A US Pastor (John Torell) is preaching that Donald Trump should not be judged for his lewd remarks because they were made in the past before he became a 'born again' Christian early in 2016.
Quote: "This event took place with a well-known pastor, who met privately with Trump and was able to lead him to Christ. Trump did not publicly announce his conversion since he didn’t want people thinking he was just pandering to the evangelicals. Two reliable sources have confirmed that Donald Trump came to Christ and this story was published in the Pentecostal magazine, Charisma."
John Torell claims that because God forgives sins and they are wiped away, Trump should not be judged on his past errors and quotes the case of Saul of Tarsus/Paul.
See http://eaec.org/desk/10-09-2016.htmhttp://eaec.org/desk/10-09-2016.htm
Video: https://vimeo.com/187036198
Being from the UK, I'm not fully au fait with all the facts about US politics, and I hadn't heard of Trump 'finding Jesus', but the whole idea is beyond ludicrous.
John Torell is a deluded and senseless idiot, (a few years ago he warned that Obama may be the anti-Christ), but I would be interested to know how widely Trump's religious status (or otherwise) has been discussed and how much of an issue it has been in the US media?