Topics Started by reniaa
So long and thanks for all the fish.
by reniaa inhere is a goodbye thread for people who have decided to move on and leave jwn.
posting a message for everyone or just some..
letter of disassociation from a Christian
by reniaa in
i have decided to leave this organization!--a letter from a first century christian.
hi, brothers and sisters.
Are You Paul or are you Saul?
by reniaa inthis was the same man at different times in his life yet he changed his name because he completely changed his ideals and goals too.
both were extremely zealous, both thought they were doing gods work, both thought they were working for the greater good.. acts 8:3 (new international version)3but saul began to destroy the church.
going from house to house, he dragged off men and women and put them in prison.. soul thought gods work was to destroy the christians but paul.... acts 20: 19i served the lord with great humility and with tears, although i was severely tested by the plots of the jews.
Are you a Binitarian?
by reniaa ini have had loads of discussion on here with so-called trinitarians that constantly refer to john 1:1 as proof of trinity!
but it only talks about the word (jesus) and the god so what happened to the holy ghost?.
if you only use proof that jesus is divine in your texts doesn't that make you a binitarian?.
Defence of watchtower society Links
by reniaa ini thought long and hard before making this thread, that many will not agree with it but i think there needs to be balance and people to realise there are alternate viewpoints out there on many of these subjects, the ones that are most spoke about on this forum.
i was recently sent a full message containing mary's book and these links give the rebuttal to many of her points.
those that are still open-minded enough feel free to look over them even if in the end you still don't agree at least you have heard both the defence as well as the attack as they are on the internet.
jesus denies being God! scriptural discussion.
by reniaa ini thought after recently reading the bible i would put up for disussion some recent scriptures up which for me show that jesus never viewed himself as god and anyone listening would also see it this way too.. first mark 10 :17-20.
17as jesus started on his way, a man ran up to him and fell on his knees before him.
"good teacher," he asked, "what must i do to inherit eternal life?
Is it the JW's or the God of the bible you no longer believe?
by reniaa ini have a question for the ex-jw's on this forum after months of reading the forum..... many say how good it is to be free of the oppressiveness of the jw's that they can now enjoy the freedom to... have sex, celebrate christmas, gamble, embrace politics etc.
there are still biblical scriptures and principles in place that if you still followed the bible would mean you avoid these things and yet these are now embraced as one of the perks of no longer being a jw so in my confusion i ask.... if these are what you want, isn't it more correct to say you no longer follow the bible as apposed to just the jw's?.
For those with family members who are shunning you could try them with this
by reniaa inplease, its from the wts society and may help you, if the family who are witnesses have taking the shunning issue too deeply.
disfellowshipping is a very serious matter.17 the apostle paul wrote that christians should "quit mixing in company" with persons who unrepentantly reject certain scriptural standards.18 this is strong counsel, but jehovahs witnesses obey it.
however, contrary to muramotos assertions, when a family member is disfellowshipped, personal ties and non-spiritual association are not terminated.
bazaarest new program on english TV on Christianity
by reniaa ini have seen a few from other countries but this one had me going huh!!!.
reverend george hargreaves and his team continue with the group of volunteers from leeds and teach them a more 'christian' way of life in the hope it can halt the country's moral decline.. it's a group of 4 church clergy, from different christian faiths getting together to teach a group of random non-christians about god, it's format is very much like one of these makover programs were you get a team of experts to makover someone or there house, .
Why do people use so many derogative, belittling terms on here like....
by reniaa inmaybe for the same reason the bible namecalls:.