hi sirona thankyou for replying,
I also understand (a little) how it must feel to be heavily pregnant and alone. You are looking for support and you remember how the JWs used to be nice to you. I am pregnant myself. I am not married, but I have a partner who posts on this board (Gary - Diamondblue1974) and we are 100% committed to each other. Gary is a moral person and so am I. It does upset me that you can speak of "worldly" people in the way that you do.
I have to admit there is a bit of wanting those friendships again, but the second I still have problems with, yes people can be good or bad, I don't actually think of people as wordly but I do think the world is worldly if that makes any sense, I think we are encourage currently to be very selfish and disconnected from each other by TV, governments etc etc but I'm not firm on this because I do recognise my emotional pregnant state has maybe me more negative.
OK sorry I stand corrected. Leolaia will respond perhaps to your comments on the cross / stake argument. She really is impressive....click on her profile and post history and you'll find someone who is amazingly knowledgeable about scripture and both Hebrew and Greek.
I will i would be very interested in her answers to my question but one thing I've learned from trawling on atheists site is especially on science and scholars, You can have many experts that disagree with each other you end having to choice one yourself anyway so back to square One, I would introduce her to someone called Roger Pierce he's a greek scholar who proved a good friend, he handles a lot of the original manuscripts.
Believe me, there are nice people out there! Moral people, loving people, charitable people.
but I also know there are a lot more of the alternative to these loving, charitable people :(
Now you might want to say that the story of the flood relates to a local flooding in that region or some other explanation, but saying that less than 4000 years ago the whole globe was deluged and 99.9999% of humankind were killed along with most animals, is simply proven to NOT be true. No amount of wishing will change that fact.
With this you have possibly the biggest argument against the Bible because we are thrown into the appologist viewpoints to explain if it did happen, there are 2 points in a global floods favour though, first the thousands of ancient flood stories talking of a global flood to the point were you can argue racial memory, these are not made up and exist in reality of archaeology. Secondly "Absence of evidence is not evidence of lack" (did I quote that right) Science cannot physically go back in time and say for definate a flood didn't happen and so they are basing opinion on evidence that is taking from strong facts so still room for argument, Although I will say they have the stronger case atm.
I weigh up the evidence based on what qualified people have found.
Me too but I find these guys don't always agree and as I said above you end up having to weigh one qualified persons opinions against another using your own judgement, square one again.
You, by comparison, appear to be completely disinterested in any other faiths. For you, its either JWs or the EVIL world. For you, it appears to be the bible or nothing (atheism). Don't you realise that there is other spirituality out there? This is what I meant by lack of education. Sorry you feel offended but I suppose the truth hurts.
You do me an injustice here assuming I haven't done research on other religions besides Christianity, I just haven't mentioned them so far, I checked most other ancient writings but found of those I researched they lacked the archaeological heretage of the bible, very different in fact, not much on peoples places and happenings like the bible but more on words of wisdom etc much like what you quoted. I hope you see I want to believe in something that has some reality to it to hinge on? otherwise I may as well just believe in UFO's like some I met on the doors once who they were waiting to be collected :S
Are you christian or atheist yourself? you words on have me wondering?
I really am inclined to agree with Rayzorblade and say Blah blah blah Ginger. Because no matter what the evidence you are given, you choose to ignore it because in your heart you want to believe the JWs are right.
You have apoint but I am not an unquestioning accept the statement type as the witnesses would find out if I started asking questions of them again. :)