Lol i would question if i'm actually learning the truth on this site, which is basically the thing it is, which is an anti-witness site providing info that would stumble anyone, a lot of this information is correct though like the ending of home bookstudy one which personally has had me stumbling at the JW's more than anything else i've so far read on this site.
But some is out of date watchtowers from mega years ago when we were a lot different from now as country and world-wide, even 20 years ago people were encouraged to marry if they had sex and got caught pregnant, nowadays my sister tought me a new expression for single women in my local council estate who have multiple kids to multiple partners they are called " four by four 4x4" as in the car, so far has the world changed in that respect. Now marriage is a thing going out of practise as the norm, Stuff from years ago must be taken in context with the times that people lived in and the last 20/40 years have see a massive change word-wide in thinking and practises, we are richer and wealthier now than we have ever been in some countries with plenty of recreatonal options lol 40 years ago when TV's were black and white and for the rich only, going on the ministry was a fun social outing :), but now it has to compete with internet and gaming, Sky etc lol
Then some information on here is opinion stated as fact
Also personal experiences on here however truthful are stated from the first person perspective and so subjective at best. We are not going to say anything negative about our own actions in a situation we are telling people about, that is just human nature!
Then some info as in this case of disfellowshipping that has biblical basis as in paul words which does need exploring biblically to see if the witnesses are applying it abitarily wrongly in many cases.
Matthew 18:15-17, Romans 16:17, 1 Corinthians 5, and 2 John 7-11.
these scriptures have directly led to the concept of disfellowshipping but where the witnesses right to have read them that way or overly strict in applying them?
and if we don't disfellowship how do we apply these scriptures in our everyday life?