Cool ta for that, adding it to my research list... xx
JoinedPosts by hotchocolate
I'm really trying to understand....
by Anti-Christ inwhen i start topics on the bible i'm not trying to pick a fight i'm really trying to understand why some people stick to the belief that the bible is the inherent word of god.. when i figured out that the wtbs was full of s*&t i started to research the bible to learn more about it and to have a better understanding of what god wanted from me but to my surprised i found more then was expected.. i have to go now but i will continue after work....
I'm really trying to understand....
by Anti-Christ inwhen i start topics on the bible i'm not trying to pick a fight i'm really trying to understand why some people stick to the belief that the bible is the inherent word of god.. when i figured out that the wtbs was full of s*&t i started to research the bible to learn more about it and to have a better understanding of what god wanted from me but to my surprised i found more then was expected.. i have to go now but i will continue after work....
AC - do you have any sites or links to the info you mentioned re the Bible's history? x
Anyone not tell or cover for somebody in the cong?
by cognac inthere was an elder that asked me to fix his computer.
i was being nosy and found out he looked at a lot of porn.
he was a nice guy and was at bethel for years... i never said anything about it....
I still remember this experience a few years ago at the assembly that made me MAD.. the CO gave a talk about this brother who fixed another brother's computer and "accidently" stumbled across the fact that he was looking at porn. And of course he dobbed and got the guy into big trouble over it. It seemed to me to be a big ooooh-don't-look-at-porn-or-you'll-get-caught fear campaign and straight away I thought how ridiculous it was that he "stumbled" across it. To me going through internet history is like rifling through drawers. I was disgusted that not only had this guy forwarded that information but now it was being transmitted into our circuit assembly. Ridiculous. How many witnesses would have looked at porn in their lifetime? Get over it.
Ways to keep entertained when going to a meeting...
by cognac inlets see, this is what i got so far:.
played games on cell phone.
did my own personal research.
Vicodin, Alcohol... hahaha
Actually a shot before the service meeting may not be such a bad idea... :-)
But really, I can SO relate to this, Cognac...
For me I usually print off a Proclaimers or old WT article I want to check out. Then I sit at the back and do some research. Recently though I've been finding that I suddenly fall ill mid-meeting and I have to get home quick. :-) I'm currently trying to work on something a little more permanent... something that requires a lot of specialist visits away.
Anyway, just to let you know that I relate wholeheartedly. When you've found so many discrepancies in your belief it's very difficult to sit still and listen to it for two hours on a mid-week night.
x -
Issue Number 2.... Incorrect Predictions.
by hotchocolate inokay, just to re-introduce myself, i was raised in the truth, regular pioneered for years, and am a member in good standing with my congregation.
i have just recently been shocked to realise that i actually have some doubts about the truth.
it helps for me to focus on one point at a time, and to write down my thoughts in a logical sequence.
PS Jeffreywhat... I'd be interested in reading more on your research with the flood, evolution etc.. do you have any posts you could link me to?
x -
What prompted the whopper of all Flip Flops? (Sodom & G. resurrection)
by Open mind inin pre-studying my watchtower for this sunday, (with mary's assistance on v's thread of course), i was reminded of something i've wondered about re: the whole "will the residents of sodom & gomorrah be resurrected?
" question.. to my knowledge, this one holds the watchtower record for most number of flip-flops.
please correct me if i'm wrong.
QUOTE ***Sometimes there is a bad connection with the Holy Spirit and this causes the New Light to have a strobe effect. I am sure that the FDS is working on the connection problems as we speak. Can't you just wait on Jehovah for crying out loud!***
Oh my goodness I can't stop laughing... strobe effect... that is precious... LOL -
by JH in$50 a month is needed for my car, gas and time i spend here posting interesting topics that strengthens your faith.. with 1000 active posters here, it's only 5 cents each.. since we can't raise our hands here, just post a yes if you agree to contribute and no if you don't.. keep this verse in mind when you vote : "for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
" (luke 12:34).
i would also need 2 posters, one to present this resolution and one to second it.
Issue Number 2.... Incorrect Predictions.
by hotchocolate inokay, just to re-introduce myself, i was raised in the truth, regular pioneered for years, and am a member in good standing with my congregation.
i have just recently been shocked to realise that i actually have some doubts about the truth.
it helps for me to focus on one point at a time, and to write down my thoughts in a logical sequence.
Hey thanks for all your posts.. I've been reading them but no time to reply till now. Bob1999, Confucious, Besty... thank you.
Voideater... :-)
QUOTE ***all the thinking! Welcome to the fresh air where your brain is appreciated***
Ha ha.. funny you say this.. my very sweet, elderly Presiding Overseer told me recently.. "You're thinking too much! Why don't you just stop researching everything for a bit and see how you feel." I know he meant well but I only just recently pulled my head out of the sand and I'm not sure how to go about digging it back down in there.
QUOTE ***It doesn't matter what they want to be called: mother, prophet, organization, channel, faithful and discreet slave, ark, etc. Those are just names. What matters is what they claim to know and what action they expect based on that knowledge.***
Perfectly said. Nail on the head, thank you.
***This says it all. So . . . now you know in your heart . . . what will you choose to do about it?***
I don't know!!! :-( I'm writing down all my conclusions at the moment because I want to be clear in my mind about what I'm learning. What to do about it is consuming my mind. That's something I'm still analysing. Big decisions ahead.
QUOTE ***What has me in a spin is the flood, global or not, evolutionary/creative process and most importantly the actual identification of Jesus and Michael.***
Actually the flood and the evolutionary/creative process were two of the things that I ALWAYS had an issue with. And these were very first things I started researching. The whole "animals ate vegetables" thing has always seemed embarrassingly ludicrous to me as well. And how did eight people look after the entire world's animal population? Every species on earth today had to be represented in that ark. If a zoo contained that many animals today, how large would it be? How many employees would it have?
But the problem for me with this line of argument is that the practicalities can always be explained away as a miracle. Although this doesn't sit well with me, that's the fallback line I kept coming up against.
QUOTE ***I still feel that there is no guy behind the curtain, I dont think the GB conspires for power or financial gain, I think they have got it wrong from time to time, but so have I.***
I agree with this. Just as I know personally of pompous men in the truth who transparently enjoy the power of being an elder, I also know equally that there are many good men who are humble and earnest in their beliefs. And although the society is worth a fortune, if this was about financial gain we should see the higher members living the high life, which I just don't think is the case. I'm convinced these men are sincere. But we also know that being sincere is not enough.
QUOTE ***Search but dont get bitter.***
Good point. Bitterness distorts truth and I want to avoid any more of that at all costs..
QUOTE ***For the first time I feel like a have a moral and spiritual obligation to make sure of things and to really search out what I believe, our generation asks why and how alot. This forum is not the ideal place to do that, sure you find out some amazing facts and some crazy stories but no answers on which to build a belief system.***
This is what has me stumped. Like many people from the first month I was born I spent 5 hours a week at meetings, then more time in family study, another few hours a week telling people about it, and all my family and friends believing the same thing. I was never able to build any depth of relationship with a single person who DIDN'T believe. How do you move on to building a belief system after that? My heart is trained to believe what I've been taught. My own logic is still intact, my mind is certain, but at the moment I feel my childhood training throws me.
This forum may not lead me to a belief system, but I'm hoping it may help open my heart to begin the search.
x -
Issue Number 2.... Incorrect Predictions.
by hotchocolate inokay, just to re-introduce myself, i was raised in the truth, regular pioneered for years, and am a member in good standing with my congregation.
i have just recently been shocked to realise that i actually have some doubts about the truth.
it helps for me to focus on one point at a time, and to write down my thoughts in a logical sequence.
Nice work Double Oh 7. I only did 5 regular. I'm impressed.. LOL Let's compare pio stories sometime. Bet I can whip your butt... :-P
COGNAC great research girl. I missed the Ezekiel analogy altogether.. thank you! :-)
And Atlantis/Leolaia fantastic! I'm CD-ROMing all this stuff to favourites. Quotes that I can find on the current CD-ROM are perfect. Cause of course anything that isn't on there has automatically been tampered with...
Thanks for your support BTW.. I'm not getting much right now..
x -
Issue Number 2.... Incorrect Predictions.
by hotchocolate inokay, just to re-introduce myself, i was raised in the truth, regular pioneered for years, and am a member in good standing with my congregation.
i have just recently been shocked to realise that i actually have some doubts about the truth.
it helps for me to focus on one point at a time, and to write down my thoughts in a logical sequence.
Oh, sorry didn't finish my point. This Chenin Blanc is kicking in I think.. :-)
So a few things he said gave me the indication that the WT72 "prophet" article I think is dismissed by elders because of the quotation marks. They didn't really mean they WERE a false prophet. Only that they were LIKE a false prophet. Or something.