I don't think were in kansas anymore toto. I thinks we're in dem dare ozarks!
Jerome: Quote. so much of what they do is bible based and that is good"
Have you learned ALL of the things they have done and still do that is not bible based?
1.Thousands have died from their wrong teachings
2. Families are torn apart by them.
3.They recrute 1000's into this destructful sect monthly
Yes they teach some good things... so does the Boyscouts, the Cubscouts, the Catholics, the Red cross, the United Nations, and anybody else that helps others.
Jesus said HE was the way, the truth, and the light......not an organization that doesen't even believe in what he taught.
He taught we can't earn salvation as the JW's believe.It's a gift. You don't pay for gifts.......you show respect for them.
I would suggest learning about the JW's from a source who has found them in the wrong then learn from the JW's if it is true......then you decide. Trust me.....they ARE in the wrong!!!!!!!!!