The jews were big on holidays. The christians told them"you don't need to do that anymore". Then paul wrote them a letter. He said....if someone wants to have a day special to him and he does it as thanks to God....let him do it! Don't judge one man who puts one day as above the rest. He is doing it with a GOOD motive!
People today do not reason....lets get a x-mas tree and celebrate saturnilia! Lets get a turkey and copy the pilgrams and be political like!
What is a persons motive for celebrating? Is it for a good purpose? If it is.......don't worry about it if God isn't worried.
Posts by gumby
who is in doubt ?????
by friendorfoe ini welcome any reply but this goes out to actually those reaching for the truth.. i know there is alot of people out there if they are out there reading this there is unanswerd questions in their hearts what is making you hold on and what is really in your heart ??????
feel free to make a new identity in here but who isn't confused in here??.
i finally left my e-mail open in here so if i have family lurking in here i have my personal beliefs please respect them !!!!
Hello freind. My feelings are what jesus himself said:"I am the truth and the life". There are many different opinions on what is to be believed. I feel if it is based on God's word and is based on what jesus did and said.....then that is truth.
by altom indoes anyone have any info on this subject from w.t.publications??
will a disfellowshipped person who dies prior to the great tribulation be resurrected?
There was a QFR on that subject in the 70's or 80's. It said Jehovah would have to judge the heart, however it leaned twards a good chance they would'nt.
They believe that all the ones who have died without hearing the good news will be resurrected to a life of judgement. That will be during the 1000 year reign.
What about all the muslims and others who will never see a witness before armaggedon? Will he kill all those who are not witnesses before armaggedon,then turn around and ressurect all those who have never heard and give them a chance.
NOW THAT JUST AIN'T FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!! -
by Adam inthere are those who have left the jws and become athiest/agnostic/skeptic.
some would say those people have had their faith in god so shaken by the corrupt, man-made religion of jws that they have fallen into confusion and need to be shown the "right" way.. then there are those who have left the jws and found another version of christianity they feel is the proper way to worship the god of the bible.
some would say that those people have only swapped one religion for another and have failed to realize the greater truth that there is no god or that you can't know for sure which religion is correct.. i'd like to hear who people think is right and why.. and the more important question:.
Hi adam.
Your quote below would fit me.....Then there are those who have left the JWs and found another version of Christianity they feel is the proper way to worship the God of the Bible
I, like many others on this board, have questioned certain areas of the bible which is hard to understand.
What always brings me back is the wonder of creation....of life.
Watching my dog playing with the kitty and how they act reminds me of the impossibility of the beauty of what God has made could happen by chance.
Archeology, the benifits of the wisdom in the bible, and it's consistancy, reminds me that the God of the bible and his plan for salvation is what makes sense to me. Someone put us here and made all the elements for life and it only stands to reason he would leave us a guide to follow.....his word and his spirit. -
Judicial Committee "assists" another ...
by Billygoat inmom: the elders are led by god's holy spirit.
mom: don't go there andi.. andi: what?
mom: andi, i'm going to hang up the phone if you go there.. andi: mom!
" Don't go there". This translates to......"don't tell me anything you have to say that's negative about the truth or the society".
To question anything from God's organization causes fear in those who still are witnesses.
I have been through the same words with my mate who is still a dub and I know of the anger/dissappointment you feel.
Only in the cults can you not talk openly about how you personally feel.
Be glad you are out but keep showing them love and kindness.
You are in a much better position to talk if a time comes when you can if you are not enemies. Good luck with mama. -
From the Watchtower Oct 1, 2002
by biblexaminer inwe read from the oct 1, 2002 watchtower.
pioneering a way of life.
in these last days, as we draw ever closer to armageddon, we realize just how important the imminent approach of armageddon makes the preaching work.
What if they had been in the pioneer work and the 14 of them was taking a coffee break at macdonalds and a gunman came in and killed them all? They would all have survived had they been at their full time job and not at macdonalds. What a stupid argument!!!!!
Does The WT"BS" Have God on Its Side?
by D wiltshire indoes the wtbs have god on its side?.
the country i come from they call the northeast.
the name i am called by it matters the least.
Francois: Oh, you just wait till I tell the elders what you said!!
Years in v. Years Out
by Billygoat ini'd like to find out how many years collectively we have acquired in the wts.
please list how many years you were/have been a jw.
please also list how many years you have been out.
Raised a witness,baptized at 16
In-25 years (starting with baptism)
Out- 6 years -
A few things I don't understand about the bible
by Leander inthere have always been things about the bible that never really made much sense to me.
not to say that i disagree with whats in the bible but i have wondered about the fairness of certain things.. 1. for example i've always even as a child thought that it was odd that so many people would die during armageddon.
now as an adult and i understand people better than i did years ago i really do feel puzzled about the fact that according to the scriptures the majority of mankind will perish.
2. Another thing that I find a bit odd is the account of Noah. Everyone on the planet with the exception of Noah and his small family perished by means of a flood. Whats the odds of someone believing a man who tells you that water is going to fall from the sky for 40 days and 40 nights? Especially considering that rain had never occured before. I don't if Noah had any special significance or proof back then as being known as a man of God, but would'nt it be hard for the average person to believe such a message? But whatever the case many lives were lost.
The bible says that at the time of the flood.....God saw that the HEARTS of men were bad from the youth up. It appears that God reads the hearts of those he chooses to directly destroy.
It only seems fair to bring judgement on those who in their hearts....choose to reject him...and have had an honest opportunity to recieve him.
I would like to say more but have to go to work.
I wish you the best in your examination. -
Why My Wife and I Have No Kids
by JT in*** g74 11/8 ***9 is this the time to have children?there has always been a positive attitude about childbearing.
*** g74 11/8 10 is this the time to have children?
what does imminent mean?
Hi james. Nice review of wt policy.
I had two aunts that recently passed away of old age. Neither of them died with any children left behind. Yes ....they too were instructed not to have children. However this instuction came back in the 20's when the end was coming in 1925, predicted by the worlds best known alchoholic bastard..J. Rutherford.
That was a little is a tradgedy my two aunts had no children,grandchildren,no photoes or memories to hold dear as do those with families.
Thank God my mom and her other sisters did not heed the advise given back then or I would not be writing this story and she too would have died lonely.
The witnesses have critisized the catholics forbidding priest to marry,yet they do the same with ones children wanting children.