JoinedTopics Started by GWEEDO
God the bloodthirsty sinner
by GWEEDO inand the lord was with joshua.... the lord commands joshua .
1 after the death of moses the servant of the lord , the lord said to joshua son of nun, moses' aide: 2 "moses my servant is dead.
now then, you and all these people, get ready to cross the jordan river into the land i am about to give to them-to the israelites.
God likes virgins
by GWEEDO innumbers 31.
31 so moses and eleazar the priest did as the lord commanded moses.
32 the plunder remaining from the spoils that the soldiers took was 675,000 sheep, 33 72,000 cattle, 34 61,000 donkeys 35 and 32,000 women who had never slept with a man.
Jesus freaks and the Stem cell issue..............
by GWEEDO indown here in australia legislation is about to be past approving the use of embryos from the ivf program for stem cell research.. stem cell research provides great hope for cures to such things as parkison disease, diabetes, paralysis.
thats sounds great huh...well, not to everyone it seems.. as a sign that our society really aint as advanced as we would like to think; we still have a large lobby of religious idiots & right to lifers screaming murder.
these idiots would actually have us think that using a bunch of cells for research to help improve the quality of life of some people with pretty horrible diseases and injuries is actually murder.
My all time fav country tunes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by GWEEDO indo you love as good as you look.
does your chewing gum lose its flavor on the bedpost overnight?.
drop kick me, jesus, through the goalposts of life.
Osama and one of his many wives!
by GWEEDO inthis is for the people who were offended by kents post of bush taking it up the ass by osama.
warning...if yer taste is a little on the conservative side, then dont go here!.
George W is good entertainment
by GWEEDO in"in this country we don't ask the question, 'what is your religion?
' we ask the question, 'are you united to defend freedom?
"this is a strong coalition.
Whats the difference between Osama and the WT?
by GWEEDO inoh, nothing really...just 5,999,995,000 dead bodies!
It aint Osama. Its the evil WT cult at work -PROOF
by GWEEDO inok... who has the money?.
well, the wt does.
its been bleeding its members dry for years!.
Aint no easy battle. Aint no easy choices
by GWEEDO inripped off
2000 gmt, 010914. summary.
united states, the u.s. government is trying to decide .