Why is the sauce not just for the Gander..... surely it applies to the Goose as well?
You should be able to 'out' an elder for spotting you on facebook!
just found out that elders and spies are trolling face book and my space.
some elders in xxx congregation began trolling face book looking for wayward souls and using the links to other friends etc to get more info.
they waited until they had enough ammo on the 'friends' and then printed off some of the conversations being had....questioned the 'friends' who of course denied everything..and then they produced the printed copies to catch them in the lies.
Why is the sauce not just for the Gander..... surely it applies to the Goose as well?
You should be able to 'out' an elder for spotting you on facebook!
i'm trying to respect the privacy of this individual, so forgive me if i'm a little too vague in my descriptions.. this for me, was the most emotional and difficult judicial matter that i have ever experienced.
its been many years since this happened and i'm still troubled, and troubled for this individual.. a young sister had committed fornication and i was chosen to sit on the judicial committee.. the case didn't make sense at first.
she was a faithful example in the congregation and was very much liked by all.
It's so easy to be hard on yourself..... you were/are Captive to a Concept, one which can be so ungodly and unchristian at times. Seek your own forgiveness and move on. It's good advice to see if you can find this person and apologise and leave that there, with her.
What bothers me is the sheer arrogance and unthinking nature of the whole paedophile scandal coupled with their Judicial process. How an idiot like this CO say, "You must do the right thing" and yet cover over the REAL cause of the problem? The nutter molestor who, presumably, is still in WTS circulation! HE is the one to whom the JC should have done the right thing and when that's done - out the CO for potentailly destroying another innocent life whilst pursuing their 'pipedream' of their Spiritaul Paradise! Laudable objective but needs true Christian Love.
this is not a thread to gain sympathy.
my life has changed dramatically over the weekend.
my husband (hoboken) has just left me and my two boys.. i'm not going to divulge all the details, but needless to say things are very tough emotionally for all of us.
I listened to the case that was posted.... I just couldn't get away from the idea that there was some sort of hidden agenda with your BiL
I suffered in a JW marriage for longer than I ever imagined in hindsight..... anyway, Lisa is quite right in what she says. You just have to 'brave' it out until the right decision/conclusion can be made.
So pleased you have so many true friends around to help you.
this is not a thread to gain sympathy.
my life has changed dramatically over the weekend.
my husband (hoboken) has just left me and my two boys.. i'm not going to divulge all the details, but needless to say things are very tough emotionally for all of us.
He said that within a year our 'family will be heading for disaster'.
Makes you wonder what he knew and what did or didn't do. Did he mean your immediate family or did he include himself, MIL, etc? Did he shirk some kind of "Elder" duty? Did he want it fall apart?
My thoughts are with you......
it's three parts, not super-long.
i really can't believe the stuff the elders said in this case.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhgdqgtth98.
is it real though?
or just faked for the viewing public?
it has a bit of a set up feel to it.
Never a truer word..... that's how I felt about my own JC hearing plus a few other "meetings with the BoEs" - never got to the bottom of matters even when confronted with the truth... their ears were 'stopped up' just hearing what they wanted.
greatest religious hypocracy ever.....witnesses would be disfellowshiped for donating blood.....but can use fractions kindly donated by "worldly" people so witnesses can heal!
they condemn the blood banks as greedy, corupt, unsafe institutions.....yet they use them!.
Don't you just love irony?
And the photographer says, "Come on at least one of you smile for the camera!"
this time from armenia..... if you ever thought, your kh was not comfortable enough, what about this one...?.
in case you dont have a car, you can use a public transport..... .
do you want to sign up?.
Do they have an induction loop for the deaf?
" acts 22 : 16. what are you waiting for.........?
the ethiopian eunuch had this attitude when peter preached jesus to him.
he immediately requested and received baptism.
iknowall ...... I don't know if his father did or not. He was an elder with a very strong opinion.... quite a renegade in terms of elder(ship). Probably not.
Yes, he is.... and 20 years old. Got married last weekend. Rather a weird wedding by all accounts, even by JW standards. My kids went and only one of three attend meetings.
" acts 22 : 16. what are you waiting for.........?
the ethiopian eunuch had this attitude when peter preached jesus to him.
he immediately requested and received baptism.
I remember my 6 year old nephew who after watching the proceedings at an assembly, wanted to be baptised.
His father said "What about all the questions you have to answer?"
His reply has stuck with me for years.....
..... "There's only two and the answer to both of them is yes"