I'm with Pomegranate on this one. Between the first post and the last, I was already thinking that the Corinthians scripture had to do with the trivial stuff of life, that CAN get out of hand if people are not being reasonable (example: modern day talk shows, Jerry Springer, Judge Judy - how foolish do 99% of those people look for going to court over trivial stuff? How much moreso should Christians feel foolish for doing so. I think that was Paul's point in Corinthians.)
However, Romans 13 is quite compelling in his clarity and seems to be talking about more serious matters. God's Avengers for those doing wrong. Thanks for writing it all out for us, Pomegranate. Earlier tonight I was thinking about that same exact scripture when reading other threads on the Two Witnesses Rule and Deut.19:15 and Mt. 18:16, and I was thinking this same thing, i.e., why does the WTS not consider Romans 13??? (Ooops! I already know the answer: Because they say the Two Witnesses Rule applies to the spiritual situation in the cong, whereas Romans deals with non-spiritual situations outside of the cong).
Thanks cruzanheart for sharing your enthusiasm over your bible studies. It's true I don't always think in terms of "back then" when reading the scriptures. A 'fun" thing I've done a few times the past few days which really makes the scriptures "hit home," is take these scriptures applicable to the scandals and inserting the modern-day GB in appropriate places and then read it like that, and see how it looks/feels/sounds (such as Daniel's handwriting on the wall; and Ezekiel's man with the inkhorn and the other men with the clubs who do the killing; and Jesus' "mercy and not sacrifice" message along with his supposedly 2-witness rule (which the WTS says) re: child abuse.)
Getting too tired. Time for bed. Night all.