Topics Started by greven
His Dark Materials: questions. ****warning: SPOILERS*****
by greven inhey there!.
i liked the dark materials trilogy alot, yet there are some details unclear to me.
if anyone has read this series please fill me in.. q1: mary malone is said to fulfill a great part in all the chaos.
Please disregard this
by greven inhmm uploading the image looked fine, however i do not get the 'attach selected' button only 'delete selected'..... linking it didn't work either.
please disregard.
Interesting article: Everybody Hates Us
by greven inthis is an article describing why evangelical christians are universally disliked.
the jw's could learn a thing or two from this examination.
i have repreduced the article here and highlighted in bold certain points.
misquoting creationists? ofcourse not!
by greven inoriginal text ommitted in the post is in bold; additions/substitutions are in italics:.
geneva, n.y. -- for apple maggots, the dating scene is simple flies only mate on a specific host fruit.
using new technology developed at the new york state agricultural experiment station, cornell university researchers have demonstrated that this fact of fly life has resulted in the emergence of two distinct races of the pest in just 150 years.
separation: no questions asked?!
by greven inrecently my jw sister devorced her husband after little more than a year of mariage.
i expected that this news would draw out the elders with prying questions etc.
however they only wanted to know if her decision was final and if she understood the rammifications of this action (not being able to remarry).
Jehovah's Witnesses Defended
by greven inhi guys!.
has anyone read "jehovah's witnesses defended: an answer to scholars and critics" by greg stafford?
i haven't but i ask this because it got a 4.5 rating on!!!.
link: Does God exist? Debate Zakath vs pastor Enyart
by greven inan interesting still active debate!
find it here.. enjoy!.
StarWars kid!!!!! A true must-see!!
by greven insome poor star wars fan thought it would be cool to play darth maul with a broom stick and tape it... unfortunately he forgot to remove the tape, friends found it and put it on the web, sure enough there was soon a remix made of the original...wildly funny!.
star wars kid original (3mb wmv file).
star wars kid remix with real saber effect!
Do I like you all or did I just put a lightsaber in my pocket?!
by greven inheheheh i've just made myself a jedi master!!!
it took me more than a year too.... a warm thanx to all who made this possible, simon and ang for setting up this board and all the others for roaming it and making it an interesting place to say the least!
with my new status i plan to utilise the dark side of the force to the max, so consider yourselves warned!!