Could not find it. Hope it appears again.
JoinedPosts by homejah
Gold Mine of Historical WT Documents: Bible Student Library 3
by cabasilas inthe folks over at have outdone themselves!
researchers have used that site for many years to obtain files of older watchtower related documents from russell's day (and also including later bible student materials).
now, they have issued a new dvd with much more material on it.
I know someone has gotten it. Now, I hope this person scanned the pages of this document.
When did The Watchtower stop printing Convention Reports?
by VM44 inthe watchtower used to print "souvenir" booklets to record the happenings at their assemblies and conventions.. then it became a "convention report".. these come up from time to time for auction on ebay.. but convention reports are not published anymore by the watchtower.
when did they stop?.
does anyone know the year the last convention report was published?.
I learn something every day. Hope to see the 1919 and 1922 Reports soon on a thread.
Convention Reports from 1919-1927,1938,1939,1940
by homejah ini read there are the wt convention reports from 1919,1922,and 1927. i remember years ago at a kingdom hall of photos of rutherford from the pamoramic photos and cedar park conventions.
of all the mention of "advertise,advertise,advertise the king and his kingdom!
" i thought someone would had scanned the pages of those reports.
I read there are the WT Convention reports from 1919,1922,and 1927. I remember years ago at a Kingdom Hall of photos of Rutherford from the pamoramic photos and Cedar Park Conventions. Of all the mention of "Advertise,Advertise,Advertise The King and His Kingdom!" I thought someone would had scanned the pages of those reports. Hope the reports from 1938 to 1940 be scanned as well. Replies welcome.
Film footage of Joseph Rutherford
by homejah inwhen i first saw the dvd released by the society about jehovah's witnesses there was a home movie footage of joseph rutherford who wore a red bow tie.
i thought it was the only filmed record of the judge until i saw the website of where rutherford was speaking to reporters on a ship in australia in 1938. i also remember a letter from a cameraman from warner-pathe news from a article in consolation magazine published after the st.louis covention in 1941. has anyone found that issue?
hope for replies..
Joliette,Beth Sarim was never mentioned. The actor who played the Judge was in my opinion did not sound as forceful like the real one.
Film footage of Joseph Rutherford
by homejah inwhen i first saw the dvd released by the society about jehovah's witnesses there was a home movie footage of joseph rutherford who wore a red bow tie.
i thought it was the only filmed record of the judge until i saw the website of where rutherford was speaking to reporters on a ship in australia in 1938. i also remember a letter from a cameraman from warner-pathe news from a article in consolation magazine published after the st.louis covention in 1941. has anyone found that issue?
hope for replies..
Thank you AnnOMaly for the Consolation info. Just saw the new DVD Faith In Action Part II and saw another rare footage of Rutherford on his way to the Washington D.C. Convention as well as the home movie footage of him at the St.Louis Convention. That footage was no doubt the only color footage of Rutherford. I hope to get a response from the Society on why they did not use the Pathe News footage of the St.Louis convention. Yes,I will not hold my breath.
1939 messenger 1941 convention report
by bereanbiblestudent insome one uploaded the 1939 messenger and the 1941 convention report to the internet archive..
the following file seems to be missing the cover and last page but still a good resource..
also some new records by the judge have been added..
Just found out there are just The Messenger of the years 1938-40 Convention Report. I do remember seeing another angle of the photo of Knorr,Rutherford,and Covengton from the 1940 Convension Report. Hope someone scans the 1938 and 1940 Report soon.
How were Rutherford's Cadillacs purchased?
by InterestedOne ini mentioned rutherford's cadillacs to my study conductor, and he said maybe rutherford was able to purchase them because he was independently wealthy.
were they purchased from his own personal wealth or with the wt funds?.
TD,had you scanned the photo published by Awake! magazine from 1-8-2003? Seems the Society published the photo with the Judge standing next to his cadillac.
Beth Sarim Revisited 4 Newbies
by Farkel inat 4440 braeburn road, san diego, ca., in the rich and prestigious neighborhood of the kensington heights neighborhood sits one of the biggest embarrassments in the long and continuing list of embarrassments the watchtower society has created for itself.. most dubs know nothing about it, and if it wasnt for a few brief comments about it in the proclaimers book in 1993, even fewer dubs would know anything at all about it.. it is the home once known as beth-sarim (pronounced beth-sareeeem), the house of the princes.. it is a house with a history the society has shown by its historical lack of candor, hopes everyone would forget.
in fact, the society has done just about everything it could do to ensure that its history will be forgotten.
in the first book devoted to discussing the history of jehovahs witnesses, this house and its history is not even mentioned.
To Outaservice,if a article about Beth Sarim appeared in Life magazine I would had found it and others as well. It must had been in Look magazine but, it would take some reasarch to find out if that piece exists.
Rutherford frequented a brothel located near Bethel
by Scott77 inplease, just checking, with proof or first account, can anyone enlighten us on that?
if that is correct, iam going to be profoundly shocked to the bone.. .
Mouthy,I look forward to Jim Penton's new book. Hope it gets released more sooner.