hi Nark
I don't agree extra knowledge given or memories equate to an extra separate consciousness, Remember trinitarians openly admit to a hypostatic union so they do have it as openly part of their beliefs you cannot take what they believe and paste it on to witnesses.
Hypostatic involves more points than just extra memory/knowledge.
Hypostatic union It involves saying Jesus had two consciousies and two wills, two separate parts that can act without each other (one die and one not die going upto heaven).
(Incidently i'm still wondering about the whole resurrection of the creature flesh jesus and was it joined to the other son the God Jesus straight away or after it was ascended to heaven according to trinitarian rhetoric?)
It's like your saying
look theres a RED bus it's big, red, and has 4 wheels but look theres a red postbox it's red so it must be a bus! even though it shares/agrees nothing else in common with the bus but it's colour.
Allowing for extra memory/knowledge does not allow for a whole new will and separateness of conscousness
If a person has amnesia does he become two persons? of course not when his memory returns they just get added to his current awareness and he absolutely remains the same person, the same will, the same consciousness.
The bible makes it clear that people under the influence of holy spirit only had a greater access to God's power and certainly not of any pre-human existence but then none of them had a prehuman existence like Jesus had. in fact he is unique among men in this which is clearly stated by the bible.
Yes Jws are similar to trinitarians because we both use the bible and draw our theologies from it. So the RED part of it is we both accept the biblical words that Jesus had a prehuman existence and is God's son and we both have ways to explain it.
Were we differ is what we do beyond the bible!
How much we add too what the bible says.
Your trying to make a case for Jw hypostatic union simply from Jws allowing Jesus could become aware of his prehuman existence but that is not all that is involved when you say Jesus had two wills, parts or consciousnesses. Your making the point of agreement hypostatic union when in fact it is Jesus's prehuman existence and knowledge of it.
Your taking the big red bus and working backwards (ack somthing theologians do a lot) when you should be working forwards from the red colour/bible.