JoinedTopics Started by winnower
Death Warrant for Jesus
by winnower ind r. c. c. bombaugh found a rare record of the death of christ and recorded it in his 1875 edition of gleanings for the curious from the harvest-fields of literature.
the "death warrant of jesus of nazareth" was engraved on a copper artifact and bombaugh reported that of the many interesting relics and fragments brought to light by the preserving researches of antiquarians, none could be more interesting to the philanthropist.
and believer than the followingto christians the most imposing judicial document ever recorded in human annuals.
Moses was Illuminati Wizard
by winnower inthe mystery of god is finished.
when you understand the mystery of god, you will realize that this is the abomination of desolation.
it is an abomination because it is a lie that has been carried on for way too many centuries.
The insanity inside Guantánamo
by nvrgnbk inthe insanity inside guantanamoa new report reveals that many prisoners -- even some long ago cleared to leave -- are spiraling into hallucinations, despair and suicide.. .
the two staff members of the nonprofit group human rights watch produced a new in-depth report published tuesday by the organization, on which this article is based.
wake at 4:30 or 5:00. pray.
Do the JW's really and truly believe that the end is near?
by TooBad TooSad inif the jw's really believe what the witchtower babble and trick society says about.
the end being so close, do their actions betray what they preach?
if you knew that your house.
time to leave after 42 yrs of marriage
by tiffy0212 inmarried 42 yrs and ready to leave.
my husband is a jw and has been for 38 yrs.
i even joined from 1974 to 1985 to keep my family together.
Did GOD become a Man?
by UnDisfellowshipped indid god become a man?.
some 2,013 years ago, a baby boy was born in a small town in the middle east, and he grew up and lived around 30 years before being put to death.
today, two millenniums later, over 2 billion people claim to follow that man, and they claim that this man lives, even though he died!.
god's organization...
by kzjw inis that term blaphemy, or is it idolotry?
if i'm an ubm, but know that "though shall have no other gods before me" i am spiritually wndangering myself?
my mate tries to defuse this debate by saying the organization exists in the form of angels, but were she to spew that bs to an elder, i'm sure she'd get some serious counselling.
Angel Armies: good or bad?
by winnower inwho is the "god-of -the- angel-armies" mentioned here?
(last verse).
is this the "god of the fallen angels"?
Of Frogs and Demons
by winnower inrevelation 16:16 (message bible) the frog-demons gathered the kings together at the place called in hebrew armageddon.
sounds like a bilderberg meeting to me!.
do take note...there isa controlling entity behind the kings....... .
Bush- Hoping to be vindicated by historians for erradicating terrorism
by nvrgnbk innevermind that most contemporary historians view him as the worst u.s. prez ever.citing history, bush suggests his policies will one day be vindicatedby dan eggenwashington post staff writer .
monday, june 9, 2008; page a03 meet george w. bush, time traveler.
he's in poland in 1939 as nazi tanks advance on warsaw, then flying with his navy-pilot father to battle imperial japan.