I'm really trying to understand why some people stick to the belief that the bible is the inherent word of god.
For many of us former JWS, having the Bible as the authority over the WTS has been a vital part of being able to break free from mind-controlling religion. Taking the next step of questioning the authority of the Bible can feel like questioning God Himself. (Of course, it felt that way when we questioned the WTS, too.)
I think one has to ask if they can hold onto their belief in a Higher Power, while letting go of the idea that the Bible is God's infalable message to mankind? Can one accept that some parts of the Bible may have a message from God, while other parts are more likely to be the thoughts of men?
I think the real question has to be, can one have a REAL relationship with God, turn to Him (and our God-given conscience) as our ulimate source of guidance?? After all, don't we who believe in the Great Spirit worship HIM, and NOT a book?