I am so very, very sorry Hambeak. The pain must be huge. Please remember that we are all thinking about you and sending many hugs and lots of love.
our friend hambeak just got the most dreaded phone call from his jw child.
the news was passed on as he was asked for by name and not as"dad" and let known that "they" just called to let him know that his other son, brian, age 26, is dead.
he was in a car accident.
I am so very, very sorry Hambeak. The pain must be huge. Please remember that we are all thinking about you and sending many hugs and lots of love.
comments you will not hear at the 11-26-06 wt study (october 15, 2006, pages 18-23)(honorable weddings).
review comments will be in red.
quotes from other sources will be in quotes boxes.
My dear Blondie...Queen of the Watchtower Review...what a hoot this article was! Especially in light of the fact that it was a wedding that allowed us to see the JW's for what they are. Does the word dogmatic come to mind? They really take all the joy out of a wedding with all these goofy rules, regulations and directions.
such a gathering for true Christians should be different from worldly receptions marked by extravagance, heavy drinking, overeating, wild music, suggestive dancing, and even fights.
(Sorry this is all in red...I couldn't figure out how to change it back to black! Duh...brain death).
After my son got married, we were invited to a wedding a couple of months later. It was HUGE! I think over 500 people. All the people who boycotted my sons wedding were there in full force...all the elders and ministerial servants who instigated the unfair marking of my son. I do believe that many of the gifts the couple received had been purchased for my son and his (now) wife. But when they put the brakes on the shower and wedding...my son and (now) wife had few presents. It was very hurtful. I digress.
So we go to this huge wedding. They had two stations set up on oppostite ends of the venue serving beer and other spirits. No one was checking ID's or "policing" these areas. I swear just about everyone under the age of 21 (from probably 16 on up) were totally drunk. The music was extremely wild and they were body passing the bride and others! I looked around and saw all the elders and MS's that wouldn't attend my son's very conservative wedding having the time of their lives.
This couple, who were married in the fall of 1999, were divorced a couple of years ago! Hmmmmm? My son and his wife are still happily married with two beautiful children. Somehow we all survived this fiasco and fortunately our rose-colored glasses were removed and we left.
How many aspects of a persons life can the Watchtower get involved in before these people see the "writing on the wall" (or in this case the writing in the Watchtower)!! All of us were truly victims. But we also are all survivors.
thanks again Blondie for such an enlightening review. Your reviews are the one thing I look forward to reading on Saturday. (Though I do think you need more "vomit alerts")!! ROFL!!!
edited to correct font colour ~ Scully (highlight selected text and click the "eraser" (remove formatting) button next to the "paste"/clipboard icon)
you may before your emperor !!!!!
Wah, Wah, Wah...I wanna be an Emporer too!
Congratulations...keep up the good work! I bow to your Emporer-ness!!!
i got the following message from someone i used to know, on myspace.
he lived down the road from my family.
he's still a jw.
Well I did a little investigating and I messaged him and got this for a reply. RE: Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm | |
Body: | how bout you peg this, i don't give a fuck what you are pegging me as mumsy ----------------- Original Message ----------------- My comment is second...his, ofcourse is first and again he is using a not very nice word. I noticed that when I clicked on his "Space" on MySpace that he has set his space to PRIVATE. Guess he doesn't want any elders or any of us looking over his page. As to his page. It was quite disturbing with many scantily clad women and people who had left some pretty yucky comments. Comments are the messages left that all can see...you have to be a friend of that person to leave them. He seems to have many, many "worldly" friends. Must of forgot about that bad association thingee. Anyone can message someone. That is just between you and that person and is not made public. He can block a person from messaging. I did report him to the "authorities" on MySpace about his abusive language and remarks. I hope he gets kicked off. Totally inappropriate and he is violating the rules of MySpace. ta ta...hope you all had a great thanksgiving...now on to Christmas!! mumsy |
i got the following message from someone i used to know, on myspace.
he lived down the road from my family.
he's still a jw.
I took a look at his "space" and I don't think it looks very Jehovah Witnessy. In fact...it looks very "worldly" to me! If he truly is a JW...he is one huge hypocrite. I don't think that it is proper MySpace Etiquette to be using the F word in messages or comments to other people.
Can you spell moron? I can.
lately i have been thinking.
there are things i want.
i am so tired of working so hard for goals just to watch the prize be taken by someone else who is only slightly interested in the finished product.
I for one am getting way, way, way out of your way my dear lady. Otherwise I may be bulldozed over by a very, very, very determined woman!!
You go for it girl!!!!!
what a ride it has been!.
i was [and had been for a full year] sure that leaving the jw's was the right thing to do, before i showed up here.
still, the journey was just underway then, and this forum has been a wonderful aid in that journey.. i remember the first few weeks, when i discovered that some of the posters here [mouthy, jst2laws and his wife (joysabelle i think)] had aided me earlier thru emails in the first of my earliest contacts, before i knew of jwd.
Jeff...what a HUGE heart you and your "wifey" must have to happily welcome into your home your grandchildren! That is truly what love is all about! I am glad you're going to stick around for a while longer. You would be missed.
well its all happend, got to the hosp early friday morning, had my waters broken at around 7:30am had to wait for an hour and a half to see if labour would begin naturally, it didnt so at 9am i was hooked up to the drip, man that was intense, put it to you this way, blakes labour was about 8 hours all up kaia's labour was 3 hours and i would rather go through the 8 hour one anyday.. it was a very short labour, kaia was born a bit shocked as it happend so fast so she was rushed up to nursery for a bit as she was purple and not breathing properly but after an hour on oxygen she was fine, me on the other hand had to be stitched up coz pushing a 9 pound 1 baby out naturally with no drugs does damage heheh, then i had to be hooked up to a drip for 4 hours as i lost a bit of blood.
but once we were all sorted it was all good.
she is doing so well we are at home now, she is beautiful and very content.
I am so happy all went well for you! All I can say (after that) is BEE-U-TI-FUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh...I can say some more. Such a lovely family. I suppose now there will be a huge influx of new babies approximately 9 months from now after seeing that little cutie!! LOL!
Congrats! mumsy
when i was four, i believed that my life could be painfully and tortuously taken from me, in a ball of flame, crashing down from the heavens, just while i sitting down to a bowl of oatmeal in the morning.. when i was nine, i believed that my life, as i then knew it, would be drastically altered, that i would be tortured for being a jw, and after suffering for who knows how long, i would die (because i still hadn't lived up to jehovah's expectations).. when i was 13, i wanted to be a nuclear physicist-because it sounded cool, but in the meantime i believed that i would die in armageddon because i wanted to go to college, get really educated, and have a great, "worldly" life.. when i was 15, i felt guilty that i hoped armageddon would never come, because i so desperately wanted to go to college.. when i was 17, i was offered an honors early admissions in a prestigious program in a highly regarded engineering program.
my mother flat out said, "no!".
when i was 18, i scuttled semi-secretly to the local university, part-time, trying to hide my daily activities without actually lying to anyone.. when i was 19 i quit pretending and disassociated.
Wonderful. Absolutely wonderful!! Congratulations for hanging in there and following your dreams.
A hug for you...mumsy
this time i thought for sure they wouldn't publish this one...but i believe our local paper, the stevens point journal is a very liberal, progressive little newspaper.
the elders ignored my last letter...i wonder if they can ignore this one???
oh how i love it!!.
Thank you all for your nice words!
R6Laser: I am aware, as I stated, that the gay marriage issue goes way beyond what we experienced. Nevertheless...my husband and I had invested over 4 decades in the Watchtower organization and most if not all of our relatives and friends were JW's. Sure you can leave. But what are the consequences? Why do so many stay when they really want to leave? Because of the severity and repercussions of leaving and then losing all those you holddear...in our case my mom and sister, who have shunned me for the past 4 years and friends who will no longer talk to us or even look our way (I guess that in itself is no great loss)...but it hurts. It turns your life upside down and inside out. It has affected me tremendously as I have chronic depression anyway and there were times I contemplated suicide. We had everything to lose. So though in the light of the gay marriage issue you may feel it is not even comparable...when something hurts you as badly as we were hurt...IT STILL MATTERS.
BCZAR2ME: The issue of being an "unbeliever", even though you are an unbaptized publisher, was a huge issue for us. I mean...how can a person be raised as a JW...participate in the ministry, give talks on the stage and be an unbeliever in what they believe they are preaching? Quite the oxymoron isn't it? We fought over this tooth and nail with our local elders, the CO, the DO and the heads of the syndicate in NY. (One elder told me of course she wasn't an unbeliever but then failed to explain to me why she was labeled so. He had no answer)! This went on for over a year or more. This was back in 2000. I wasn't even aware that they had changed the labeling from "unbeliever" to "non-witness". If we had anything to do with this I have no idea. If we did...it sure took them a long time to discuss it!! I guess that's par for the course. I doubt we were involved in this "new light".
Blondie: Thank you my dear for posting that "Questions from the Readers" article. It totally blew me away with their crazy reasoning on the subject. I had not read that article before. It seems very simple to me. If a person is a practicing JW, even though unbaptized, he MUST BELIEVE in what he is practicing and preaching. This is not rocket science. It's not even kindergarten stuff. The term believer is self-defining. It is my belief that my son and his fiancee were evenly yoked as they both believed the same things. Jeeeeeeeshhhhhhhhhhh!! Why make it so darn complicated like we are all morons. I think we know who the morons really are and they ain't US!
I can feel my blood pressure rising. I better quit now.