I'm not quite sure how your site works on the copy and post thing yet, t makes it hard to reply to you all individually
My quest started recently but I think unhappiness was the motivator and I have some current reality that will put it on hold for a while (my baby is due in 2 weeks).
Would God use all faiths? hmmm I think the witnesses get this viewpoint of 'there can be only one' directly from the bible, Certainly even with jesus it was a case of give up being a jew to become a christian, and the scriptures in the bible do seem to indicate 'One chosen people' and as someone said thats probably why most faiths particularily Christian ones are so 'we are the true faith'. Although there are some modern ones that do say all 'roads' lead to God now.
Lol I've gone google mad on faiths recently, Definately eye-opening when I looked into mormons and scientology :s
Witnesses definately aren't perfect, If I try to close off my JW trained mind and view them clinically (really hard thing to do) I find them sufferring from similar faults of the jewish faith at jesus's time, sometimes it's too easy to make the rules more important than the person.
I'm still not sure they would DF me wouldn't that be against the principle of the 'prodigal son' son text? Does anyone know a particular case of anyone that has come back after a number of years confessed past sins done in that time away but no longer and then promptly been DF'd for them?
You said about the guy that left a common-law partner and child when he became a witness why didn't he marry them instead?