I agree with the Ovation being uncomfortable to play when sitting down with it's rounded back. It was always a turn off for me when ever I tried one. The Takamine always seemed a better deal. Right now what I play is a "Godin Acousticaster". It's a slim body electro acoustic, but when played unplugged gives you enough volume when you practice. Of course it sounds better plugged. What I like about it is the feel of playing an electric (since it uses electric guitar strings) but getting an acoustic sound. I always thought regular acoustics hard to play with the bronze heavy gaged strings and bends are difficult to achieve.
I would definitely stay away from a real cheap acoustic. Last I tried, there was a decently priced acoustic line made by the older "Norman" brand (out of Quebec), can't remember the name but I'm sure stores in Calgary carry them.
Do try an electro acoustic, you'll see what I mean. Buy a small amp with reverb to go with it.
What songs do you like to play?
JoinedPosts by joebin
Ovation Guitar anyone?
by Simon ini used to play the guitar quite a bit but haven't practiced seriously for quite a few years (and left my guitar in the uk when we moved over here).. yesterday i decided i should get myself a guitar again so i popped into a music store and had a strum on a few.. the ovation guitars seemed really nice and not too expensive.
does anyone have one or have any experience of them?
i would love the electic one they do that can also sound acoustic but can't really justify spending so much so would probably get a regular wood / round-backed one.. thanks.
Do active JW's on this forum still practice shunning?
by Thechickennest injust wondering if active jw's on this forum or jw's just watching this board still put into practice in one way or another, shunning?.
what is the motivation do so?
is it to save face or relationships?
Anyone here claiming they don't shun anymore are full of sht, especially the regulars (except a few). I'm testimony that they still do, and for what. Having a different opinion? Sounds familliar. I'm not here for the social aspects of it but more for the news about the WT so it really doesn't matter all that much. I got the message loud and clear, so don't worry all you wannabe superstars I'll post very little. Satisfied?
The Revelation book
by donny ini have heard the revelation book is being studied for the 4th time since it's release in 1988. we studied it once before i left in 1992. is it the same edition or has it been revised a few times?
The book study is being cancelled effective january 2009
It's a close race...nose to nose
by joebin inbetween the gay thread and the straight thread.... who has the most stamina...lol.
between the GAY THREAD and the STRAIGHT THREAD...
Who has the most stamina...LOL
Late capitalism
by slimboyfat inare we on the edge of the precipice?
and if the system dies who will there be to attend the funeral?.
I'm just saying that cause I don't see the republicans allowing a crash just before the elections, they would definitely lose. So if we are close to a market meltdown and the republicans are putting band aids (ex: fixing fannie mae and freddie mac) to stretch it in order to hopefully win the election then we'll see a serious drop somewhere in Jan-March 2009.
Kind of hard to say about NAU, I don't know if this stuff is for real or not but North America would have to be in bad shape economically for them to sell the idea. Keeping the price of gas where it is would most likely accomplish this.
Both Obama and McCain are members of CFR.
Late capitalism
by slimboyfat inare we on the edge of the precipice?
and if the system dies who will there be to attend the funeral?.
They've had a tough couple of weeks on Wall street and everyone is pretty much in panic mode, however I don't think it's for now, it's election year. They will will fix fannie and mac this week probably and we'll see a turnaround. I think next winter is when we'll see the crash, especially if they don't fix the price of gas. But it does feel like the edge of the precipice.
edited to add: I will joyfully attend the funeral
George Bush working on Autobiography
by Simon inapparently the current president has started work on his autobiography which he hopes to have ready for release when he leaves office.. he's run into a few issues though ... apparently his coloring-in went over the lines in quite a few places and he had trouble cutting out the popup shapes with the plastic safety scissors he was allowed to use..
Bush will declare the election invalid the week before the election arrest Obama dissolve congress and arrest the Supreme Court and declare Marshal Law and install himself President for LIFE.
You forgot to mention that he needs to stage another terrorist attack before he can declare martial law.
George Bush working on Autobiography
by Simon inapparently the current president has started work on his autobiography which he hopes to have ready for release when he leaves office.. he's run into a few issues though ... apparently his coloring-in went over the lines in quite a few places and he had trouble cutting out the popup shapes with the plastic safety scissors he was allowed to use..
They're gonna have a large print version so he can read it too.
Williams Sisters can't vote, but can be part of the U.N.!!!
by ohiocowboy inhttp://sports.yahoo.com/ten/news?slug=ap-wimbledonnotebook&prov=ap&type=lgns.
williams sisters cant vote because of their religionby john pye, ap sports writer 7 hours, 37 minutes ago .
buzz up </form>printwimbledon, england (ap)serena williams would vote for barack obama if she could.
Maybe the WT is a sponsor. Every mention of JW and they cash in..kinda like a pay per click.
A GB member being caught with a prostitute, a la Swaggart..