Is the larger building still used as a church?
At least OSM clearly names the Kingdom Hall "Kingdom Hall" but does not show anything for the other building. Btw, the Kingdom Hall itself looks like a church ;)
64 queens street newton abbot devon england.
Is the larger building still used as a church?
At least OSM clearly names the Kingdom Hall "Kingdom Hall" but does not show anything for the other building. Btw, the Kingdom Hall itself looks like a church ;)
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We should parody EVERY one of the stupid Caleb and Sofia videos
I was considering that ;)
since many years the nov public wt has only one color and no picture on the front cover.. very strange.
so the design department saves time and can go from door to door ...... .
Since many years the NOV public WT has only one color and NO picture on the front cover.
The November 2013, November 2012, and November 2011 public Watchtowers have a full-color picture on the front cover.
jws claim that even such a small thing as proclaiming 1986 as the international year for peace was foretold in the bible.
this raises the question: why was such a great thing as internet (the influence of which could not even be compared with anything in the history at all) not foretold in the bible?
with internet and tv the world has become literally a global village!.
Internet not foretold in the Bible?
Was it not?
With some scripture twising, just like the WTS does it, you can proof beyond doubt that the Bible foretold the Internet:
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Where is Sparlock?
Sorry, shall not happen again!
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i have published more than 200 'daily text' comments in german, and will now start translating those into english.
they will be published here:.
Alternative Daily Text for Monday, September 1, 2014
Abraham wanted to regale Jehovah with cake. Baking cakes was women’s work already back then, so Abraham charged his wife with this task. That was in harmony with the teachings of the ‘faithful and discreet slave,’ for “children can see, for example, that men build houses and women bake cakes.” (The Watchtower, September 15, 1973, page 554) “You teen-age girls, have you taken an interest in preparing meals for your household? How many pastries and cakes have you learned to bake?” – The Watchtower, February 1, 1978, page 5.
Likewise today, men can instruct their wives or daughters to bake cakes. But they should not follow the example of Sándor Völgyes who “asked his wife to bake cakes and to put Watchtower articles into them.” (1996 Yearbook of Jehovah’s Witnesses, page 104) Such may have been possible in the 1950s, but today the Watchtower magazines are printed with toxic ink for financial reasons. However, the Bible mentions another detail that is important when it comes to cake baking.
Abraham had asked Sarah to bake “round cakes.” Later the Israelites “began to bake the flour dough that they had brought out from Egypt into round cakes.” (Exodus 12:39) According to the Mosaic Law, only “ring-shaped cakes” were fit for sacrificial use (Leviticus 7:12) Centuries later, when an angel raised the prophet Elijah out of his sleep, “there at his head was a round cake.” – 1 Kings 19:6.
So all acceptable cakes had been round back then. A widow in Zarephath once slid into a dangerous situation when she had to tell Elijah: “As Jehovah your God is living, I have no round cake.” Elijah did not punish her, though, but rather said to her: “Do not be afraid … Only from what is there make me a small round cake.” (1 Kings 17:13) Since “all the things that were written aforetime were written for our instruction,” Jehovah surely included this detail in his word by intention.
Obviously it is God’s will that women and girls bake round cakes. Once Tamar, David’s daughter, ignored this command and baked “heart-shaped cakes.” What were the consequences? She was raped and spent the rest of her life in isolation. (2 Samuel 13:14, 20) What a terrible punishment she had to suffer because she did not bake a round cake!
If we want to please God, we must not bake square or heart-shaped cakes. False prophets flood today’s world with sheet cake recipes, but in reality this propaganda comes from Satan. Only “round cakes,” baked by women or girls, are acceptable to worshippers of Jehovah. We must not take this issue easy; even King David warned of “the apostate mockers for a cake.” (Psalm 35:16) No, we must heed God’s just principles in every aspect of our lives, also when baking.
full set .
i put that album together so you don't have to give www.jw.borg any more traffic .
Can you imagine the size of a camp that could accommodate up to 4 millions people and animals ?
Due to the many animals, the camp might have had a diameter of 12, or maybe even 30 miles. Depending on one’s home location, the way to the privy and back could have taken a day or more.
a while ago i wrote the (un)holy scriptures in german.
originally i considered them untranslatable, but i decided to give it a try.
so here is the first of ten books.. .
These are the words of Chihuajah the prophet: “Furthermore, it is you Jehovah’s Witnesses God made dead though you were alive according to the system of things of this world, according to the ruler of the authority of the fresh air, the spirit that now operates in the worldlings. Yes, among them you all at one time conducted yourselves in harmony with nature, doing the things that normal people do, and you were naturally normal people even as the rest. But God, who is rich in wrath, made you dead together with the Christ, even when you were alive. Now choose for yourselves today whom you will serve, whether the gods that your parents who were in the congregation served or the gods of the worldlings in whose land you are dwelling. But as for me and my household, we shall not serve Jehovah.”
Now the Governing Body members were old, advanced in days; and they would cover them with banknotes, but they would not feel warm. Keep this mental attitude in you that was also in Charles Taze Russell, who, although he was a haberdasher by trade, gave no consideration to a normal career, namely, that he should be equal to his father. No, but he sold his business and grew a long beard and came to be in the likeness of prophets. More than that, when he wrote books and tracts and sold them in all the world, he found morons who printed and distributed his books for free. And the Bible Students proceeded to do what was bad in the eyes of Jehovah, so that he sold them into the hand of Rutherford the Judge. O how they have come to be without a vision, the people that was abundant with end-time prophecies! Finally God said: “How long will this people treat me without respect? Let me strike them with pestilence and drive them away.” At length the wall came to completion.
God did not hold back from punishing a former Governing Body, but sent Joseph F. Rutherford, a preacher of hogwash, to prison with seven others, not forsaking the gathering of himself and the devil together, as some have the custom, but encouraging Satan, and all the more so as he behold the day that he himself determined drawing near. Likewise he desires the women to adorn themselves in short dress, with pertness and a sense of beauty, not with special witnessing bag or very long skirt, for a wife is bound during all the time her husband is awake. But if her husband should fall asleep, she is free to do what she wants, only with a man. And the Watchtower Society who was misleading them was hurled into the lake of fire and sulphur, where both the pope and Enron already were; and they will be tormented with Kingdom Melodies day and night forever and ever, all the days until the conclusion of the system of things.
When will these things be, and what will be the sign of the conclusion of the system of the Watchtower? For God loved the world so much that the love of the Father is not in him, which is why everyone exercising faith in him might not have everlasting life but be destroyed. A calm heart is the life of the fleshly organism, but witnessing is rottenness to the bones. For there is more happiness in receiving than there is in giving. Thus do not be anxious over anything, but in everything by wish lists and verbal remarks let your petitions be made known to Santa Claus.
Go therefore and make food staples of people of all the nations, terrorizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, and do do not be irritating them, but go on bringing them up in the discipline and mental-regulating of the solid food that belongs to mature people. That statement is faithful. As newborn infants, form a longing for the unadulterated beer belonging to the brewery, that through it you may grow to salvation. Look! I am sending my mailman, and he must bring a parcel to you. For the online retailers are alive and exert power, and their prices are sharper than any two-edged sword and are able to ruin independent shops. Consequently I entreat you to present your wallets a sacrifice living, holy, acceptable to businessmen. Certainly if anyone does not provide for the rich, and especially for the super-rich, he has disowned the faith and is worse than a jobless person.
In the beginning God created death and mourning and outcry and pain. And Jehovah God proceeded to form the moron out of dust from the ground and to blow into his nostrils the breath of life, and the moron came to be a living soul. And you, o worm, the one too little to get to be among the elephants of Africa, you will be eaten by a bird who will defile the car of the one who is to become ruler in Israel. For God knows that in the very day of your eating from the fly agaric you will positively die, and you are bound to be like God. For you should drive away instead of staying at home. Let your vacation come. Let your towel lie, as on your own deckchair, also on another.
Further, Santa Claus blessed them and he said to them: “Be fruitful and become many and fill the malls and subdue them. And you should know and have the insight that from the going forth of the word to restore and to rebuild the Christmas fair until Epiphany, there will be roughly thirty-five days, also sixty days. For religion is a root of all sorts of injurious things, and by reaching out for this nonsense some have been led astray from reason and have stabbed their fellows all over with many pains. My lord, you are the one that knows!”
But if any widow has children or grandchildren, let these make their robes white in the blood of the lamb first. For in the beginning the detergent was, and the detergent was near the washing machine, and the washing machine was broken. Which really is the faithful and discreet detergent that its master appointed over his washing machine, to wash him his clothes at the proper time? But as for the detergent you must not eat from it, for in the day you eat from it you will positively become clean. Be obedient to those who are doing the laundry among you; that they may do this with detergent and not with muriatic acid, for this would be damaging to you. Moreover, without clean laundry it is impossible to please God well, for he that approaches God must believe that he eats and bring him something to eat.
Put your eyes into the sewer system and see. Who has created these things? It is the One who is bringing forth the rats even by number, all of whom he calls even by name. And he made a covenant with the cockroaches, for a kingdom according to the system of things of this world. This means everlasting vomiting, their taking in dishes from McDonalds, and of the one who follows, Burger King. All crap is produced by God’s creatures and beneficial for dying, for vomiting, for gritting one’s teeth, for abstaining from righteousness, that the man be fully incompetent for living. For this reason a man will leave his father and his wife and will stick to his mother, and the two will be one flesh.
For there has been a piglet born to us, there has been a calf given to us; and a delicious roast will come to be made from its shoulder. And its name will be called roast beef, escalope, veal shank, calves liverwurst. Do not be misled. Bad associations spoil useful dietary habits. For vegetarians will be without natural affection, not open to any steak, slanderers, without barbecue, fierce, without love of pork roast. But you are “a chosen race, a holy nation, a people for special possession, and I will rock all the butchers, and the desirable things of all the animal species must come in; and I will fill your stomachs with glory for an administration at the full limit of your stomachs, namely, to gather all foods together again in the stomach, the animal-based foods and the plant-based foods. But you will receive power when the holy spirit arrives upon you, and you will be witnesses of me both in your own bathroom and in every public toilet and to the most distant public privy. And the peace of God that excels all smell will guard your noses, and you will find refreshment for your souls.”
Train up a boy according to the way for him. “And I shall put enmity between him and his mother and between his PlayStation and her record player. For then I shall give to youths the change to a pure language, in order for their parents to not understand them anymore. And you will ask your son something when you sit in your house and when you walk on the road and when you lie down and when you get up, but there will be no one answering, and there will be no paying of attention.”
Everything he has made pretty in its time. Even mold he has put in the bathroom, that mankind may never be able to clean the bathroom from the start to the finish. You must pray, then, this way: “Our Father in the heavens, let my bathroom be cleaned. Let my cleaning bucket come. And do not bring us into the puddle, but deliver us from the dirt.” But there is new mold and new dust that we are awaiting according to his promise, and these will also dwell in the bathroom. For his invisible qualities are clearly smelt from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made in the bathroom. “Truly I say to you, even the twelve apostles will themselves sit upon twelve toilets, judging the twelve flies as they look intently at the Chief Agent and Perfecter of their business, the toilet paper.”
“If anyone wants to come after me, let him get behind the wheel and follow me continually. But let every soul be in subjection to the superior authorities when they regulate the flow of traffic. Happy are those conscious of the road traffic regulations and who from infancy have known the traffic signs, which are able to make you wise for driving. Deaden, therefore, your car parts as respects the accelerator pedal. The lamp of the car is the headlight. If, then, your headlight is broken, the whole road will be dark, and the police will stop you. After these things I saw, and, look! a great amount of cars, which no man was able to number, out of all brands and colors and types, standing in a traffic jam on the motorway; and there were tires at their wheels. Be wrathful, and yet do not sin; let the sun not set with you in a provoked state. By this all will know that you are idiots, if you honk loudly.”
I am giving you a new commandment as respects fornication, uncleanness, sexual appetite, and hurtful desire, that you love one another; just as I have loved you, that you also love one another. For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be lousy music and ridiculous costumes in one place after another. And this good news of the Eurovision Song Contest will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the TV viewers; and then the show will come. Do not marvel at this, because the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will perform there. And because of their singing all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in lamentation. But we have hope toward God, which hope these men themselves also entertain, that there is going to be an outage of both the video and the audio transmission. And you will know the off button, and the off button will set you free.
And God proceeded to create the fools in his image; stupid and damn stupid he created them. And to the train riders he said: “I shall greatly increase the pain of your train journeys; with frozen feed you will get off because the heating is broken, and your craving will be for the summer when the air condition had been out of order. And you must keep abstaining from coaches full of football supporters and from beer and from things vomited and from lubrication. Even If you carefully keep yourselves from these things, you will not prosper though. Good health to you!” For the railroad was subjected to filthiness, not by its own will but through those that subjected it, on the basis of hope that the railroad itself also will be set free from enslavement to football supporters and have the glorious freedom of the true railroad. “You express trains, continue dwelling in like manner with the local trains according to knowledge, assigning them honor as to a weaker vessel, the slower one. For here I am creating new trains and new engines; and the former trains will not be called to the station, neither will they come up in the timetable. Truly I say to you that this generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur.”
And I saw the spiritually dead, the great and the small, standing on the stage, and microphones were switched on. And the singers were judged out of those things they let loose according to their singing. But Randy Jackson became wrathful, and his own wrath came, and the appointed time for the singers to be judged, and to bring to ruin those ruining the earth with their singing. Happy are the deaf-dumb, for they do not hear it. So, then, because we have so great a cloud of idiots surrounding us, let us also put off the remote control and the TV paper that easily entangles us. “Truly I tell you today, You will be without TV in paradise.”
“But I want you to know that the head of every mouse is the cat; in turn the head of a cat is the dog; in turn the head of the dog is the man. And you, o cook, remember your grand fryolator in the days of your work, before the hungry guests proceed to come and complain about the long wait. And you shall subdue the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and the domestic animals and every moving animal that is moving upon the earth, and you shall prepare them. And there will be great pancakes, and in one place after another fruits and vegetables; and there will be tasteful cakes and from the confectionary great strawberry pies. Furthermore, when you see the bakery surrounded by upset customers and food control officers, then know that the closure of it has drawn near.”
Is there anyone sick among you? Let him call the physicians, and let them prescribe medication, putting him to death in the name of the pharmaceutical industry. And the physicians gathered them together to the place that is called in English golf course. Therefore, since we have these promises, beloved ones, let us cleanse ourselves of every disease of flesh and spirit, and let us not become unevenly yoked with physicians. For whenever it is that they are saying: “Here is your prescription!” then sudden destruction is to be instantly upon you as the pang of distress upon a pregnant woman; and you will by no means escape.
a while ago i wrote the (un)holy scriptures in german.
originally i considered them untranslatable, but i decided to give it a try.
so here is the first of ten books.. .
“Therefore, look! there are days coming,” is the utterance of the prophet Papayah, “when a wild beast will ascend out of the sea, with seven heads and forty horns. And I shall put enmity between it and the crocodile and between its tail and its tail. Then there will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the beginning of this year, no, nor will occur again this year. Only be courageous and very strong! And you must not desire your fellowman’s moth and rust. The cinnamon stars will fall from heaven, and there came to be evening and there came to be the day before yesterday, a twelfth day.”
Six days later the Yeti went up into a lofty mountain by himself. And, look! there appeared to him Reinhold Messner and the Dalai Lama, conversing with him. Responsively the Yeti said: “Hear, now, you Russians! Is it from this crag that we shall bring out vodka for you?” So they went each one to his home. And the Dead Sea was parted, and in its western half there was iodized salt; but as for its eastern half there proved to be not any iodine in the salt. Then God rained down upon the sun, fire and sulphur, and the day came that was burning like the furnace, when the inhabitants of Jerusalem baked their bread with the leaven of the Pharisees.
And an angel cried out with a strong voice, saying: “She has fallen! She has come exactly as a thief in the night! Whenever it is that they are saying: ‘Peace and security!’ then Jerusalem will be rebuilt and its sons and daughters will be removed by a missile from their own ground.” Now let them look for girls, virgins, beautiful ones, for myself, and they will have to get three seah measures of fine flour, knead the dough and make round cakes. Certainly if God did not hold back from punishing the bakers that baked inferior bread, but delivered them to trade control—according to their wish, this fact escapes their notice, that Amos was a herdsman and a nipper of figs of sycamore trees. And the desirable things of all the nations must come in and fill my wallet with glory.
Happy is the man that has not walked in the counsel of the just ones, and in the way of holiness has not stood, but his delight is in sword and spear and javelin. And a sower went out to sow. And as he was sowing, some seed fell alongside the road, and it turned into four living creatures, and this was how they looked: Each one had four faces. The four of them had an owl’s face with a cat’s face to the right, and the four of them had a crocodile’s face on the left; the four of them also had a paleface and an interface. And the angel said to one of the four living creatures: “Look! You are beautiful! Your eyes are those of black-eyes peas. Your hair is smelling like a drove of goats that have not washed for months. Your teeth are as numerous as the sons of Ephraim, Sluthelah and Beared his son and Tahath his son and Smelleadah his son and Tahath his son, and Zabad his son and Shuthelah his son and Ezer and Smellead.”
What sharing does light have with darkness? Further, what harmony is there between Christ and the Watchtower? Or what portion does a drunkard have with a teetotaler? And what agreement does Nebuzaradan the chief of the bodyguard have with Hobochadnezzar the King? As apples of gold in silver carvings is a contentious wife, although in a house in common. Where there is no wood returning to its vomit, the one hating you is hungry. But will God truly dwell with Jehovah’s Witnesses in Brooklyn? Look! Bethels, yes, the Bethels of the Bethels themselves, cannot contain God; how much less, then, this widemouthed cooking pot in Jerusalem and Judah?
Adulteresses, do you not know when your husbands come home? You husbands, keep on loving your wives and do not be bitterly angry with the waste that comes first, along with apostasy, even before the man of lawlessness picks it up. And God went on to say: “Let the bio waste put forth maggots, living souls according to their kinds,” until the garbage collection came and swept them all away. And the utterance of the prophet Tequiljah is: “I saw all the packaging that was discarded under the sun, and, look! everything was vanity and a striving after wind.”
At that time those in fear of Jehovah spoke with one another, each one with his homeowner, and their partner kept paying attention and listening. And a field service report slip began to be written up for those in fear of Jehovah. That is why, just as through one man sin entered into the congregation and field service report through sin, and thus field service spread to all Jehovah’s Witnesses because they had all witnessed—. For until disfellowshipping the publishers were stoned, they were tried, they were monitored, they went about in suits, in long skirts, while they were in want, in tribulation, under ill-treatment; and they were not worthy of the world. They wandered about in witnessing territories and at places where the need is great. So, then, because we have so great a cloud of morons surrounding us, let us also put off every weight and theWatchtower, for each one will carry his own witnessing bag.
Eventually there rose another prophet in Israel; his name was Maracuyah. And Maracuyah was desperate because he has sown thorns and thistles in his garden, but still there did not grow grapes and figs. Finally Gold told him: “You fool! Never do people gather grapes from thorns or figs from thistles, do they? Do not be misled: Nature is not one to be mocked. For whatever a man is sowing, this he will also reap; because he who is sowing thistles will reap thistles, but he who is sowing with a view to fig trees will reap figs from the fig tree.” So let us not give up in fermenting the whole lump with a little leaven.
And the word of God continued to occur to Maracuyah, saying: “What! Do you not know that Jehovah’s Witnesses will not inherit God’s kingdom? Do not be misled. Neither elders, nor ministerial servants, nor pioneers, nor circuit and district overseers, nor men who work at Bethel, nor members of the Governing Body will inherit God’s kingdom. And yet that is what some of you were. But you have been washed clean, but you have been disfellowshipped.” And the number of the apostates must become like the grains of the sand of the sea that cannot be measured or numbered.
And then it occurred that the prophet Maracuyah went for shopping into a city. And he saw many people, more than usual, and there were also twenty-four elders dressed in long red coats, and upon their heads twenty-four pointed caps. And he asked a passerby: “Who are they?” And the passerby replied and said: “The great day of Santa Claus is near. It is near, and there is a hurrying of it very much. The sound of the bell of Santa Claus is loud. There a small child is letting out a cry. That day is a day of fury because of inappropriate gifts, a day of distress and of fear of one’s relatives, a day of alcohol and of fat food. And their relatives will cause distress to the people, and they will certainly walk like mad men; because they cannot stand their relatives.”
And there must go forth a pig out of the stump of the Chinese; and out of his fridge a duck will be fried. And upon it vegetables and sauce must settle down, sweet-and-sour, and there will be enjoyment by the number forty-two. And the Cadillac will actually park for a while with the Rabbit, and a mere little boy will be the driver of them. And a woman shall say to her husband: “Your car will be my car, and your key my key. Where you drive I shall drive, and there is where I shall park. May God do so to me and add to it if anything but an accident should make a separation between me and you.”
Now Jehovah invited Jonah for dinner, and he ordered a great fish and told Jonah to swallow it, so that in the end it took Jonah three days and three nights to eat it up. Jonah though developed fish poisoning and was plagued by heavy pangs, so that he said: “Take away, please, my soul from me, for my dying is better than my being alive.” After many days he recovered, and then he opened his mouth and said: “For a certainty I perceive that God cannot cook, which is why in every nation the man that offers him tasty sacrifices is acceptable to him.”
Who is the liar if it is not the one that claims that Jehovah’s Witnesses teach the truth? This is the antichrist. And all these maledictions will certainly come upon you and pursue you and overtake you until you have been annihilated, because you did listen to the voice of Jehovah’s Witnesses by keeping their commandments and their statutes. May you have undeserved blindness and peas.
Then Jehoo the son of Yahooshaphat stood up as king. One day Jehoo collected all the people together and said to them: “Now call all the witnesses of Jehovah, all the elders and all the ministerial servants to me. Do not let a single one be missing.” After that Jehoo sent through all Israel, so that all the Jehovah’s Witnesses came in. And not a single one was left over that did not come in. Then Jehoo entered with Yahoonadab the son of Raymond into the assembly hall. He now talked to the witnesses of Jehovah and read to them from the book of the crisis of conscience and explained to them the whole truth about the Watchtower Society, their doctrines, and their business affairs. And all the elders and ministerial servants came to know the truth. Then they brought out their bound Watchtower volumes and burned each one. Further, they pulled down the Kingdom Halls and pulled down the Bethel, and they kept it set aside for privies down to this day.
Now a speech of the pope was broadcasted on television, and he said: “You wives, be in subjection to your own husbands, regardless of how many they might be, in order that they may be won without being able to say a word, because of having been earwitnesses of your loud conduct together with deep emotional outbursts. And do not let your adornment be that of the wearing of outer garments, but let it be the secret underwear, which is of great value in the eyes of a man. But know this, that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. For men will be reasonable, lovers of their families, blasphemers, disobedient to popes, having no natural stupidity, not open to any method of torture, without love of badness, lovers of water rather than lovers of beer, having a form of alcoholism but proving false to its power; and from these turn away.” Now as for me, I heard, but I could not understand; so that I said: “What a load of nonsense!” One day God will speak to the pope: “Look! Small is what I have made you among the nations. You are despised very much.”
With what are we to liken the kingdom of God, or in what illustration shall we set it out? Like a public toilet, which at the time it was built was absolutely clean—but when it has been built, it is defiled and becomes dirtier than all other buildings, so that the rats of the ground are able to find lodging under its shadow. Every male among Jehovah’s Witnesses will eat there. It is something most holy. “Look! Upon the mountains the feet of one bringing ‘good news,’ one distributing the Watchtower. I wrote something to the congregation, but the elders do not receive anything with respect.”
If any man is reaching out for an office of circuit overseer, he is desirous of a bloody stupid work. The circuit overseer should therefore be nuts, a husband of at least one wife, sick in mind, disorderly, misanthropic, qualified to drink, a drunken brawler, a smiter, having children in subjection with all violence. Once a circuit overseer paid a visit to an elderly sister, and she said to him: “I have no wine.” But the circuit overseer replied to her: “What have I to do with you, woman? How am I supposed to survive the afternoon without alcohol? And you must not boil a goatlike apostate in his mother’s milk!”
Woe to those who are scheming what is harmful, and to those practicing what is bad, in their witnessing territories! By the light of the morning they proceed to do it, because it is in the power of their hand. And they have desired territories and have seized them; also houses, and have taken them; and they have told lies to the people there. It is necessary to shut the mouths of these, as these very men keep on subverting entire households by teaching things they ought not. These men are murmurers, complainers about their lot in life, proceeding according to their own desires, and their mouths speak swelling things.
Now it came to be the day when the elders entered into the Kingdom Hall to take their station before the circuit overseer, and even Satan proceeded to enter right among them. And it came about at that time that the neighbor of an elder proceeded to rise from his sofa and caught sight of the elder’s wife. So he came in to her and he lay down with her, while her husband was attending the Kingdom Ministry School. Later he returned to his house.
Wake up, you drunkards, and weep; and howl, all you wine drinkers, on account of sweet wine, for it has been cut off from your mouths. For from now on you shall drink beer. Woe to the one saying to the piece of paper: “Awake! O do awake!” to a Watchtower: “It itself will give instruction”! This is the deceiver and the antichrist.