Life is a roller coaster. Get in, sit down, shut up and hang on!
hello logical.
i would want to give to you and to all you, a message a lot important, if i succeed to us.
from italy with to many siblings, we are inserting a new economic system in order to help the poor countries of the world.
Life is a roller coaster. Get in, sit down, shut up and hang on!
i voluntarily dissasociated myself about 5 1/2 years ago.
i did not know anything about the things on the internet i just had a feeling that something was not right and i needed to exercise my right to be free and make free decisions.
how happy i was that a year after i dissasociated myself i got on the internet and found a wealth of information and a heck of alot of encouragement.. anyway my question is to those who have been out and free before the days of the internet.
Welcome, Babykins to our little 'family' (tho not so little anymore). I am glad to hear you find us all helpful.
I did not speak directly to JW's after being df'd over a decade ago, but you would be surprised how many 'Wordly' people (how I have come to HATE that term!)have jw RELATIVES. so I have been more than happy to fill these people in on the REAL JW history and inside organizational shenanigans, oh what fun. Then sit back and watch the show as they go asking questions of their JW relatives.
The down side is, you never get the ending of the story that way.
Hope to see and hear more of you...
Life is a roller coaster. Get in, sit down, shut up and hang on!
i have been lurking for a few months now.
the only reason that i have not posted until now is because of the paranoia that comes with being raised a jw.
my current status in the congregation is irregular, reaching out for the office of inactive.
Stealth and Sleepy
Welcome to the board both of you, I am rather new to the board as well.
You will find, as I did, much friendship and support here, but also, as with any family, some people's bite is worse than their bark! 'Tis that way all over.
just make yourselves comfortable, and I hope to see you around.
Life is a roller coaster. Get in, sit down, shut up and hang on!
i would like to preface my discussion of the recently filed berry lawsuit with several remarks.
first, i am not an attorney, and my only connection with the legal profession is that which occasionally arises out of my personal or business affairs.
second, i have no access to court records, opinions, etc., other than what is available via internet search engines.
You lovable nitwit you, MadApostate:
<"...suggested the idea (poorly received by this DB) that a group of us visit and support Bill Bowen at his own KH">
<"...the suggestion (totally rejected by this DB) that XJWs make use of the recently publicized SUCCESSFUL civil trespass lawsuit against a JW who called at the door of a person who had formally requested that JWs not call on them."
Firstly, I am on this DB and I am not a part of any ' "clique" who, for all intents and purposes, control this DB, and seem to evaluate things regarding the WTS subjectively'. HARDLY! Anyone who knows me knows this!
Secondly, I am (still) on this DB and I did not 'reject' your suggestions, either 'outright' or by 'poor reception'.
Third, as far as Bill Bowen's support goes, it isn't that nobody wanted to, it's just that Bill didn't seem to want this kind of support AT THIS TIME, deferrment to a possible later date does not translate to 'outright rejection' nor 'poor reception'. Have a little patience, please!
Fourth, your suggestion of civil lawsuits, again ,was not 'outright rejected' nor just 'poorly received,' it just doesn't seem to apply to as many persons on this board as you thought it did. I think I've seen how many? just a few? individuals that don't want JW's coming to their door. Many of us and our friends and our families are bouncing off the walls in anticapation of JW's coming to our doors--we are more than ready for them---.
Fifth, you may have noticed there are a couple of thousand registered users on this site, but how many actually post? There may be several hundred DB members running for their local courthouse to serve papers on JW's, and you wouldn't even know it because they haven't taken out a skywriting ad about it.
I suggest, if I may, that you give yourself some credit and you give all of us some time, and I'm sure things will all work out just fine.
Take care, MadApostate, love to you and yours,
Life is a roller coaster. Get in, sit down, shut up and hang on!
joel, i want you to know i can think of no other poster who shows as much humanity, as much compassion and insight as you, particularly when it comes to the human condition.. thank you for sharing yourself and your journey so openly; i'm grateful for that.
you obviously have picked up many helpful tools in your recovery toolkit, and when you not only share them with us but show how to use them, how they can benefit us, we are the richer.. i need not say more, than that you are loved very much.. maximus.
who once in a while learns from joel a leeeetle more than he needed to, but what else is new?
All the kind sentiments expressed so far in this thread towards you go double for me. I have enjoyed your presence here on this board, and reading your posts while I was lurking here for some time, finally helped me post for the first time. That in turn opened me up to a world of people I never knew existed or could exist.
Much of the joy and wonder I am experiencing in my life today I owe to you.
all my love to you and yours...
Life is a roller coaster. Get in, sit down, shut up and hang on!
peace and love to everyone,.
the purpose of this post is not..let me repeat not to start a flame war, so as my mother use to tell me, if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.
ok so it doesn't have to be nice but please try and keep it civil.
Thanks, jonjonsimons and peace and love to you and yours as well.
Life is a roller coaster. Get in, sit down, shut up and hang on!
my wife recently began therapy.
her therapist is unaware of just what type of religion the wt is (high-control group).
she even suggested we attend a neutral non-denominational church as a compromise.
Any and all professional therapists should know the WT stand regarding rape and molestation victims, because really nothing gives a look into the psychologically abusive mind control of an org such as this---their views on women and children.
Especially the post somewhere on this board that lists the three things elders look for when deciding if a molester has 'recovered'.
Also the WT view on women not wearing pants, submission to husband, the parts they are 'allowed' to play in the ministry school, etc.
Most therapists aren't willing to sit down and read a whole book like C of C (but you never know) but maybe 2 or 3 typewritten pages, with your sources on the last page. I did this myself a while back, wish I could find it. It's succinct enough most persons would be willing to read it, and maybe keep it or pass it on.
I wish you and your wife the best. You will be in my prayers tonight.
Life is a roller coaster. Get in, sit down, shut up and hang on!
bill: i am prepared to send the news release to major media in the toronto area, but we need your phone #, and that of jeff anderson, to put on the bottom of the release as contact numbers.
the draft release which you posted has incomplete numbers.
Bill...now that you're famous, will you still have time for your fans?
Hee Hee
Life is a roller coaster. Get in, sit down, shut up and hang on!
i thought you might like to see a fax i just sent to j. r. brown.
you can also pick it up on the front page of the website, you may also read and download the complaint that states the basis of this lawsuit.
run wt run...... silentlambs.
Life is a roller coaster. Get in, sit down, shut up and hang on!
in view of all the discussion about elders' accountability, you might be interested to read the society's attitude:.
aware that they must render an account, the elders were happy to assist a repentant fellow believer the watchtower september 15, 1996 (page 21).
aren't you glad to know that?
Once contributing reason it is allowed 'to go on' is because the rank and file JW allows it to go on. My own daughter, who is still 'in', told me...'Well, I never saw anything bad, and everyone always treated me well," blah blah blah.
2 different people have come into the chatroom and say they are 'studying'. Even after reading all our experiences, and perceiving all the obvious pain, sadness, rage here, they both say.."well, the Witnesses are nice to me.." blah blah blah. What is to be expected when an organization is made up of people like this?
I am guilty of this a little bit myself. Many people have been getting hurt for a long time in this org, but I, too, didn't feel very much untill it was my turn. Perhaps it is just the way of things.
Better late than never. <sigh>
Life is a roller coaster. Get in, sit down, shut up and hang on!