Winnower, are you suggesting that the requirement a few months ago by each congregation to fill out complete personal information cards was more than just standard procedures? I am asking you to consider what motive an entity would have to collect all of your personal information and why they would keep detailed records on your behavior, habits, financial info, and keep your "sins" in writing (JC records) etc. You have no secrets from them. Do you think this kind of detailed census of people could be a good thing? Have you ever considered how that information could be used against you? How you would have no place to hide? The scientologists and mormons also keep detailed records on their people. Why do they need to have this kind of information? A couple of years ago christendom started asking members to sign "tithe contracts" so they could calculate their budgets. Imagine! Why do they need to know your salaries? Have you ever been given any guarantee that your records are confidential? Do you know exactly what info they have on you? Does the cong have a "freedom of Info Act" that would allow you to see what has been gathered or written about you? Suppose the gov enacted search and seizure of records. Do you think your info would be secure? Not that it would happen this way. I think it will be used by the org itself because they are still involved. And by the way, the new policy stated on website is that partnership is disclosed at their discretion! So I can't search to find out if Tower has another name for their listing. I don't have time to look it up, but there are scriptures concerning the wisdom of "keeping your own counsel" and about revealing matters that should be kept private. The Tower even has an eye-cam in your bedroom! Just suppose there were some "master plan" to rid the world of people who are dissidents that cannot be controlled? People who would object to the "order of the day"? Would this not be a concern to the faders and apostates? Didn't Hitler round up the Jews through registries and census? Another thing you may not realize is that there are some major changes going on in the world of christendom and they are starting to "disfellowship" members who won't go along with the program. They are ridding everyone who cannot be controlled. I will include a clip here at end to give you example of what's happening. Are you suggesting, in light of the WTS's association as an NGO with the United Nations that they are somehow in cahoots with them? The partnership of NGO's are much bigger than you can imagine. The NGO's are to implement the agendas of bringing about the "sustainable peace and security". There can only be "sustainable peace" when the beehive mentality can be accomplished and all are of one accord. No independent thinking. And the sustainable security can only be accomplished when "resources" (water, fuel, food) are balanced for everyone on the planet. Now I ask you...if all the $$$ given to churches and charities all through the years had really gone for those intended purposes, shouldn't things have been a little more balanced by now? Religions are satan's kingdoms of the world. That's why we have been called out of them. We have seen it. There is a "plan" to accomplish that sustainable peace and security and the plan is a lie because it is a scheme of man. The plan to accomplish that purpose is to depopulate the earth so that a few can live better, and the lesser ones will be slaves. (for more info see Prophecy thread) The "Day of Jehovah" is not the same as "Armageddon". The Day of Jehovah is the day of Darkness. And although so many horrible dark days have occured through the centuries and with much bloodshed, I do believe there will be a final one, worse than any before, and that Armageddon is a spectacular rescue that comes at the end. I don't know God's name and really, it's a moot point. The important thing is the message that Jesus came to deliver. He came to teach us how to love one another and how to recognize the behavior of love. He also promised that he would "go to prepare a place for us" and that he "would come back to get us". At his return he said the elements of this earth would melt. And I believe that is literal. He said "lo, I am with you always even unto the end of the world." He said there would be an end to this world, this planet. Not "this Age". This "Age" is the new terminology being spread. He said there would be a "new heaven and a new earth." He did not say a "remodeled" or "restored" old earth. The religions will promote the new earth as simply "a new way of thinking." Does that sound like what Jesus said? From the descriptions I read in the Bible and even here on this board, I have a feeling that there is something very wrong about the name of Jehovah. The attributes in scripture do not fit the character of a True Creator. Everything about this "Jehovah god" seems to be destructive. You can't be both creative and destructive. I think the words and attributes of the True God and this jehovah have somehow become intertwined. The scriptures have been tampered. Are you suggesting, also, that the rumors regarding CO and DO changes are actually UN NGO-trained replacements? Yes. Absolutely. It has already begun to happen in the christian churches. I think it had a lot to do with the lay-offs in Bethel as these new characters were coming in. They are skilled in certain management techniques. This is what is needed now to begin this new phase. The local home-grown uneducated elder, and other rank, just won't do. These replacements will be slick manipulators with a purpose. And they will be well trained to execute the ultimate mind bending. They won't be people who have moved-up through the ranks, but you never know what kind of lies they may tell to gain your confidence. A new terminology for christendom is called "planter churches" and plants they are! I think of the way con-men use plants in a scheme. Do you know what I mean? Here is an excerpt: Like other members who questioned the new church management, he has been banned from the communion table. By declining a series of "counseling" sessions and by failing to attend a "Solemn Assembly" -- a special congregational meeting for the purpose of public confession, brokenness, reconciliation and healing -- he supposedly proved his "unwillingness to submit" to his spiritual authorities. There's only one way that "insubordinate" people like Bill would be welcomed back into fellowship: they must follow the steps to "reconciliation" determined by the new interim pastor. For Bill, reconciliation would mean compromise, for he could neither trust the new leadership nor agree with the proposed program. And disagreement was, apparently, unacceptable to the new leadership. As Jim Van Yperen, the "intentional interim pastor" would soon teach, "There's not a lot of things you have permission to disagree about." [4] What, then, was Bill's initial sin? During one of many "adult group forums" held to introduce and discuss the new church agenda, he had shared his lack of peace, called for spiritual discernment and asked some challenging questions about the psychological strategies that might be used to produce change. He had reasons to be concerned. About the mega churches we discussed, that will happen later in the future when the gov. begins to use the churches to implement all social programs. They will be the distribution centers. These churches will be the "new government". But that will be Phase 2. It's much later down the world. Probably a couple of years. That is designed to make the "compliant people" believe that there can be a one world peace through the guise of this coming one world religion. "All roads lead to god." Church buildings will be instrumental to subliminally enforce the concept that "this idea comes from god". (LIE) What this article says is not really important. The point is to get people used to the idea of "mega churches"; the article is just advance marketing. These places will be more impersonal. Later on, they will be the new S**'s Club and you will need the chip to get the services offered. (drop stations for social services) interesting article on mega churcges:
JoinedPosts by winnower
KING of the NORTH (proof!)
by winnower incan you not see that usa/uk is "king of the north"???????
here is documentation.
remember when we were referred to as western civilization?
by winnower inpray that your flight is not in winter.
when i think of winter, the word barren comes to mind.
the squirrels can no longer find acorns.
Pray that your flight is not in winter. What does it mean? When I think of winter, the word BARREN comes to mind. The squirrels can no longer find acorns. The deer struggle through the cold snow to find a blade of grass. Sustenance is just not always available. The herds thin out. Some die of starvation; some die from the cold weather. Some become more vulnerable to predators as they come out into the open to forage. When there are no deliveries, the shelves become barren. Supplies may not be available, even if you have the money to purchase them. The Jews have a solemn ceremony called Kol Nidre. It means "Cold Night". It takes place on the eve of the Day of Atonement. (Although this solemn night is observed every year, it is intended to have symbolic meaning of a future event. That future event is about to come to fruition.) For those of us who will survive to see the return of Jesus in his glory, we must make it through the cold night that is coming. Go into your inner sanctum. Prepare yourselves for hibernation or running. Make plans for where you will stay "the night" and hunker down. Proverbs 22:3 The sharp man sees the evil and takes cover: the simple go straight on and get into trouble. Pray that your flight is not on Sabbath. During the time of Nehemiah, the city of Jerusalem was being desecrated on sabbath by opposers. Nehemiah ordered that the gates of Jerusalem be closed until the day was over. This became a law of the city and continued until the time of Jesus. What kind of desecration? Why? Opposers took advantage of the opportunity to show their hatred and ill will by vandalizing the city when everyone was inside the temple. What happened then is a foreshadowing of events to come today. As a reminder of this illustration, here is a story from a couple of years ago concerning vandalism on the sabbath in Jerusalem. The city has begun to lock up all payphones on the sabbath.,7340,L-3153991,00.html I imagine it was a similar sort of situation in the days of Nehemiah. How is this relevant to us today? There may come a time when crime, vandalism, and riots cause martial law to go into effect. This will result in curfews, lock-downs, checkpoints, searches and seizures. Any movement may be scrutinized or prohibited. The reference is made in that the gates of the city will be locked! WHY THE WORD FLIGHT? The reason you are told to "flee to the mountains" is especially important for you apostates and faders. The Watchtower has all of your contact information and has always kept records on you. They know your finances; they know your friends and family. Flee out of their range. To understand more about this, read my post on King of the North. I ask you all to pray without ceasing. Ask for the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The Comforter was sent to all of us and will give you discernment.
KING of the NORTH (proof!)
by winnower incan you not see that usa/uk is "king of the north"???????
here is documentation.
remember when we were referred to as western civilization?
When the KING of the NORTH "Comes Against You" What Biblical confirmation do we have on this King of the North? the people of God in their New Jerusalem faced an enemy, a foreign governor. He was called Sanballat, whose name means ‘bush’ or ‘secret enemy’. He was an idol-worshipper, who did not want God’s people to be strong again. At first Sanballat sneered. And Nehemiah answered: ‘The God of heaven, He will prosper us...
If you look up the meaning of the Biblical name "Sanballat" you will find this information: Sanballat, bramble-bush; enemy in secret from Directory of Hebrew and Bible Name Meanings It can also be found with the same meaning in "Hitchcock's New and Complete Analysis of the Holy Bible" which was published in the late 1800's. What should this mean to you? The ultimate plan behind this is POPULATION REDUCTION. Only then can a "sustainable peace and security" be achieved. (That phrase is constantly used in the current literature concerning climate change programs and economic development. NGO groups are heavily involved) Phase 1. This country will come to its knees when there is no more oil. There will be riots and chaos. Many people will end up "missing". Preachers will explain that they have been "raptured out". Communications will be disrupted. You will never find the missing. If you would like deeper information on the plans, I suggest you google "Rex 84" and "Operation Garden Plot". This is not a conspiracy theory. This is the federal emergency plan in case of a civil unrest. All US military will be under the direct jurisdiction of the UN. There are over 800 prison camps; the majority can house 20,000 each. This is all part of the de-population plan! Don't forget, Watchtower has all of your contact information. They have files on you. They know intimate details of your life and have kept records all along. I am not a witness and they have a dossier on me because of JW contact. I was sent a subtle warning by a messenger of Rank revealing details of my personal life not publically known. My advice to you is change your contacts and change your plans. Not on paper---in reality! Get out of reach of the local cong. Even the elders that you knew and loved will not be in charge anymore. There are Rank coming in that have been trained under the UN NGO deals. They will be ruthless. Because they don't even know you, it will be easier for them to deal with you as simply a statistic. This is the meaning of the scriptures that tell you to flee ! "Do not come down from the rooftops" means that when you hear or see the not get involved; stay out of sight! Even if it is near you or in your household. "Flee to the mountains" means get out of their range. Whatever contact plans the Watchtower has about you, make those plans invalid. Make another plan they will not know about. Leave the area! This is especially of importance to you OVERCOMERS. They know the Faders and the Apostates will oppose them. They will come hunting you. The UN NGO plan is to get rid of all "subversive material" (that's you!) Matthew 24:16 then those who are in Judea must flee to the mountains.
(By your association with false religion you are "in Judea")
17 "Whoever is on ( W ) the housetop must not go down to get the things out that are in his house.
18 "Whoever is in the field must not turn back to get his cloak.
(This means if you do not make some plans right now and get out, then when you see these things begin to happen, take flight immediately. You may have to "travel light")
Phase 1 is imminent !! Phase 2. This will be much further down the road, and will take place after the borders of North America have been extended. Organized religion will play a great part in this. For one thing, they will hold all the cards. They will be the distribution centers for food and medical care. What's important to know right now is that they will all tell their constiuents that Baptism sealed them into the Kingdom. (This is a LIE) They will say that the "mark of the beast" belongs to those who are not in the sealed fold. (This is a LIE) The "mark of the beast" belongs to those who, even though baptised, now reject the Kingdom Plan. (This is a LIE) The "mark of the beast" is invisible.(This is a LIE) The truth is that the digital chip is a definite mark and shows that you are owned by the political system. -
KING of the NORTH (proof!)
by winnower incan you not see that usa/uk is "king of the north"???????
here is documentation.
remember when we were referred to as western civilization?
Can you not see that USA/UK is "KING OF THE NORTH"??????? Here is documentation. Remember when we were referred to as Western civilization?
Western society may refer to:
- Western culture, a term used to refer to the cultures of people of European origin and their descendants.
- Western world, countries whose dominant culture is derived from European culture, such as the countries of the Americas and most of Oceania.
No longer! We are now referred to as the industrialized NORTH.
India, China, and other poorer countries with fast-growing economies said they were ready to limit their own emissions, keeping them lower, on a per person basis, than those in the already-industrialized North. This Associated Press story conveyed their stance: “I cannot accept the argument that I, as a Chinese, am only entitled legally to one quarter of what you are entitled to,” he told AP. But, he added, “being equal to an American when it comes to per capita emissions would be a nightmare for the Chinese.”
Latin America could help reduce carbon dioxide emissions by up to 55 million tons through the sale of carbon credits. But this strategy doesn't convince the critics, who ask if the region would foment clean and renewable energy sources or would merely sell cheap carbon credits to the highest bidder from the industrialized North.
(We are constantly referred to as the NORTH )
Climate change may be the biggest North-South co-operation challenge the world has ever faced. Climate change is not only a global environment issue but also a North-South equity issue. According to the Stockholm Environment Institute, even if the North fails to curb emissions and relies on adapting to climate change it still must face the geopolitical, demographic, economic, and human problems that will spill over.... The North-driven scientific process often places developing country concerns low on the priority list. Millennial Dreams: Contemporary Culture and Capital in the North This study of capitalism in the industrialized North demystifies much of the cant that surrounds this discourse, and offers searching analyses of a series of cultural phenomena that have emerged in Germany, Britain and the United States during the 1990s.
by winnower inthe one true shepherd promised to return in great glory and stated that every eye will see him when he comes.
this is a literal statement.
john 14:3 after i go and prepare a place for you, i will come back and take you to be with me so that you may be where i am.. 18 "i will not leave you all alone like orphans; i will come back to you.
Did your "FDS" ever tell you the true meaning of the "Sign of Jonah"? No. Because they never knew what it was. All they ever told you was some rehashing of the "belly of the whale" story. Surely this should tell any active JW that the WATCHTOWER IS AN IMPOSTER. They DO NOT have any enlightenment from the Holy Spirit and never did. There are still secrets that are kept hidden within the word of God (what's left of it that hasn't been bastardized by the nephilim temple slaves). These secrets are revealed to the prophets. Your Heavenly Father does not give His manna to pigs and thugs. You IMPOSTERS have committed the UNFORGIVABLE SIN of BLASPHEMY. "Vengence is mine" says the Lord. Thus spoken and thus shall it be done! Shake in your boots and pee in your pants! Stand back you evil goobers! Watch the Shekinah Glory of the True God as He unleashes the winds!
by winnower inthe one true shepherd promised to return in great glory and stated that every eye will see him when he comes.
this is a literal statement.
john 14:3 after i go and prepare a place for you, i will come back and take you to be with me so that you may be where i am.. 18 "i will not leave you all alone like orphans; i will come back to you.
The One True Shepherd promised to return in great glory and stated that every eye will see him when he comes. This is a literal statement. John 14:
3 After I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me so that you may be where I am.
18 "I will not leave you all alone like orphans; I will come back to you.
2Thessolonians 2:
They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11 For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie 12 and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.
The One True Shepherd has sent me to remind you of his words. Luke 11:29 And when the people were gathered thick together, he began to say, This is an evil generation: they seek a sign; and there shall no sign be given it, but the sign of Jonah the prophet. What is significant about the "sign of Jonah"? Jonah 3:4 On the first day, Jonah started into the city. He proclaimed: Forty more days and Nineveh will be overturned. Dinner is served. Food at the proper time. Your short order cook, Winnower Message delivered *prophecy now fulfilled* Thank you Lord Jesus for giving me this opportunity to serve you and to help my brothers and sisters. Winnower
PROPHECY (e-z to read version)
by winnower ini also know that some out there will hear my words and the spirit will bear witness to you that i speak truth.
do not speak out against the leaders or the government.
they can do nothing to change what has been set in motion and neither can you.
Reply to Velvetann:
My goodness thats quite the long prophetic message, took me ages to read it.. You certainly are doing a lot of thinking on the subject. One thing you Do have right is the words you use to describe the Governing Bod, elders etc. I haven't been following your posts much and you haven't done that many. I am wondering if you have ever been a JW??? I am thinking No! Exjws have learned to be careful about what Men (not sure if you are male or female) tell us about our future. Why do you think you were chosen to be a "servant" to tell us this. You sound like a very interesting person but not knowing your background and motivation its difficult to take you seriously. Sincerely Velvetann Velvetann, May the Comforter confirm to it you and give you the truth and knowledge you seek. To have attempted to read this tiny compacted post tells me that you truly have a thirst for spiritual knowledge. As you know, Jonah had quite a difficult journey himself in reaching the people to whom he was to speak. And so have I. I have to use computers where I can find them. Sometimes I have to pay for the use and sometimes they are on timers. The computer available to me yesterday was something with a Mozilla foxfire. I don't know much about it. But my post certainly did not print as I had intended. I will repost the message today and hope you will read again. Now, to answer your questions. "My goodness thats quite the long prophetic message, took me ages to read it.. " May you be blessed by the Holy Spirit to find all the knowledge that you seek. May the Comforter give you the strength to bear it when you find it and the courage to endure it.May the scriptures give you hope for the future and joy along your way. " You certainly are doing a lot of thinking on the subject." Knock and it shall be opened unto you. Pray for guidance and you will be lead by the Spirit. "I haven't been following your posts much and you haven't done that many. I am wondering if you have ever been a JW??? I am thinking No!" You are correct. I am a virgin, in that my faith has never been corrupted. "Exjws have learned to be careful about what Men (not sure if you are male or female) tell us about our future." That is probably one of the best lessons you could walk away with. Would you please start a thread to detail attributes of a true prophet? So many people here seem to think that the only test of a prophet is to "wait and see if it comes to pass". There are many other ways to test the words of a prophet. I would like the forum to use scriptural guidance to outline what is the nature and character of a prophet. Test me. Because if you wait for this prophecy to "come to pass" it will be too late! "Why do you think you were chosen to be a "servant" to tell us this." I asked that question myself. I have learned that there is a responsibility and an obligation that comes with having been given spiritual knowledge. It is not for the faint hearted. Also, I suppose I have been given this opportunity to serve because I have been tested and proven. I am willing to be obedient to the Spirit. And last but not least, I feel I have been chosen because I care so much for all of you. Many scriptural meanings have been locked to understanding until this time of need. Why? Because Jesus, unlike the watchtower, does not hide behind the door in a horrid Halloween costume and jump out to frighten the sheep every month with a scary story. He imparts the knowledge to his people when it is necessary. It is not ever intended to frighten anyone, for the Comforter is here and will give us direction that will deliver us from our enemies. Now, that is food at the proper time! There are still many false prophets out there and we must all do battle against them. This is why it is very important at this time to pray for the gift of discernment and to test the prophets to know whether they are of God. Unless you know the attributes and are Spirit directed, you will not know. This I will tell you. A prophet of the True God: has no financial motive does not wear big diamonds and blow on people to heal them does not claim exclusivity to God does not call attention to themselves in a showy fashion for egotistical motives does not teach a doctrine which cannot be verified by scripture knows there is a penalty for not giving the message he has been entrusted with I have been following this board for a long time. I know a lot about all of you. I have cried for you and I have laughed with you. I have been angry, outraged, and furious with what those goats of satan have done to you. Surely you all must believe in demons now because you have seen them face to face! I suppose that every prophet servant being raised and given direction at this time each has a certain venue and you all are my charges. Winnower
PROPHECY (e-z to read version)
by winnower ini also know that some out there will hear my words and the spirit will bear witness to you that i speak truth.
do not speak out against the leaders or the government.
they can do nothing to change what has been set in motion and neither can you.
Hello all. As I told you in a previous post, there would be a catalyst event in May that would cause some very serious and dire consequences to unfold very quickly in a chain of events. It has happened. You will now see these things happen in short order. In my last post to you I documented some news articles to bring you up to date on how rapidly things are happening now. In so many of the articles, mention was made that the events were "unexpected" and "worse than experts and analysts had forecasted or calculated" and were "doubling at an alarming rate". I left out the important event in those clippings. I was so hoping that someone would notice. I was hoping that someone else here might be watching for the event as I was. I thought maybe someone would post it and say "what about this?" I waited to hear. Before I go into this with you, I want to cover some other issues. One reason I think some of you may be "put off" is because I quoted a scripture that God does not do anything without first telling his servants, the prophets. The key word here is servants. The problem is that you are addressing the word "prophet" as though you think it means the pope or something. I am just an ordinary person. The scriptures tell you that there are spiritual gifts and it also tells you the purpose those gifts are given. It is certainly not for personal edification. Prophets have never been known to win a popularity contest! Those who claim to be your spiritual leaders---preachers, rabbis, ministers, elders, and of course the illustrious Governing Body---all claimed to be "called by god" and yet many carry on pompously and expect you to put them on a pedestal and be called names like "His Divine Holiness", "the Honorable and Revered Great Master's Favorite", "God's Direct Channel"---(stay tuned) etc. etc. Because you have been exposed to this falsehood and perversion exhibiting itself as grandiosity, you assume that "prophet" is another one that wants a shoe shine. No thank you. A prophet is a servant. Notice it is not even a capitalized word. It is not my mission to try to convince anyone. If any want to twist my words and make comments that I am predicting the end of the world and other such nonsense I will not give rebuttal. If you are familiar with Bible history, you will know that God has always sent prophets to his people to precede any major event. Another truth is that prophets have always been greeted with skepticism and abuse as well as being rejected by the majority. They have always suffered at the hands of the people to whom they were sent. I expect that. I also know that some out there will hear my words and the Spirit will bear witness to you that I speak truth. There are other people here who have done more to expose the fraud in your organization than I ever could. They have done great works and have sacrificed and given up whatever personal aspirations they may have had for themselves in order to pursue exposing the injustices done to all of you. You know all the people I am talking about. Others have given over their lives to helping you to heal and regain your sense of self. They have helped you to become the overcomers that you are now. These people have watched over you and guided you. They have given you comfort and vindication. Some have given you a voice and an arena. Jesus said "The good shepherd gives his life for the sheep." (John 10:11) These people have given their lives, in the work that they have done, in caring for you, the sheep. These are your genuine Annointed and it is no mystery. You know their names. There are Annointed from all walks of life, not just x-JWs. I am no one special. I am just a bigmouth foot soldier with a message. I am here for two reasons. First and foremost, I am here to warn and prepare the right-hearted, truth-seeking, conscienced-pierced children of the true God who are followers of Jesus. This also includes a lot of people here who call themselves "atheists". It includes people here who are Muslim, and every other denominational label they may have been co-erced to apply to themselves. Truth is in action, not just words! Many of these so-called "atheists" are better people (moral, loving) than most who profess to be "christians"! But the meaning of the word 'christian' has become perverted over the years and these people do not want to be associated with that word. I feel the same way. "Christianity" is a "doctrine of the world"...remember, we are called out of the world! It does not matter what word label society puts on you or what label you feel obligated to call yourself. Jesus said that we would be recognized by our love for one another. This is also part of the greatest commandment. This is how you profess Jesus in your life. By the love you have for one another. Period. No labels. Jesus illustrated how love behaves. Words are empty and misleading most of the time. Know the actions of love, the fruits of the spirit, and you will find your kindred. Pretty Boys and Cowgirls! Listen up. The scriptures say that is unnatural behavior. "Unnatural" simply means that it is not the norm. It's not the majority. Yes, the Bible says you shouldn't do it, and if you read down a few more verses it says you shouldn't eat pork or shellfish either! (If there are any among us who have not enjoyed a fine bar-b-que pig with yams and collards or a night out at Red Lobster, go ahead and throw a rock.) These instructions are all health and communal guidelines. That's why they are called 'statutes' and notlaws. Homosexuality was not even important enough to make it into the "Top Ten". It's tragic that you all have been used for crusade material by self-righteous "christians". Shame on them. And if anyone gives you all any lip about it, tell them to read: Galations 3:8 "even a heathen is justified by his faith," 1 Peter 4:8 "Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins. Acts 13:39 "Through Him everyone who believes is made right with God. Moses' law could not make you right in God's eyes. Now that is accurate knowledge! Quit beating yourself up with guilt, stand up straight, and get on the bus. Secondly, I am here to bear testimony of the power of the true God. I am here to make your Governing Body pee in their pants. God is not mocked, you blasphemers! You were warned: (Rev. 16:15) You will all be stripped naked and all will see your shame. Be afraid. Be very afraid. By the way, motive #2 is well in progress. This forum has been doing a good job of ripping the pants off this false religion. So, I will jump into the fray and see if I can help move some things along. ALL religions are false. The Pope is going to be de-frocked too. And as for those televangelists....well, they will cut their own throats soon enough when the power grid goes down. The illuminati and all those "light-bearer" secret societies, the minions of Satan, will see they are headed into a loosing battle as God's prophets, your servants, reveal more details of the enemy's battle plans before they enact them. Listen up, you disgusting filth calling yourselves a "governing body" and taking orders and bribes from another entity! It is yourday of reckoning that is at hand! You have maligned the holy scrolls. You could never "rightly divine the word of God". "Divide" is a mis-translation, and divide it you did! You chopped it into little pieces and rearranged it. You contorted the meanings to confuse people and sway them. All for the evil purposes of obtaining power and wealth. Your illusion will soon be ended. You used a sweet enticement to the sheep who were searching for life's meaning. You told them tidbits of truth and won them over. You lied and told them you were the shepherd. But as they followed you, you mixed lies in with the truth. You laced their 'spiritual food' with mind-numbing zombie drugs and corralled them against their will by holding their families hostage. You took your venemous words and made them into your own laws and you beat the poor sheep in the head. This is to you, too, C.O.'s, and D.O.'s and puffed up Elders. What audicity to wield power over people telling them you are in training as a "prince" to rule them. You are nothing but little Prince of Darkness mini-me's. You never comforted and assured the sheep. When they had fears, you told them more horror stories and added to their fears; when they tried to please you, you spit on them and told them it wasn't enough, when they came to you with confidential problems, you called it SIN and passed your judgements on them in a kangeroo court, and when their loved ones died you used the opportunity as an advertising campaign to solicit additional congregation. Some of the poor little sheep saw your eyes turn the yellow color of the wolf and they ran away. And so they have been alone in the world, lost, without friends, without family, and afraid. How dare you call yourselves shepherds! You are torturous monsters. You have mocked the True God. The sheep and the goats are being separated. Do you know what happens when the sheep follow the goats? The goats, at the last minute, will run aside and lead the poor sheep right into the mouth of the lion! BEWARE. ADVICE TO THOSE WHO WILL LISTEN: To the people who will listen: What is coming, will come fast and hard. My advice to you is this. Do not get caught up in the politics of the day. Do not speak out against the leaders or the government. Do not get involved in groups stirring up trouble or causing scenes. Do not sign any petitions. Do not participate in what will be happening around you. For a time, go into your inner sanctum. Hide yourselves. Love one another and help each other. Be alone or be with those you trust. Do not get involved in big groups, or movements or religious affiliations. What is happening (at that time) is bigger than your leaders. Your leaders are merely pawns in all of this. They can do nothing to change what has been set in motion and neither can you. Now...the catalyst event that occurred in May. You will, in the future, hear this referred back to many times as "that day". Several months ago the only two options on the table were "drag it or drop it". The economy, that is. There is a plan waiting to be set in motion. The play is this...the people must be distraught and desperate and vunerable in order to accept this "ecomomic recovery plan." In May, our pres., like Pilate washing his hands of it, "says" he went against his "better judgement" and signed the bill voted by congress to halt the oil shipments to the U. S reserve. excerpt: The Strategic Petroleum Reserve was created in the 1970s as a precaution against major interruptions of oil supplies. Today at 701 million barrels it has enough to replace two months of oil imports. The following excerpt is from The Politics of Oil The statistics alone are not enough to reveal just how significant a political bargaining chip oil has become. The United States has what is known as the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve. According to Cato Institute writer Alan Reynolds, the United States has begun adding 160,000 barrels of oil daily into the SPR, and has given no indication of selling, but only of collecting barrels of oil. The concern for OPEC is that the United States could sell or simply use the oil from its own growing stockpile. According to Reynolds, there are 700 million barrels in this stockpile. While this may be threatening to OPEC, the fact of the matter is that America uses nearly 20 million barrels of oil a day, leading one to question just how truly threatening the American SPR is to the oil bosses of OPEC. American Oil Usage In the oil debate, America’s usage of oil is definitely a cause for concern. The United States Department of Energy shows where the oil is going. The Energy Department’s statistics show that electric power constituted three percent of oil demand, roughly 535,000 barrels of oil per day while only 382,000 barrels, or two percent of the pie, went to commercial usage. Industrial and residential demands make up the next two pieces of the oil pie, with 25 percent and 4 percent, respectively. All of these pieces of the pie, however, do not constitute the enormous drain of oil that is used for transportation in the United States. Transportation demands for oil comprise 66 percent, a whopping 13,244,000 barrels of oil per day. It is clear that in the world of global gas-guzzlers, the United States reigns supreme. My math seems to conflict with what has been presented. If there are 701 million barrels of oil in reserve and the US uses 20 million barrels per day....that does not add up to 2 months. I get 6 weeks. And that would be using every drop of it. What do you think the chances of that would be, that the gov would just give up every drop of it for six weeks? And then what? Now, here is the rub. There are certain groups and committees out there that have very strong committent to climate change. Here is some of the info they are putting out. Can you guess who it's aimed at? "Countries of the industrialized "North" have 20% of the worlds people but use about 80% of the worlds resources. By global standards they live extremely well. It's nice living the good life, but if everyone consumed as much as the North Americans and Western Europeans consume---and billions of people aspire to do just that---there probably would not be enough clean water and other vital natural resources to go around." (* why is US and Europe called the "NORTH"???*) The Ky..oto treaty, which the U.S. backed out and Russia signed instead, has fueled international resentment toward toward U.S. as well. excerpt: "The Convention tries to make sure that any sacrifices made in protecting our shared atmosphere will be shared fairly among countries in accordance with their common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities and their social and economic conditions." It has been discussed that there must be a way to induce compliance, an international enforcement mechanism which could authorize the use of punitive consequences against a non-compliant country. (The compliance mechanism of K..yoto does not meet this requirement.) However, there is a UN climate change summit and intergovermental panel on climate change and the International Law and Politics of Climate Change (IPCC) has sent strong signals to convince others to change their ways. The US has neither participated nor taken responsibility to improve the planet and thumbs its nose at the rest of the world. Surely between this and the war factors you can see that there is general international hatred toward the US. Now, as far as my opinion of global warming---it is an agenda which is being used in order to rid the world of 90% of the population so that the elite can live in a paradise with their advanced technology. It is not your Creator that is planning to kill everyone. It is the evil seed that has planned this. More about those things later. On to the big picture. Revelation 18:10 They will be terrified by her suffering. Standing far away, they will exclaim,
" 'How terrible! How terrible it is for you, great city!
How terrible for you, Babylon, city of power!
In just one hour you have been destroyed!' Can you not see who this Babylon really is? It is not any religious entity. It is a powerful country that has gone the way of Atlantis. This passage shows how other countries will view her fall. Who do you think this great city (nation) really is? Hey! It's not the end. And it's not Armageddon, yet. Just ride out the storm people. Tribulation will help you develop character and creativity. Prepare to hide yourselves for a time. DO NOT FEAR. We will all be in the same boat. ENDURE. Love one another. Help each other. Pray for guidance and to be under God's protective tent. The real reason this is happening now is because too many people have peeked behind the curtain and have learned what is going on. The enemy has to drop the curtain now to prevent disclosure of the "big plan" to the majority of people. But big mouth here will tell you! None of these things are happening by unexpected reaction. Every bit has been planned in detail. All organized religion as well as "the political element" is taking instruction from an unholy chain of command. They are all intending to bring about the demise of this overpopulated world. They plan to feed the sheep to the lions. (But that is further down the road and I will go into greater detail on this another time.) Just look at the way the Awake magazines taunt the people lately, stoking their fears of having no jobs and being homeless. It's because they are in cahoots with these evil powers and they know what they have helped to plan is about to happen. And then they have the gall to tell you it is spiritual food from ....well, it ain't from the Table of the True Creator, I guarantee you that! The most distressing aspect of all this is that when the bottom falls out, the sheep that are still in will cling tighter to their abusers. MUCH, MUCH LATER DOWN THE ROAD AFTER THIS EVENT.... When enough time has passed and the remaining people have who have endured this suffering are "sufficiently beaten down"; when the tide has turned and the people become docile zombies, people will be brought into "compliance" through this suffering. Then comes THE ILLUSION OF RECOVERY. This is a plan to set another chain of events into motion. Remember, the long term goal is still to feed the sheep to the lions and reduce earth's population by 90%. It will be at this time that the leadership powers will propose to drill for oil in the gulf and people will be willing to have this solution. The direct highway stretching from the border of Canada, through the midwest, and to M exico will be opened. I have shown you this map on a previous post. (If you want to find it, click on my name and it will be in my post history.) When these borders are opened, many great changes will then occur. We will no longer be the US of A. These three countries will be united, as was Europe, into a consolidation, probably called North A..meri.can U..nion. You will no longer have birthright citizenship. You will be told to "get your papers in order". Along with this it will be a greater convenience to have your "chip" (MARK) rather than to have to show your papers everywhere you go. As part of the "Green" programs that the N .AU may have to agree to in order to get limited shipments of imports, it will probably require such a cut back in industry that paper and plastics may be a thing of the past. All information will be stored digitally. It's a "green thing". Medical and financial records will be digitally co-ordinated. Paper receipts will not exist. All transactions will be through the chip. If you don't have one you will no longer be able to participate in society. Because the beast requires all, great and small, to take the mark (of slavery). Without the mark, you cannot buy or sell. There is much more to tell you. But that's enough for now. I am including some tidbits of documentary material at the end. Oh, yeah. I promised I would make the GB wet their pants, didn't I? Well, here goes. Listen up, you G(oat) B(utts).......You who are serving the god of this world and have had no fear or respect for the TRUE CREATOR! You who are living like parasites on the sheep! Listen up, you D.O.'s, C.O.'s, Yo-yo's and Elders! I will tell you the M.O.'s!! You snakes of satan have had your day of cock strutting. Pride goeth before a fall and you are about to get kicked to the curb. You have used the sheep as merchandise. Yes you have! You have conned them out of their worldly goods and you made their widows and children into orphans without inheritance. You are every one despicable. I serve THE MIGHTY CREATOR and He has tipped your hand! I am going to tell these people about the CHANGING OF THE WATCHTOWER GUARDS. Yep. You heard me right, you whoremongers of Babylon! I am going to tell them all about the "Men In Black" (or should I say "Men in (U N) Green") that you are sending out now. You COs, DOs, and Elders may as well kiss your arrogant a$$es good-bye. Your replacements are on the way. The restructure of the organization will come as no surprise to the r and f now, and when I blab all I know, your sheep will stampede the corral. They are not going to accept these new faced specially trained corporate demons. You are going to loose more. We will become a formidable force. We will be the Victors at Armageddon and all we have to do is STAND. Armageddon will be your day of the noose. And by the way people, these "church plants" have already started happening in Christendom. The old preachers are booted out overnight and in comes some corporate U N trained Joe preacher to take his place. It is sudden. They are "singing a new song" and it is a LIE. (they are doing away with the traditional choirs also) Christianity will soon be turning toward "bringing in Paradise earth"(THE LIE. The "strong delusion"). After this period of Great Chaos (and who do we know as the author of chaos?) is when they will begin to preach the Paradise Lie. Already they are slipping in doctrine changes and re-wording things to their slant. Instead of "end of the world" they now say "end of the Age". Perhaps the Watchtower methods were the ititial brainwashing experiments in this sort of manipulation? Anyway, the sleight-of-hand twisted doctrine has already begun to infest Christendom now. Right now, the christians are still holding onto "Rapture". Why? Because when people are arrested in the riots and protests to come, they will end up being among the "missing". Communications will be down and the "missing" will never be explained. The churches will pass it off saying the missing have been "raptured out". MUCH LATER DOWN THE ROAD....then they will start the new indoctrination of save the planet, restore the paradise. All religions will morph to the U N agenda. And by the way, about the "missing". Kat..rina was a dry run for that prep. Many are still "missing". They took them off in so many directions. There was one story where Kat..rina victims boarded a plane and were told they were being flown to Texas to join their families who had been split up on another plane. However, they were taken to some god-forsaken place in Utah and just "dropped off". That story made national news. Perhaps you remember? Many Kat..rina victims victims ended up as camp experiments. Why do you think we have never gotton any updates on them? Many people have just gone on with life and forgotton all about them. ("FE>MA" originally stood for " Emergency Mil..itary Action" (i.e. Martial Law) but was retitled " Emergency Man..agement A..genc..y" because it would be better received by the people of the United States." ) The way the Pat.ri.ot act is worded is that any upsurge which smacks of thr.eats (riots, unruly protests) can be considered as a terr..oist activity. You can be arres..ted. I will speak no more of this. Just advise you not to participate in these things you see happening around you soon. Prepare to hide yourselves. Inner sanctum. Well folks, I am as exhausted writing this as you are reading it. There is so much more to tell, but I can only give it to you in small doses. I know this post seems like a large dose, but there is a lot to cover in a very short time. Winnower IMMINENT COLLAPSE: FINE-TUNING THE PLANS Source: LAST NIGHTS SESSION WAS ONLY THE FOURTH TIME IN 176 YEARS THAT CONGRESS CLOSED ITS DOORS TO THE PUBLIC Word has begun leaking from last nights special, closed-door session of the United States House of Representatives. Not only did members discuss new surveillance provisions as was the publicly stated reason for the closed door session, they were also bluntly warned about:
• the imminent collapse of the U.S. economy to occur by September 2008,
• the imminent collapse of US federal government finances by February 2009,
• the possibility of Civil War inside the USA as a result of the collapse,
• advance round-ups of "insurgent U.S. citizens" likely to move against the government,
• The detention of those rounded-up at "REX 84" camps constructed throughout the USA,
• the possibility of retaliation against members of Congress for the collapses,
• the location of "safe facilities" for members of Congress and their families to reside during expected massive civil unrest
• the necessary and unavoidable merger of the United States with Canada (for its natural resources) and with Mexico (for its cheap labor pool),
• the issuance of a new currency - THE AMERO - for all three nations as the proposed solution to the coming economic armageddon.
Members of Congress were FORBIDDEN to reveal what was discussed and ABC News via WCPO web site in the report above CONFIRMS congress members were FORBIDDEN to talk about it! US halts buying for oil reserve May 17, 2008 US government says it will stop buying new supplies for its strategic oil reserve as new oil prices breached a record 127 dollars a barrel.
The government was acting on the orders of Congress, which on Tuesday voted with an overwhelming majority to stop the purchases to help bring down soaring oil prices.
Current purchase contracts expire at the end of June, but new agreements would not be signed for the second six months of 2008, according to a statement from the US Department of Energy.
Initially, the government had intended to continue buying 76,000 barrels a day through to December.
Under the administration of US President George W Bush, the strategic reserve inventory has climbed from 540 million barrels to the current 702 million barrels. The reserves are stored in the underground salt caverns located along the Gulf Coast of Louisiana and Texas.§ionid=3510203 -
by winnower inas i told you in a previous post, there would be a catalyst event in may that would cause some very serious and dire consequences to unfold very quickly in a chain of events.
how terrible for you, babylon, city of power!
if you don't have one you will no longer be able to participate in society.
Very sorry. I am on different computer with firefox and I do not know how to format this. would some kind soul please help? Again I apologize for this messy page.
by winnower inas i told you in a previous post, there would be a catalyst event in may that would cause some very serious and dire consequences to unfold very quickly in a chain of events.
how terrible for you, babylon, city of power!
if you don't have one you will no longer be able to participate in society.
Hello all. As I told you in a previous post, there would be a catalyst event in May that would cause some very serious and dire consequences to unfold very quickly in a chain of events. It has happened. You will now see these things happen in short order. In my last post to you I documented some news articles to bring you up to date on how rapidly things are happening now. In so many of the articles, mention was made that the events were "unexpected" and "worse than experts and analysts had forecasted or calculated" and were "doubling at an alarming rate". I left out the important event in those clippings. I was so hoping that someone would notice. I was hoping that someone else here might be watching for the event as I was. I thought maybe someone would post it and say "what about this?" I waited to hear. Before I go into this with you, I want to cover some other issues. One reason I think some of you may be "put off" is because I quoted a scripture that God does not do anything without first telling his servants, the prophets. The key word here is servants. The problem is that you are addressing the word "prophet" as though you think it means the pope or something. I am just an ordinary person. The scriptures tell you that there are spiritual gifts and it also tells you the purpose those gifts are given. It is certainly not for personal edification. Prophets have never been known to win a popularity contest! Those who claim to be your spiritual leaders---preachers, rabbis, ministers, elders, and of course the illustrious Governing Body---all claimed to be "called by god" and yet many carry on pompously and expect you to put them on a pedestal and be called names like "His Divine Holiness", "the Honorable and Revered Great Master's Favorite", "God's Direct Channel"---(stay tuned) etc. etc. Because you have been exposed to this falsehood and perversion exhibiting itself as grandiosity, you assume that "prophet" is another one that wants a shoe shine. No thank you. A prophet is a servant. Notice it is not even a capitalized word. It is not my mission to try to convince anyone. If any want to twist my words and make comments that I am predicting the end of the world and other such nonsense I will not give rebuttal. If you are familiar with Bible history, you will know that God has always sent prophets to his people to precede any major event. Another truth is that prophets have always been greeted with skepticism and abuse as well as being rejected by the majority. They have always suffered at the hands of the people to whom they were sent. I expect that. I also know that some out there will hear my words and the Spirit will bear witness to you that I speak truth. There are other people here who have done more to expose the fraud in your organization than I ever could. They have done great works and have sacrificed and given up whatever personal aspirations they may have had for themselves in order to pursue exposing the injustices done to all of you. You know all the people I am talking about. Others have given over their lives to helping you to heal and regain your sense of self. They have helped you to become the overcomers that you are now. These people have watched over you and guided you. They have given you comfort and vindication. Some have given you a voice and an arena. Jesus said "The good shepherd gives his life for the sheep." (John 10:11) These people have given their lives, in the work that they have done, in caring for you, the sheep. These are your genuine Annointed and it is no mystery. You know their names. There are Annointed from all walks of life, not just x-JWs. I am no one special. I am just a bigmouth foot soldier with a message. I am here for two reasons. First and foremost, I am here to warn and prepare the right-hearted, truth-seeking, conscienced-pierced children of the true God who are followers of Jesus. This also includes a lot of people here who call themselves "atheists". It includes people here who are Muslim, and every other denominational label they may have been co-erced to apply to themselves. Truth is in action, not just words! Many of these so-called "atheists" are better people (moral, loving) than most who profess to be "christians"! But the meaning of the word 'christian' has become perverted over the years and these people do not want to be associated with that word. I feel the same way. "Christianity" is a "doctrine of the world"...remember, we are called out of the world! It does not matter what word label society puts on you or what label you feel obligated to call yourself. Jesus said that we would be recognized by our love for one another. This is also part of the greatest commandment. This is how you profess Jesus in your life. By the love you have for one another. Period. No labels. Jesus illustrated how love behaves. Words are empty and misleading most of the time. Know the actions of love, the fruits of the spirit, and you will find your kindred. Pretty Boys and Cowgirls! Listen up. The scriptures say that is unnatural behavior. "Unnatural" simply means that it is not the norm. It's not the majority. Yes, the Bible says you shouldn't do it, and if you read down a few more verses it says you shouldn't eat pork or shellfish either! (If there are any among us who have not enjoyed a fine bar-b-que pig with yams and collards or a night out at Red Lobster, go ahead and throw a rock.) These instructions are all health and communal guidelines. That's why they are called 'statutes' and not laws. Homosexuality was not even important enough to make it into the "Top Ten". It's tragic that you all have been used for crusade material by self-righteous "christians". Shame on them. And if anyone gives you all any lip about it, tell them to read: Galations 3:8 "even a heathen is justified by his faith," 1 Peter 4:8 "Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins. Acts 13:39 "Through Him everyone who believes is made right with God. Moses' law could not make you right in God's eyes. Now that is accurate knowledge! Quit beating yourself up with guilt, stand up straight, and get on the bus. Secondly, I am here to bear testimony of the power of the true God. I am here to make your Governing Body pee in their pants. God is not mocked, you blasphemers! You were warned: (Rev. 16:15) You will all be stripped naked and all will see your shame. Be afraid. Be very afraid. By the way, motive #2 is well in progress. This forum has been doing a good job of ripping the pants off this false religion. So, I will jump into the fray and see if I can help move some things along. ALL religions are false. The Pope is going to be de-frocked too. And as for those televangelists....well, they will cut their own throats soon enough when the power grid goes down. The illuminati and all those "light-bearer" secret societies, the minions of Satan, will see they are headed into a loosing battle as God's prophets, your servants, reveal more details of the enemy's battle plans before they enact them. Listen up, you disgusting filth calling yourselves a "governing body" and taking orders and bribes from another entity! It is your day of reckoning that is at hand! You have maligned the holy scrolls. You could never "rightly divine the word of God". "Divide" is a mis-translation, and divide it you did! You chopped it into little pieces and rearranged it. You contorted the meanings to confuse people and sway them. All for the evil purposes of obtaining power and wealth. Your illusion will soon be ended. You used a sweet enticement to the sheep who were searching for life's meaning. You told them tidbits of truth and won them over. You lied and told them you were the shepherd. But as they followed you, you mixed lies in with the truth. You laced their 'spiritual food' with mind-numbing zombie drugs and corralled them against their will by holding their families hostage. You took your venemous words and made them into your own laws and you beat the poor sheep in the head. This is to you, too, C.O.'s, and D.O.'s and puffed up Elders. What audicity to wield power over people telling them you are in training as a "prince" to rule them. You are nothing but little Prince of Darkness mini-me's. You never comforted and assured the sheep. When they had fears, you told them more horror stories and added to their fears; when they tried to please you, you spit on them and told them it wasn't enough, when they came to you with confidential problems, you called it SIN and passed your judgements on them in a kangeroo court, and when their loved ones died you used the opportunity as an advertising campaign to solicit additional congregation. Some of the poor little sheep saw your eyes turn the yellow color of the wolf and they ran away. And so they have been alone in the world, lost, without friends, without family, and afraid. How dare you call yourselves shepherds! You are torturous monsters. You have mocked the True God. The sheep and the goats are being separated. Do you know what happens when the sheep follow the goats? The goats, at the last minute, will run aside and lead the poor sheep right into the mouth of the lion! BEWARE. ADVICE TO THOSE WHO WILL LISTEN: To the people who will listen: What is coming, will come fast and hard. My advice to you is this. Do not get caught up in the politics of the day. Do not speak out against the leaders or the government. Do not get involved in groups stirring up trouble or causing scenes. Do not sign any petitions. Do not participate in what will be happening around you. For a time, go into your inner sanctum. Hide yourselves. Love one another and help each other. Be alone or be with those you trust. Do not get involved in big groups, or movements or religious affiliations. What is happening (at that time) is bigger than your leaders. Your leaders are merely pawns in all of this. They can do nothing to change what has been set in motion and neither can you. Now...the catalyst event that occurred in May. You will, in the future, hear this referred back to many times as "that day". Several months ago the only two options on the table were "drag it or drop it". The economy, that is. There is a plan waiting to be set in motion. The play is this...the people must be distraught and desperate and vunerable in order to accept this "ecomomic recovery plan." In May, our pres., like Pilate washing his hands of it, "says" he went against his "better judgement" and signed the bill voted by congress to halt the oil shipments to the U. S reserve. excerpt: The Strategic Petroleum Reserve was created in the 1970s as a precaution against major interruptions of oil supplies. Today at 701 million barrels it has enough to replace two months of oil imports. The following excerpt is from The Politics of Oil The statistics alone are not enough to reveal just how significant a political bargaining chip oil has become. The United States has what is known as the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve. According to Cato Institute writer Alan Reynolds, the United States has begun adding 160,000 barrels of oil daily into the SPR, and has given no indication of selling, but only of collecting barrels of oil. The concern for OPEC is that the United States could sell or simply use the oil from its own growing stockpile. According to Reynolds, there are 700 million barrels in this stockpile. While this may be threatening to OPEC, the fact of the matter is that America uses nearly 20 million barrels of oil a day, leading one to question just how truly threatening the American SPR is to the oil bosses of OPEC. American Oil Usage In the oil debate, America’s usage of oil is definitely a cause for concern. The United States Department of Energy shows where the oil is going. The Energy Department’s statistics show that electric power constituted three percent of oil demand, roughly 535,000 barrels of oil per day while only 382,000 barrels, or two percent of the pie, went to commercial usage. Industrial and residential demands make up the next two pieces of the oil pie, with 25 percent and 4 percent, respectively. All of these pieces of the pie, however, do not constitute the enormous drain of oil that is used for transportation in the United States. Transportation demands for oil comprise 66 percent, a whopping 13,244,000 barrels of oil per day. It is clear that in the world of global gas-guzzlers, the United States reigns supreme. My math seems to conflict with what has been presented. If there are 701 million barrels of oil in reserve and the US uses 20 million barrels per day....that does not add up to 2 months. I get 6 weeks. And that would be using every drop of it. What do you think the chances of that would be, that the gov would just give up every drop of it for six weeks? And then what? Now, here is the rub. There are certain groups and committees out there that have very strong committent to climate change. Here is some of the info they are putting out. Can you guess who it's aimed at? "Countries of the industrialized "North" have 20% of the worlds people but use about 80% of the worlds resources. By global standards they live extremely well. It's nice living the good life, but if everyone consumed as much as the North Americans and Western Europeans consume---and billions of people aspire to do just that---there probably would not be enough clean water and other vital natural resources to go around." (* why is US and Europe called the "NORTH"???*) The Ky..oto treaty, which the U.S. backed out and Russia signed instead, has fueled international resentment toward toward U.S. as well. excerpt: "The Convention tries to make sure that any sacrifices made in protecting our shared atmosphere will be shared fairly among countries in accordance with their common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities and their social and economic conditions." It has been discussed that there must be a way to induce compliance, an international enforcement mechanism which could authorize the use of punitive consequences against a non-compliant country. (The compliance mechanism of K..yoto does not meet this requirement.) However, there is a UN climate change summit and intergovermental panel on climate change and the International Law and Politics of Climate Change (IPCC) has sent strong signals to convince others to change their ways. The US has neither participated nor taken responsibility to improve the planet and thumbs its nose at the rest of the world. Surely between this and the war factors you can see that there is general international hatred toward the US. Now, as far as my opinion of global warming---it is an agenda which is being used in order to rid the world of 90% of the population so that the elite can live in a paradise with their advanced technology. It is not your Creator that is planning to kill everyone. It is the evil seed that has planned this. More about those things later. On to the big picture. Revelation 18:10 They will be terrified by her suffering. Standing far away, they will exclaim, " 'How terrible! How terrible it is for you, great city! How terrible for you, Babylon, city of power! In just one hour you have been destroyed!' Can you not see who this Babylon really is? It is not any religious entity. It is a powerful country that has gone the way of Atlantis. This passage shows how other countries will view her fall. Who do you think this great city (nation) really is? Hey! It's not the end. And it's not Armageddon, yet. Just ride out the storm people. Tribulation will help you develop character and creativity. Prepare to hide yourselves for a time. DO NOT FEAR. We will all be in the same boat. ENDURE. Love one another. Help each other. Pray for guidance and to be under God's protective tent. The real reason this is happening now is because too many people have peeked behind the curtain and have learned what is going on. The enemy has to drop the curtain now to prevent disclosure of the "big plan" to the majority of people. But big mouth here will tell you! None of these things are happening by unexpected reaction. Every bit has been planned in detail. All organized religion as well as "the political element" is taking instruction from an unholy chain of command. They are all intending to bring about the demise of this overpopulated world. They plan to feed the sheep to the lions. (But that is further down the road and I will go into greater detail on this another time.) Just look at the way the Awake magazines taunt the people lately, stoking their fears of having no jobs and being homeless. It's because they are in cahoots with these evil powers and they know what they have helped to plan is about to happen. And then they have the gall to tell you it is spiritual food from ....well, it ain't from the Table of the True Creator, I guarantee you that! The most distressing aspect of all this is that when the bottom falls out, the sheep that are still in will cling tighter to their abusers. MUCH, MUCH LATER DOWN THE ROAD AFTER THIS EVENT.... When enough time has passed and the remaining people have who have endured this suffering are "sufficiently beaten down"; when the tide has turned and the people become docile zombies, people will be brought into "compliance" through this suffering. Then comes THE ILLUSION OF RECOVERY. This is a plan to set another chain of events into motion. Remember, the long term goal is still to feed the sheep to the lions and reduce earth's population by 90%. It will be at this time that the leadership powers will propose to drill for oil in the gulf and people will be willing to have this solution. The direct highway stretching from the border of Canada, through the midwest, and to M exico will be opened. I have shown you this map on a previous post. (If you want to find it, click on my name and it will be in my post history.) When these borders are opened, many great changes will then occur. We will no longer be the US of A. These three countries will be united, as was Europe, into a consolidation, probably called North A..meri.can U..nion. You will no longer have birthright citizenship. You will be told to "get your papers in order". Along with this it will be a greater convenience to have your "chip" (MARK) rather than to have to show your papers everywhere you go. As part of the "Green" programs that the N .AU may have to agree to in order to get limited shipments of imports, it will probably require such a cut back in industry that paper and plastics may be a thing of the past. All information will be stored digitally. It's a "green thing". Medical and financial records will be digitally co-ordinated. Paper receipts will not exist. All transactions will be through the chip. If you don't have one you will no longer be able to participate in society. Because the beast requires all, great and small, to take the mark (of slavery). Without the mark, you cannot buy or sell. There is much more to tell you. But that's enough for now. I am including some tidbits of documentary material at the end. Oh, yeah. I promised I would make the GB wet their pants, didn't I? Well, here goes. Listen up, you G(oat) B(utts).......You who are serving the god of this world and have had no fear or respect for the TRUE CREATOR! You who are living like parasites on the sheep! Listen up, you D.O.'s, C.O.'s, Yo-yo's and Elders! I will tell you the M.O.'s!! You snakes of satan have had your day of cock strutting. Pride goeth before a fall and you are about to get kicked to the curb. You have used the sheep as merchandise. Yes you have! You have conned them out of their worldly goods and you made their widows and children into orphans without inheritance. You are every one despicable. I serve THE MIGHTY CREATOR and He has tipped your hand! I am going to tell these people about the CHANGING OF THE WATCHTOWER GUARDS. Yep. You heard me right, you whoremongers of Babylon! I am going to tell them all about the "Men In Black" (or should I say "Men in (U N) Green") that you are sending out now. You COs, DOs, and Elders may as well kiss your arrogant a$$es good-bye. Your replacements are on the way. The restructure of the organization will come as no surprise to the r and f now, and when I blab all I know, your sheep will stampede the corral. They are not going to accept these new faced specially trained corporate demons. You are going to loose more. We will become a formidable force. We will be the Victors at Armageddon and all we have to do is STAND. Armageddon will be your day of the noose. And by the way people, these "church plants" have already started happening in Christendom. The old preachers are booted out overnight and in comes some corporate U N trained Joe preacher to take his place. It is sudden. They are "singing a new song" and it is a LIE. (they are doing away with the traditional choirs also) Christianity will soon be turning toward "bringing in Paradise earth"(THE LIE. The "strong delusion"). After this period of Great Chaos (and who do we know as the author of chaos?) is when they will begin to preach the Paradise Lie. Already they are slipping in doctrine changes and re-wording things to their slant. Instead of "end of the world" they now say "end of the Age". Perhaps the Watchtower methods were the ititial brainwashing experiments in this sort of manipulation? Anyway, the sleight-of-hand twisted doctrine has already begun to infest Christendom now. Right now, the christians are still holding onto "Rapture". Why? Because when people are arrested in the riots and protests to come, they will end up being among the "missing". Communications will be down and the "missing" will never be explained. The churches will pass it off saying the missing have been "raptured out". MUCH LATER DOWN THE ROAD....then they will start the new indoctrination of save the planet, restore the paradise. All religions will morph to the U N agenda. And by the way, about the "missing". Kat..rina was a dry run for that prep. Many are still "missing". They took them off in so many directions. There was one story where Kat..rina victims boarded a plane and were told they were being flown to Texas to join their families who had been split up on another plane. However, they were taken to some god-forsaken place in Utah and just "dropped off". That story made national news. Perhaps you remember? Many Kat..rina victims victims ended up as camp experiments. Why do you think we have never gotton any updates on them? Many people have just gone on with life and forgotton all about them. ("FE>MA" originally stood for " Emergency Mil..itary Action" (i.e. Martial Law) but was retitled " Emergency Man..agement A..genc..y" because it would be better received by the people of the United States." ) The way the Pat.ri.ot act is worded is that any upsurge which smacks of thr.eats (riots, unruly protests) can be considered as a terr..oist activity. You can be arres..ted. I will speak no more of this. Just advise you not to participate in these things you see happening around you soon. Prepare to hide yourselves. Inner sanctum. Well folks, I am as exhausted writing this as you are reading it. There is so much more to tell, but I can only give it to you in small doses. I know this post seems like a large dose, but there is a lot to cover in a very short time. Winnower IMMINENT COLLAPSE: FINE-TUNING THE PLANS Source: LAST NIGHTS SESSION WAS ONLY THE FOURTH TIME IN 176 YEARS THAT CONGRESS CLOSED ITS DOORS TO THE PUBLIC Word has begun leaking from last nights special, closed-door session of the United States House of Representatives. Not only did members discuss new surveillance provisions as was the publicly stated reason for the closed door session, they were also bluntly warned about: • the imminent collapse of the U.S. economy to occur by September 2008, • the imminent collapse of US federal government finances by February 2009, • the possibility of Civil War inside the USA as a result of the collapse, • advance round-ups of "insurgent U.S. citizens" likely to move against the government, • The detention of those rounded-up at "REX 84" camps constructed throughout the USA, • the possibility of retaliation against members of Congress for the collapses, • the location of "safe facilities" for members of Congress and their families to reside during expected massive civil unrest • the necessary and unavoidable merger of the United States with Canada (for its natural resources) and with Mexico (for its cheap labor pool), • the issuance of a new currency - THE AMERO - for all three nations as the proposed solution to the coming economic armageddon. Members of Congress were FORBIDDEN to reveal what was discussed and ABC News via WCPO web site in the report above CONFIRMS congress members were FORBIDDEN to talk about it! US halts buying for oil reserve May 17, 2008 US government says it will stop buying new supplies for its strategic oil reserve as new oil prices breached a record 127 dollars a barrel. The government was acting on the orders of Congress, which on Tuesday voted with an overwhelming majority to stop the purchases to help bring down soaring oil prices. Current purchase contracts expire at the end of June, but new agreements would not be signed for the second six months of 2008, according to a statement from the US Department of Energy. Initially, the government had intended to continue buying 76,000 barrels a day through to December. Under the administration of US President George W Bush, the strategic reserve inventory has climbed from 540 million barrels to the current 702 million barrels. The reserves are stored in the underground salt caverns located along the Gulf Coast of Louisiana and Texas.§ionid=3510203