It seems that some people tend to think of an inacuracy as always being "a lie" ... instead of an error. Yes, although something that isn't "true" can be a "lie," there is such a thing as someone sincerely believing that something is true and accurate, yet is not ... which of course is then NOT "a lie".
Schizm, you have a valid point there. Something is either true or false. An error is not per definition a lie. However, it does when one knows it to be an error yet teach it as truth. The society got that date and the chronology leading to it from an Adventist named Nelson Barbour in 1876. It was based on the assumption that Jerusalem fell in the year 606 (later changed to 607). Be that as it may, one has only to open up an encyclopedia, any one will do and look up the date for the fall of Jerusalem: all evidence, both biblical and secular points to the year 586/7 for that event. The society knows this. They have admitted that there are thousands of clay tablets that point to this consensus (I can look up the publication if you want). No-one uses this date other then JW's.
Well, if a date is so much in conflict with all evidence and you are willing to cling to it, don't you think you have a moral obligation to inform your readers that you are using a date not recognized by all archeologists, historians etc, and reasons why? But instead, the society hushes it up. When one deliberately acts in such a manner (covering up evidence, not presenting all facts) it could be classified as lying or at least deception.
Some claim you should not atack articles of faith. However this doctrine is not brought to you as pure something you have to accept on faith. No, they claim that it is backed up with prophecy, biblical and secular evidence. This date 607 is preached as were it an established, accepted fact. It is not. This could also be classified as lying.
I would recommend looking into this so more. There are many articles to be found on this very subject just type in 607 at any search and you should have enough to go on. Also history books, encyclopedia etc. And the subject has come up on this board numerous times. We even have someone vigorously defending 607 among our members: scholar. It might be usefull to follow some of the debates between him and some other members, so you can see both sides of the issue.
Good luck in your search for truth!