Ill have to ask my co worker that one...I dont know if he realizes the extreme belief structure that the JW's subscribe to...i think he was just tryin to be nice...but just the situation...WTF? The idea behind the double dipping of doing a talk and getting that service time in AT the same THAT is
JoinedPosts by Patrynz
by Patrynz i got to work today and one of my more flambuoyant co-workers who is familiar with my xjw past came up to me and told me that he had been invited to "support" a jw sister giving a talk at a theocratic ministry school meeting...ok now my co worker is a very nice guy...his boyfriend also agrees.... doesnt it seem a bit odd for a witless sister to ask a gay man for support in anything, much less giving a talk?!
not that i care about his sexuality i just find it rather highly amusing that a witness would ask that of a gay man....just another piece of (wtf) for me to chew on...gawd i cant wait til the memorial to see what happens...just more fodder for a lengthy comic routine broadcast at my leisure.... my fiancee got a huge laugh when i told her about just made me appreciate her all the more....
by Patrynz i got to work today and one of my more flambuoyant co-workers who is familiar with my xjw past came up to me and told me that he had been invited to "support" a jw sister giving a talk at a theocratic ministry school meeting...ok now my co worker is a very nice guy...his boyfriend also agrees.... doesnt it seem a bit odd for a witless sister to ask a gay man for support in anything, much less giving a talk?!
not that i care about his sexuality i just find it rather highly amusing that a witness would ask that of a gay man....just another piece of (wtf) for me to chew on...gawd i cant wait til the memorial to see what happens...just more fodder for a lengthy comic routine broadcast at my leisure.... my fiancee got a huge laugh when i told her about just made me appreciate her all the more....
Patrynz just thought that was so doing a 5 minute part AND getting an hour of field service counted? wow..gettin clever they are....
by Patrynz i got to work today and one of my more flambuoyant co-workers who is familiar with my xjw past came up to me and told me that he had been invited to "support" a jw sister giving a talk at a theocratic ministry school meeting...ok now my co worker is a very nice guy...his boyfriend also agrees.... doesnt it seem a bit odd for a witless sister to ask a gay man for support in anything, much less giving a talk?!
not that i care about his sexuality i just find it rather highly amusing that a witness would ask that of a gay man....just another piece of (wtf) for me to chew on...gawd i cant wait til the memorial to see what happens...just more fodder for a lengthy comic routine broadcast at my leisure.... my fiancee got a huge laugh when i told her about just made me appreciate her all the more....
Patrynz I got to work today and one of my more flambuoyant co-workers who is familiar with my xjw past came up to me and told me that he had been invited to "support" a JW sister giving a talk at a theocratic ministry school meeting...ok now my co worker is a very nice guy...his boyfriend also agrees... my co-worker asked me why he got that invitation when their view on his sexuality is not the best in the world...I really didnt know what to co worker went to the meeting and sat there trying not to fall hadnt laughed so hard at a story in a while...
Doesnt it seem a bit odd for a witless sister to ask a gay man for support in anything, much less giving a talk?! Not that I care about his sexuality I just find it rather highly amusing that a witness would ask that of a gay man....just another piece of (WTF) for me to chew on...gawd i cant wait til the memorial to see what happens...just more fodder for a lengthy comic routine broadcast at my leisure...
My fiancee got a huge laugh when i told her about just made me appreciate her all the more...
Memorial Blues....
by Patrynz this is my first time posting here...long time lurker first time poster...a bit bout my situation...i havent been to a meeting in a long time...the last was my meeting to announce my disfellowshipping...i have recently gotten an invitation to the memorial...*gasp* well it is about that time of year again...i had been fortunate enuff to be vacant when it came to previous memorials and meetings in general, but due to a sudden unforseen familial situation i was located (found) and invited to the memorial....i have accepted the invitation and my significant other (who has no jw past) will be coming with me...she knows that this part of my life was brutal and that i have tried to leave it behind me as much as is humanly possible...she is a big reason i have been able to move past a lot of my "issues" with religion, family etc etc blah blah blah...i have gotten past a lot of those issues.... my question i think i making a mistake in going?
i have no belief in their drivel and no desire to go back to that "dogs vomit" but due to my semi-newfound appreciation for life and life after jw'ness i am trying to patch stuff up with my jw family...least as much as i can...if such a thing is even jw family is actually treating me with some degree of human kindness and i feel as though i should at least try to rebuild some semblance of "family" i dunno....but i am going to the memorial....i must be nucking futz...anyhow...thoughts?
Aly: I DO know that the chances of them trying to "bring me back into the fold" as it were...but I am very much not in any mindset to go back...there will never be enough of ANY reason for me to go life is quite a bit different now...they shunned me for easliy 10 plus years...something like that is not ever going to go away...least not when it comes to joining any kind of religious organization...
As to the going back to kind of long term run a "fade play" ehhh...I have been dfd for so many has almost become a badge...I wouldnt know what to think of myself if i tried to actually go back only to get OUT again...and to "fade" yah...thats MUCH easier-not....BUT I do see the point in drawing my line in the sand as it sure it will be a night to remem..uhhh wait..a night to forget..yah thats it..
Undercover: Thats what im kinda hopin for that i can make my appearance as quiet as is possible and that in the grand scheme of things i aint that important and i can kind of smuggle my way in and out...ja arrive after the first 10 minutes and leave before the last gaggable song...besides...whats ONE meeting?
Jaguarbass: I dont know what it will do for my family dynamic but at the very worst so what? I lost em all a LONG time the very worst it goes back to the way it was before and I go back to my own little happy family life devoid of those bilogical units i used to called family...
Whitedeer: I thought about that one..going to a different hall for the is almost a twofold reason in me going to the one with my family and the assorted elders from my Judicial Comittee rather than go to one in which I am just anonymous...I want to try to score some small points with my family (there is still bitter argument type of feelings between my fam and the JC due to the way in which it all went down) AND I want those self righteous smug a$$holes to see I am NOT a wreck and their DF'ING only made me stronger in the end...(maybe a bit vengeful behaviour on my part but so what?)
Jamiebowers: U make a hard point...AM I setting myself up to hurt more? DO I even hurt anymore? Can they hurt me anymore? They dropped me so far long ago....course I really dont EXPECT a huge change in my families treatment of me...i would like it to happen but have no illusioins as to the likelihood of that happening...
Gopher: Funny..I actually WAS 1000 miles away for the long span of time that we were out of contact (minimal to strained contact at best the occasional random word that I got about them and their Witness travels) would seem rather odd that after all of this time that they try to contact me and get me to go to this meeting...without going into TOO much detail...something happened in the families circle-a death. I dont have many specifics that I want to give but this is what has caused the remainding family to find me and try to build something-least thats what I am being led to believe...
Yes the remainder of my family has met the woman in my life...the idea of them trying to convert her...(lol) I have the extreme fortune to be madly in love with a have no real religious beliefs to speak of or even think of but there is literally no way that they could convert her...besides I clued the woman im with to all of the idiocies of this religious organization...(if in fact it IS a religious org not a business The restaraunt idea is awesome...we both are gonna hit the bottle for a glass or two before and a glass or 3 after the meeting..
OnthewayOut: HAS been a long time and I DO know that there is a good chance that my family will have some small hope that I am coming back by my appearance at this one meeting...but I have a rather firm resolve...(theres a word i picked up from years of mindless meeting attendance) NOT to go back to it...BUT the woman in my life has had some real good effect on me and has made me think about the word "family" and what it means to me and what it SHOULD mean to me...I know my family doesnt play by the rules but I think it might be a good example showing them i am NOT what i WAS. Either way i dont particularly care but I do feel as though I have some kind of responsibility towards my family...even if they blew me off all those years ago...even if they BLOW me off again...I can rest easy knowing that the fault lies with them-not me.
Casper: I do believe I am strong enough to deal with whatever consequences come my way...but I am aware of the possibilities of what MIGHT happen...between myself, the woman in my life and the other big influences in my life I believe i shud be alright...but we never REALLY know how strong we are until we are kicked in the face...
Quandry: funny...this quandry I find myself and ur IS only a decision that I can make...and yah...there ARE those witlesses who think that just cuz someone goes to ONE meeting a year it means something other than JUST meeting em...the witness opinion isnt one i am interested...JUST my family opinion..and even then it is just their opinion..nothing they can say or do would convince me to come back..and as mentioned earlier the woman in my life is of rather opposite beliefs than the witnesses so Im not real concerned bout that one...phew...
esw1966: It could make them think there is hope but I have always strongly stuck to the belief that I am NOT coming back...right down to telling them that when I got the invitation-but they stil invited conditions, strings or expectations....and that was a direct line from them...true or not I feel like i need to try...they cant hurt me any worse than the last however many years it has been...but again never know how strong one can be until one has come face to face with JW in the steel cage with ones family in THEIR corner...anyhow...thanx and I will be respectful...I am not going to cause problems...just a quiet in and out if such a thing is possible...
Hiddenwindow: I tired of pleasing people YEARS ago...and i stopped trying right about the same time...I dont know exactly why I am allowing myself to be influenced by family that has not been there for a long time...maybe its a sign of my own maturity...(yeah whatever!)
WTWizard:I have not gone to a memorial since before I got df'd...I go now due to some rather unusual situations that have arisen within my life as it relates to my family...if I get hounded I will politely tell them to go away...I have no more malice for these ignorant people...IF they become harrasing then I just turn and walk away...they cannot touch me or do anything to hold me somewhere i do not want to be...AND there really is NO way that they would be able to plant any seeds of "troof" with the woman in my life...she would laugh at them endlessly...much to my benefit she thinks of them as clueless ignant people who she basically feels sorry for...(chuckle) we've been together for quite some time now...
Tired of the Hypocrisy: I think i do want to go...not because I HAVE to or because THEY require me to go or because my family "requires" me to going cuz I feel like for some reason i need to go this year...but doubtfully ever again....anyways...
Thank you everyone who had suggestions, advice and commentary on the impending boredom that I shall face on the 22nd of this month...I hope everyone else has their own feelings in order...
Memorial Blues....
by Patrynz this is my first time posting here...long time lurker first time poster...a bit bout my situation...i havent been to a meeting in a long time...the last was my meeting to announce my disfellowshipping...i have recently gotten an invitation to the memorial...*gasp* well it is about that time of year again...i had been fortunate enuff to be vacant when it came to previous memorials and meetings in general, but due to a sudden unforseen familial situation i was located (found) and invited to the memorial....i have accepted the invitation and my significant other (who has no jw past) will be coming with me...she knows that this part of my life was brutal and that i have tried to leave it behind me as much as is humanly possible...she is a big reason i have been able to move past a lot of my "issues" with religion, family etc etc blah blah blah...i have gotten past a lot of those issues.... my question i think i making a mistake in going?
i have no belief in their drivel and no desire to go back to that "dogs vomit" but due to my semi-newfound appreciation for life and life after jw'ness i am trying to patch stuff up with my jw family...least as much as i can...if such a thing is even jw family is actually treating me with some degree of human kindness and i feel as though i should at least try to rebuild some semblance of "family" i dunno....but i am going to the memorial....i must be nucking futz...anyhow...thoughts?
babygirl: Thanx for the comment...I do have a good life outside of the JW mind control shtuff...for a large degree i have let a lot of it go...I have a good support system at home and a killer job that I appreciate a lot...and an awesome woman who has been by my side for quite some is really for my family that I would be going back to that meeting..or really any meeting for that matter...the things we do for our "family" bah!
Lavendar: I honestly dont know the EXACT reason for my invitation but im sure u have a good point there...I do NOT want them to think that I am coming back...I am just going for my parents...I have told my family that I am not coming back but that I am here to support the family in this time of ummm "need" I guess is a good way of phrasing that...part of me wants to know if the memorial is just as i remember it...(im sure it is...JW creativity leaves a lot to be desired)
Memorial Blues....
by Patrynz this is my first time posting here...long time lurker first time poster...a bit bout my situation...i havent been to a meeting in a long time...the last was my meeting to announce my disfellowshipping...i have recently gotten an invitation to the memorial...*gasp* well it is about that time of year again...i had been fortunate enuff to be vacant when it came to previous memorials and meetings in general, but due to a sudden unforseen familial situation i was located (found) and invited to the memorial....i have accepted the invitation and my significant other (who has no jw past) will be coming with me...she knows that this part of my life was brutal and that i have tried to leave it behind me as much as is humanly possible...she is a big reason i have been able to move past a lot of my "issues" with religion, family etc etc blah blah blah...i have gotten past a lot of those issues.... my question i think i making a mistake in going?
i have no belief in their drivel and no desire to go back to that "dogs vomit" but due to my semi-newfound appreciation for life and life after jw'ness i am trying to patch stuff up with my jw family...least as much as i can...if such a thing is even jw family is actually treating me with some degree of human kindness and i feel as though i should at least try to rebuild some semblance of "family" i dunno....but i am going to the memorial....i must be nucking futz...anyhow...thoughts?
Patrynz this is my first time posting here...long time lurker first time poster...a bit bout my situation...I havent been to a meeting in a LONG time...the last was my meeting to announce my disfellowshipping...I have recently gotten an invitation to the memorial...*gasp* well it IS about that time of year again...I had been fortunate enuff to be vacant when it came to previous memorials and meetings in general, but due to a sudden unforseen familial situation I was located (found) and invited to the memorial....I have accepted the invitation and my significant other (who has no JW past) will be coming with me...she knows that this part of my life was brutal and that I have tried to leave it behind me as much as is humanly possible...SHE is a big reason I have been able to move past a lot of my "issues" with religion, family etc etc blah blah blah...I have gotten past a LOT of those issues...
My question i think I making a mistake in going? I have no belief in their drivel and no desire to go back to THAT "dogs vomit" but due to my semi-newfound appreciation for life and life AFTER jw'ness I am trying to patch stuff up with my JW family...least as much as I can...IF such a thing is even JW family is actually treating me with some degree of human kindness and I feel as though I should at least try to rebuild some semblance of "family" I dunno....but I am going to the memorial....I must be nucking futz...anyhow...thoughts?