At first I thought the author was going to be a girl and she was telling her parents she was gay. Anyone else think this?
*prays like hell someone else thought that*
a father was walking past his son's bedroom and saw, to his surprise, that the room was tidy and the bed made.
then he noticed an envelope propped up on the pillow with the word 'dad' on the outside.
with a trembling hand he opened the envelope and read the enclosed letter: .
At first I thought the author was going to be a girl and she was telling her parents she was gay. Anyone else think this?
*prays like hell someone else thought that*
i can confirm (as there seems to be some doubt) at the service meeting last night during the item about the new watchtower, a letter was read by the po.
the public talk is to be 30 minutes long.
this is to allow for more association and ministry.. lengthy negative introductions about the state of the system of things/deep last days etc are to be heavily curtailed.
Wow, this blows me away. I thought it was a hoax that they'd reduce the talk 15 minutes. Of all the meetings it's funny they would reduce the talk.
This is to allow for more association and ministry.
What a bunch of horseshit! Do they REALLY think publishers will actually get in more service time? Give me a break!
This will be about as affective as discouraging witnesses from playing sports in school for the purpose of the young ones spending more time in the ministry.
no firestorms please.
but be honest.
do you think that we are of a lower level of intelligence than those who accept evolutionist' theories?.
when I SEE something evolve, then I will change my mind.
That's like saying " when I see a piece of wood become petrified, then I'll believe it was wood at onetime". The word "Evolution" comes from the word "evolve" needless to say. That being the case, how could anyone expect a monkey to walk out of the woods and say " i was a man just a minute ago".
I too believe in a maker and believing in evolution doesn't contradict that. If I wasn't so damn dumb I'd study evolution but as it is....I'm a dumb bastard. In a way, I'm glad I am since the thought of their being no real purpose to life scares the hell out of me.
showing 120 of about 127,000 see all videosjames randi exposes uri geller and peter popoff.
views: 447933 peter popoff vs james randi 2007.
Silly Mr. Randi.....doesn't he know that ghosts and demuns, and aliens, and all superpowers, never expose themselves when under pressure or when sceptics are around? It's the same reason ghosts never appear when there's a camera around ( kinda like there's never a buck deer around when you have a rifle)
I'll bet that gray bearded bastard has never been on a bible study in a home that has demunz cuz if he did, he'd hafta pay out that million bucks he offers.He's just a big fraidy cat.
no firestorms please.
but be honest.
do you think that we are of a lower level of intelligence than those who accept round-earthers' theories?.
Yip, they look identicle to me.
i was thinking earlier of how the recent mega-million dollar catholic settlement in la is an ideal opportunity, in letters to the editor in local newspapers, to highlight the hypocrisy of the witnesses in how they have handled similar abuse cases.
a couple of points that might be useful to make this applicable anywhere: .
1. in the kingdom news #37 tract distributed around the country last fall.
Hi Seeker, ya old bastard.
I just wanna say that every damn time I see the Catholics getting slammed in the press over sexual matters, and every time I read those articles and never see the word Jehovah's Witnesses, I get pissed. It always bugs the hell out of me that the witnesses never get enough bad exposer that they deserve. Evidently the media thinks that the witnesses are just small change.
that's right my dear brothers and sisters in the lord......the society endorsed a book written by a fallen angel!.
this is an oldie, but it was written 5 years after the society was approved by jehovah himself in 1919 as his loyal servants.. for your reading pleasure: .
the golden age 1924 dec 3 pp.150-151 angels and women.
Isn't it interesting that Russell would employ an Egyptian symbol on the WTS publications?
Even more interesting is his own grave marker.
"Holy Angels" is what the society believes is directing Jehovah's work......not demon angels. If this is true, why did Russell honor a book written by a wicked angel?
The Watchtower. September 1. 1932. p. 263 ***
There cannot be a question or doubt that Jesus Christ can and does direct every division of his organization and that he can and does use his holy angels to carry into operation his orders and direct the course of the remnant on earth, regardless of the fact that the remnant cannot see these agents or ambassadors of the Lord and can have no direct or audible communication with them.
that's right my dear brothers and sisters in the lord......the society endorsed a book written by a fallen angel!.
this is an oldie, but it was written 5 years after the society was approved by jehovah himself in 1919 as his loyal servants.. for your reading pleasure: .
the golden age 1924 dec 3 pp.150-151 angels and women.
That's right my dear brothers and sisters in the Lord......the society endorsed a book written by a fallen angel!
This is an oldie, but it was written 5 years AFTER the society was approved by Jehovah himself in 1919 as his loyal servants.
For your reading pleasure:
The Golden Age 1924 Dec 3 pp.150-151 Angels and Women
Angels and Women
WE PRESENT some letters regarding this book (a review of which recently appeared in our columns) which we feel sure will be of interest to many of our readers:
Pardon me for taking this much of your time on what may be so simple a matter; but I was approached about going into a club to get a certain book called, "Angels and Women". I made some inquiries, and was told that it was a book that a fallen angel dictated to a woman, showing a desire to come back into harmony with God; and that Pastor Russell approved of the book. I had never heard of the book before; and as we are to shun anything akin to spiritism I should like to know positively whether the book has your approval before buying one; so if it is not asking too much would like a reply.
Here was another readers question to the society
With much pleasure and profit has the book, "Angels and Women" been read by many Truth friends. It contains so much to encourage one to loyalty and faith in God.
Do you think that it would be a real service to purchase these books in quantities of ten or more copies at a time so as to get the special $1 per copy rate, which you have so kindly secured for us, and thus to have them on hand as Christmas and birthday presents or for other gift occasions to give to our relatives and friends, whom we may have been unable to otherwise interest in Present Truth or only slightly so?
Would not some be disposed to read a fascinating novel of this kind, who might not be able to get first interested in "The Harp" or STUDIES?
Would this not be considered one way of instructing the people about matters concerning which there is so much ignorance, and direct them to the real Bible Keys, the WATCH TOWER publications?
Should we send such orders to THE GOLDEN AGE?
If not, will you kindly give us the complete address of the A. B. Abac Company? There are many who would like to get a little more information regarding these items.
An Appreciative Reader
Here is the society's response to both questions
TO BOTH above letters we reply as follows:
When Pastor Russell was here, he read a book dealing with conditions that obtained prior to the Flood. He requested some other brethren to read it. It was so much in harmony with the Bible account of the fallen angels that he regarded the book as remarkable. Under his supervision it was revised, and later published by one who was formerly his confidential associate. The new book is published under the title "Angels and Women". Scriptural citations are given. An appendix is added. Pastor Russell remarked that at some opportune time the book, revised, should be published.
As to its being a violation of the Vow to read this book, such idea is not worthy of consideration.It would be no more wrong to read it than to read "What Say the Scriptures about Spiritism" or "Talking with the Dead"; for both these books quote much as to what the evil spirits do. Many have derived much benefit from reading "Angels and Women" because it aids in getting a clearer vision of how Satan overreached the angels and overreached the human race, and caused all the havoc amongst men and the angels. It helps one to better understanding of the devil's organization.
The book is published by the A. B. Abac Company, Madison Square, P.O.Box 101, New York City, N.Y.
THE GOLDEN AGE does not handle the publication; but all who desire it should write directly to the publisher at the above address.
So there you have it, Jehovah directed the society to approve of this book and he wanted all of the publishers to read this fine book to help them better understand how the old devil works.
Why use Faithful and Discreet Slave to write a book when you can have a fallen angel write a book as to how to spot the devil? Damn, it makes good sense to me
the wtbts always has meditation as a topic on conventions.
they always state that eastern meditation makes the mind "blank", so this is a no no.. of course we know that it is actually the convention that makes the mind blank :).
so what are your thoughts on meditation now?.
Hey brother that's a bit spooky. Are you sure you ain't just sweet on me?
the wtbts always has meditation as a topic on conventions.
they always state that eastern meditation makes the mind "blank", so this is a no no.. of course we know that it is actually the convention that makes the mind blank :).
so what are your thoughts on meditation now?.
Ok, who's the sick bastard that encouraged me to meditate?
I sat in a chair in a quiet room, started the breathing idea, and this bastard shows up.....WTF?