JoinedTopics Started by hotchocolate
Women: Do you pray in presence of men?
by outofthebox indo you still find it difficult to pray for the family, let's say, if your husband or another man is present?
do you still feel uncomfortable to do it?.
Tell Us About Your FIRST KISS
by AWAKE&WATCHING ini was not raised in the cult.
i lived across the street from a county group home that housed 10-12 teen-age boys at any one time.
i was 14 and in heaven.
What J.W teaching did you find the hardest to accept??
by karter infor me it was the fact that god is allowing all these innocent people to get killed to prove a point ,i mean it was a big bet he had with satan.. i explained it to my wife this way if i had our children killed in the most horriable way just to show they couldn't live without me how does that make me look?.
Abstain from Blood...
by hotchocolate inmy first post was a few days ago now, and finally my heart has stopped pounding whenever i log on.. :-).
so, i have been in the truth all my life, 3rd generation witness, never left, never been in trouble, pioneered for years, and am a respected member of my congregation.
at the moment.
Anyone who joined here in the last 6 months post here
by WT=watchtrouble ini thought it would be interesting to see just how many people have climbed aboard jwd within the last 6 months.
it will give us an indication on how many people are actually coming away from the borg.. i may not be replying all the time but will pop in every day of so.. lets keep this thread going and use it to welcome new ones.
may i be the first to say welcome.
News from Mother ship
by jefferywhat in1. bethel in ny suspect high level apostate, cant identify it but know its there.
2. major organizational changes about to start rolling out, one is changes to the "service committee" and titles, po to be done away with, thats all i know for now.
was told that if you are the sort of person that cant handle changes, you wont stay in the org for long.
My Story
by jwfacts ini received an email from a lawyer who has been studying with witnesses for some time.
he wanted to know my story, if i am disfellowshipped and if i have an axe to grind, in order to know if the information at can be trusted.
i was raised a jw, my aunty and uncle, many cousins and grandparents are jws.
Do not Disassociate, Anull your baptism
by jwfacts ini am now a jedi, so trust me on this.. .
why dis-associate, you are just playing by the wts rules?
how can you dis-associate anyway, you never thought you were baptised as a watchtower society member, you thought your dedication was to god, so why formally disassociate from something you did not formally join?
More Suicides
by JWD inwithin the past week a couple was found dead in their home here in.
southern osaka japan.the couple was in their 50`s and the husband was.
the elder in a congregation in a city named kishiwada.the husband.