Perhaps a new network?
Or one's very own router . . . instead of using someone else's?
i haven't found a method that works more than 10% of the time.. most methods work for only a few minutes before they are themselves disabled by the unit's software.. i am at my wits end and need the advice of the board.. is there any way to disable the watchtower society's autopilot that have been installed on all jw model drones?.
Perhaps a new network?
Or one's very own router . . . instead of using someone else's?
don't give beggers money ever.
the one time we ever were approached by a homeless man, he asked for money so he could eat..... and rather than give him money, the hub went into the nearby subway and got him a footlong meat sandwich and gave it to him and left
prolog>>> being "good witnesses" we turned the car around and went back to witness to him and found him in the alley behind the subway splitting his sandwich with 3 other guys, all of them with that entourage of funk keeping them well guarded.....
we got them all sandwiches and left literature..... the first guy asked if he could hug me
my older son, who was 5 at the time, remembers that event some 18 years later
Chickpea, that made me cry.
At a clinic where I work, they have left-overs all the time - untouched sometimes.
A few weeks back they had bags and bags of individual dinners left over, untouched, in the fridge.
I happened to get a ride from a cabbie because my car wasn't running.
I asked her if she ever sees homeless people on her runs; I have some dinners she could give out (or just keep and take home if she wanted to). I offered her about half a dozen boxes of dinners.
Turns out, she works for the homeless and hungry through her church. The food I offered her just happened to be about the number of homeless people she sees each night.
We had a nice chat about helping people, compassion, and what it means to be human - giving without expectation, whether or not the recipients seemed deserving.
After all, how much of the good things that we have are always deserved? Often times we're just lucky (or not) and so are our fellow humans struggling with hunger, homelessness, drug addiction.
Some have better coping tools than others, and some are prettier and luckier and do better than others because of it. And some are asses. Just like every where else. Can't give up on humanity because of that . . .
don't give beggers money ever.
There will always be people who 'take advantage.' That doesn't mean we should give up helping each other. Greed has many faces.
just got done with a 3 hr.
argument with my family.
the essence of the conversation was that since im not going to the meetings, aka: in the organization, im not a good person.
"Winning" is not the point. Being true to yourself is the point. And that actually is winning. You did not lose. They have lost - themselves to a cult. You are free to build new relationships, new family, new knowledge. Fly!
one young, zealous brother was thrilled about it!
"they (meaning the gov.
body) know something's going to happen, or they wouldn't be doing this!
Yay! I smell Jehovah's Witnesses' League Bowling Night every Tuesday, all over the country, don't you?
now my wife is even more crazed with zeal than ever before.
the announcement has proven to her that the end is almost visible.
time has run out!
I think it just means another good bowling night.
it is a standard answer that i get from the few jw's that i speak with.. "the organization has it's flaws, but where else would we go to be among.
people who strive to do [jehovah's/god's] will?".
"i don't understand all the doctrine, nor take it as seriously as you do, but .
Beautifully put, Terry:
. . . name brand groups sporting Jesus as their saviour . . .
Only a person who cares what is true will separate themselves and take their chances alone with only God to judge them.
Nothing else to add to this.
does anyone else here ever use stumbleupon?
i've been using it for a couple of months (when i can get my network adapter to work.
yesterday i found the coolest image of a glass frog using stumbleupon.
Kewel! But did you see the glass frog? Amazing, isn't it? To see the inside of a fairly complex, living, breathing creature while it is alive and unmolested! What a world! What a universe!
Maybe I would have been brought up by flaming alcoholics who would have lost custody of me, divorced before my siblings were born, and I would have ended up in the foster care system
Maybe my parents would have gotten thereapy, gone to college, made all their kids into scholars, and perfected the family unit
something more middle-of-the-road might have happened and I wouldn't be sitting here now. I'd be out socializing.
Maybe I would or would not have social anxiety disorder.
Maybe I would or would not have the misfortune to be mentally ill and have the great luck to have a good therapist and social worker OR
none of the above.
Maybe I would not exist.
Good thing to BE here, now, this moment, NOT in coulda', woulda', shoulda' because coulda woulda shoulda is not real; it does not exist; it is irrelevent, except to learn from and not repeat the same mistakes too many times.
dear friends,.
much of what we do on a daily basis is routine and of no particular, earth-shaking importance.
however, after reviewing letters of family going back to wwii, it is fascinating to read what dad was doing on board the aircraft carrier in the pacific on any old day, what mom was cooking on her ever-steaming range, how i was dealing with the roller coaster of emotion at bethel [mom saved all my letters], how nana wrote that she would not study with the witnesses [per my request] but 'here are some mittens i knitted for you when you canvass new york with your magazines.
Thanks, CoCo.
Caspar - I can relate. You made me cry.
Lots of changes here . . . I can barely bring myself to get out of bed before dusk . . . I'm doing much better, but I am upside-down (over a number of things - including my daughter growing up).
It's wonderful, though, to know that your kids are able to be grown-ups and live well, isn't it? It means you did your job as a parent. Be proud of them and of yourself, and most especially, be proud of letting them learn from and live with their own mistakes. Isn't that the hardest thing to do?
I am so sad and afraid right now. And alone. I am sure of one thing, though - it will pass.