More power to you Cedars ! What we have to cut through is the doubel-speak of the WT, as we read those words of theirs we know damn well that very little of what they are talking about is taken up by the public.
Yes a few crappy magazines will be accepted by the gullible public,often to simply get the JW to move on, and then they go straight in the trash, where they belong, but apart from that, they do nothing for the public.
I do not think they can point to any altruistic work they do that is seperate from their recruiting work, at least the Sally Army do a lot that does not directly relate to their evangelizing, the WT can point to nothing.
They pay no tax on their activities, it is my belief that all religions should pay tax on property and profit, just their purely charitable works, works not dependant on being a member of that religion, being exempt.
In other words, totally seperate the charities from the religions.
The last I heard the Charities Comm. admitted that many charities were worthy of investigation, but they did not have the staff or the funds to do it !
I think if enough of a stink is made in the press they will be forced to act.