, we cannot control the unforseen, but how we act now can increase and decrease the probability of our finding success and happiness.
I have raised this in the past and run headlong into people seeking a "shoulder to cry on" who get upset with me for saying what I do. Many times I am looking for the shoulder to cry on too. But when the need to continually cry supercedes the need for self esteem we become paralysed. That paralysis is lethal. It is a self perpetuating spiral because it gives us cause to blame something and not a cause for healing. True how others react to our tears shows us that we are not alone. But who are we crying to? Are we sitting around like starving masses in Africa? All that happens is many people with shoulders to cry on get nowhere. We seek other wounded to cure our wounds?
I am sure you believe I am an unsympathetic bastard or a cold-hearted person expressing my thoughts like this. If that is your reaction then: that is your reaction; that is you seeking to blame someone again; that is you making me the bad guy. Those reactions have no effect on me though, even if I am the bad guy. Finding a way to focus on ACTION to improve ourselves is the only way out for any of us. It is the only way that we can bring change. Humans are resistant to change. When we hear stories about how people have to "hit rock bottom in order to bounce back" that's a fallacy. It is a way for us to justify in our own mind that we are not doing that badly because we aren't at rock-bottom.
I don't have the RIGHT answer for other individuals. Nevertheless, I do know what some of the WRONG answers are. Seeking to blame and focus on a negative past is the wrong answer because all it holds in store for us is a neagtive future. We accept that the past has happened, lets not sink into "why me, oh why me" mode. The past is real, yes. But the ACTIONS we take, however small and however deliberate are the only way out of the misery pit.