Wow, what a bunch of Bloody Freaks the GB are!
JoinedPosts by Leprechaun
Not called the Memorial this year?
by jwfacts ini just received my invitation to the memorial this year and noticed that the word memorial does not appear anywhere on the invitation.
it refers instead to the anniversary of jesus death.
is this a new thing, or is it always marketed as an anniversary rather than a memorial to unbelievers?.
Oh please, I would say the Witnesses were the first to be apostates when they broke free from the Bible Students”.
When do you know you are a JW apostate?
by dissed inyou know you are a jw apostate when..... .
your fellow jw's mates that are df'd for drug abuse, drunkeness, and wild sex orgies refuse to talk to you because you are bad association.. you know you are a jw apostate when....... you come by to visit your jw parents, they open the door and say they are not interested.. you know you are a jw apostate when........ the wts takes your contribution for the wwf but refuses to send you a thank you letter.. you know you are a jw apostate when....... you can buy tupperware at a yard sale and not worry it has a demon preserved inside.. you know you are a jw apostate when........ you can visit jwn and not feel guillty for weeks at a time.
you know you are a jw apostate when......... the girls at the kh find you more mysterious and sexy now that your df'd.
Oh for Heaven’s sake! When the time comes when you just don’t give a bloody hoot, anymore what the Elders may or may not do or anyone else for that matter, and start living your life like it is your life and not the Borgs life anymore! Have you ever considered worshiping god for a change?
"If anyone LOVES me, he will keep my word..."
by AGuest into the household of god, israel, and all those who go with... may you have peace!.
when i was first directed to this "city" 9 years ago, it was with a very purposeful message.
if a man loves me, he will obey my commandments and my father will love him, and we will come to him... and make our abode with him.
Insane again, the Witnesses always put so much mystic around eating the bread and wine or grape juice or whatever. It’s their elect stereotyping of themselves typical of a cult.
Elder rules regarding young children
by lancelink inthis afternoon i was talking to one of my sons (25 yrs old) and he was telling me stories about how he felt as a young jw.
some of the stories were pretty sad.. it got me thinking ,, the elders were real "micromanagers" when it came to young kids at the meetings.. we were not allowed to bring books outside of the wt, no alphabet, picture, or counting type books .. also food was a big no-no.
when my kids were toddlers, we would bring cheerios, small stuff like that.. the wizards would bellow from the stage, "you should not feed your kids, take care of that before the meetings.. after that time, i still brought food with, we just made several trips down to the basement during the meetings.. out in service on a 95 degree day no shade, kids and parents were advised to keep your tie on.
Insane, the meetings are more of an indoctrination of cult rules, that to a reasonable person would cause them to ponder and reflect for even just a moment, and induce them to get up off their ass and go home or to some other church. Oh please”.
New light on blood?
by Mickey mouse inthis is prompted by barbara's new article at freeminds and a message someone sent to my youtube account a month ago.. there are rumours that there will be "new light" this year about blood transfusions.
if this happens, i for one will be speaking up and asking who is accountable for all the lives lost due to the wt's death dealing policy.
this is an opportunity for all those who still have some connections with jws to make people think..
Anyone insane enough to allow a dozen Wankers, in New York City who they don’t even know, decide how they will remedy their own health care concerns between them and their doctors, well all I can do, is just shack my head in utter disgust. Oh get a life!
***URGENT Advice Needed***
by babygirl30 inhey everyone!.
i will be going into the hospital for surgery on first one ever!
the surgeon has gone over the procedure and informed me that it's 'bloody' and so she gave me all my options.
Are blood Transfusions forbidden by God?
Jehovah's Witnesses are taught that blood transfusions are a violation of scripture, what do the scriptures really teach? -
***URGENT Advice Needed***
by babygirl30 inhey everyone!.
i will be going into the hospital for surgery on first one ever!
the surgeon has gone over the procedure and informed me that it's 'bloody' and so she gave me all my options.
Well, this is what I would do. I have some paralegal experience, I am not an attorney mind you, but that being said, I would go to an attorney and simple tell him that you want your legal rights represented on paper and have him or her draw it up for you, it will not cost much. Some states are different concerning such matters thus the reason for going to an attorney to make your wishes known. Once the hospital and the Witnesses for that matter, know that you are being represented by legal counsel concerning this issue I am confident you will have no problem about accepting or refusing blood.
Ex-Jehovah's Witness Survey...
by Tuesday inhey everyone.
another idea came to me tonight while discussing the pew forum survey about how only 37% of jehovah's witnesses remain in the religion from childhood.
the recent watchtower article where it says the majority of people who leave the religion do so in order to commit sin was brought up predictably.
Name: (Shane)
Gender: (Male,)
Age: 56
Start of the Questions:
How were you introduced to Jehovah's Witnesses: (Born in,
How did you leave the religion: (Disfellowshipped then reinstated and then quit,
What Age did you leave?: 42
Were you Baptized: (Yes,)
What General reason did you leave the religion: (I fucked and fucked some more, after my wife I had left me for a pedophile in the congregation)
How did you feel about the doctrine before leaving: Believed for the most part, had doubts caused by demigod like thinking,
Did your feelings about the doctrine effect the way you left?: (Yes, their judicial way of dealing with people is slanted to protect the ass’s of the elders and the GB)
If you were disfellowshipped for sin, did your feelings on the doctrine effect you sinning in the first place? (No, I needed some tenderness and sympathy and got it from a sweet heart of a sister we both needed some lovin.)
Did you research the religion's teachings after leaving? (Yes, oh hell yes!)
What are your feelings on the doctrine of the religion since leaving? (There are a lot of problems,)
How do you feel about the organization since leaving?: There are a lot of problems, There are evil aspects to it)
How do you feel about the people since leaving?: They have alot of problems, They're hypocrites, and they are completely blind,
How do you feel about discussing your time as a Jehovah's Witness?: It's part of me I'll discuss it if it comes up, I bring it up occasionally,
I talked to my sister last night, weird.
by Leprechaun inme and my sister was talking last night, she has been a witness for most of her 68 years and has always seemed reasonable, showed the zombie side of herself, when i mentioned i had read old articles from the consolation magazine on the subject of shots/inoculations, and how they directed the witnesses away from that form of medical help.
i said i wonder how many people have died because of this cult like control.
she quickly and practically went into shock that i would even suggest that the holy governing body would even suggest such a thing to their members.
Me and my sister was talking last night, she has been a Witness for most of her 68 years and has always seemed reasonable, showed the Zombie side of herself, when I mentioned I had read old articles from the “Consolation” magazine on the subject of shots/inoculations, and how they directed the Witnesses away from that form of medical help. I said I wonder how many people have died because of this cult like control. She quickly and practically went into shock that I would even suggest that the “holy” Governing Body would even suggest such a thing to their members. I had to walk outside her house and pace around a bit and smoke a cigarette because it frustrated me so much to see cult control in action and full glory like that. My wife who was there and who is not a Witness said dear just let sleeping dogs sleep. Holy shit, you would think I said something bad against the “United Federation of Planets, aboard the Star Ship Enterprise.