You lovable nitwit you, MadApostate:
<"...suggested the idea (poorly received by this DB) that a group of us visit and support Bill Bowen at his own KH">
<"...the suggestion (totally rejected by this DB) that XJWs make use of the recently publicized SUCCESSFUL civil trespass lawsuit against a JW who called at the door of a person who had formally requested that JWs not call on them."
Firstly, I am on this DB and I am not a part of any ' "clique" who, for all intents and purposes, control this DB, and seem to evaluate things regarding the WTS subjectively'. HARDLY! Anyone who knows me knows this!
Secondly, I am (still) on this DB and I did not 'reject' your suggestions, either 'outright' or by 'poor reception'.
Third, as far as Bill Bowen's support goes, it isn't that nobody wanted to, it's just that Bill didn't seem to want this kind of support AT THIS TIME, deferrment to a possible later date does not translate to 'outright rejection' nor 'poor reception'. Have a little patience, please!
Fourth, your suggestion of civil lawsuits, again ,was not 'outright rejected' nor just 'poorly received,' it just doesn't seem to apply to as many persons on this board as you thought it did. I think I've seen how many? just a few? individuals that don't want JW's coming to their door. Many of us and our friends and our families are bouncing off the walls in anticapation of JW's coming to our doors--we are more than ready for them---.
Fifth, you may have noticed there are a couple of thousand registered users on this site, but how many actually post? There may be several hundred DB members running for their local courthouse to serve papers on JW's, and you wouldn't even know it because they haven't taken out a skywriting ad about it.
I suggest, if I may, that you give yourself some credit and you give all of us some time, and I'm sure things will all work out just fine.
Take care, MadApostate, love to you and yours,
Life is a roller coaster. Get in, sit down, shut up and hang on!