They are no more or less intelligent than the rest of the population. All levels of intelligence there. Being a 'sheep' is encouraged and therefore questioning isn't something that is encouraged. Perhaps that is what may make one look a little dumb - putting your trust in every word coming out of the mouth of the 'Society". I guess I was always a little 'goat-like'. I remember driving home from an assembly and we were discussing a talk that was given. It was mentioned in the talk that Jesus must have felt excruciating pain when he was nailed to the stake - given that being a perfect man, his sense of pain would have been heightened. Not doubting that Jesus did experience excruciating pain, I questioned the idea that being perfect would mean heightened pain sensation. After all, in a perfect human state, could we not have a measure of control over the pain control chemicals released by our bodies. And what about Eve - if she had not fallen from perfection, then how would she have been able to endure childbirth if her sense of pain would have been heightened? And didn't Jehovah increase her birth pains after 'the fall'? The discomfort of those in the car was quite obvious. Those in the car replied "But this thought came from the platform- it must be true-this is Jehovah's organization." I tended to make others rather uncomfortable at times because I was vocal about my thoughts. Part of me enjoyed seeing their reactions. They probably stop thinking outside of what the 'society' tells them and it frightens them to do so because they would then be disobedient and loose favor with the rest. A child may be very intelligent and still believe in Santa Clause. There was a witch hunt and they finally got rid of me. I told them that I agreed that I should be removed and went happily on my way. I have nothing against the religion or its adherents. I knew some beautiful people in that religion. And I know some complete idiots outside of it. There are all kinds everywhere. As for me, I'm just a happy camper enjoy life.
JoinedPosts by titania
Did You Find Many JWs As Being Not Very Intelligent?
by minimus inwere most witnesses very intelligent, in your honest opinion?