Great topic!
I'm faced with finally returning to college to finish my degree because of the same issues - retirement, body changing.
I'm trying to judge less and accept more, but it's not always easy. Self-care has become a big issue and insurance is a must. I have to change careers and go back to school or I have no hope for a retirement or travel - something I've always dreamt of doing a lot of. Without going back to school, there's also little hope for getting proper health care.
I hate the aches and pains that are a part of my daily life - something I only experienced once a month in my 20's and 30's.
It's not all bad. I feel more confident now and know a lot more than I did then, but that doesn't change the challenges. Despite that, I am learning to worry less and stay in the here and now. That's a refreshing change for me.