Remember this forum has mostly an anti-witnesses one. The information on here is mostly biased against them.
hi - i'm new here so go easy on me!.
i've been lurking for a while trying to find out info on the jws.
some questions i have:.
Remember this forum has mostly an anti-witnesses one. The information on here is mostly biased against them.
the wt and jws around the world have made the evil "trinity" their reason for existence.
when in fact they have quite a mystery of their own.
one son in two separate an distinct persons with two separate an distinct natures archangel michael/human jesus.. on another thread spike tassel tried to explain this by saying: .
Hi Isaac
when did he empty himself?
because whole thread is about Jesus being 100% flesh man at the same time as being 100% God no emptying there?
i know this has been re-hashed many times here.
in great detail with quotes from former watchtower articles, etc.
i'm going to cut to the chase and just make this brief and direct.
lying is saying Jw's deliberately decieved and with generation we all thought it was true, sometimes it's time that refines the wrong idea. Jw's learned the hard way that we are on God's timetable not man's. So Jw's didn't lie unless lying includes not knowing yourself, which it doesn't.
the wt and jws around the world have made the evil "trinity" their reason for existence.
when in fact they have quite a mystery of their own.
one son in two separate an distinct persons with two separate an distinct natures archangel michael/human jesus.. on another thread spike tassel tried to explain this by saying: .
Hi isaac
You might not of noticed but Jesus is also called son of god like the angels are.
You should read you own scriptures.
He has become better than the angels and what makes him better? only that he has inherited a better name not that he is in anyway different by being God and become suggests he was once wasn't better than them.
just want to know why some of you,not all,please dont think im meaning all of you because that truly isnt the case,claim to be happy for leaving the truth,being df etc yet you continue to speak about jehovah or attack him or the organisation??
even for many years after.. this would show that your hurt by them df you.
when someone we love hurts us its natural to want to hurt them back because we have feelings for im thinking that many have love for jehovah still??
hi Farkel
your using Godwins law is a fallacy and a low attempt to manipulate people's emotions.'s_law
just want to know why some of you,not all,please dont think im meaning all of you because that truly isnt the case,claim to be happy for leaving the truth,being df etc yet you continue to speak about jehovah or attack him or the organisation??
even for many years after.. this would show that your hurt by them df you.
when someone we love hurts us its natural to want to hurt them back because we have feelings for im thinking that many have love for jehovah still??
hi Angel
you make good point, there is a definite feeling of love/hate once zealousness for witnesses is now turned into an equal bitter zealousness against them and to become identified as an ex-Jw by some on here. It is almost like they are making it a religion out of being ex-JWs.
If you are on here for a while you will see alternate wt-studies, alternate articles and encouragement against witnesses. Incitement to do active things against witnesses or their websites. and suggestions for getting spouses and friends out of the witnesses. There are youtubers that do articles for regulars to watch.
I have always thought if you cannot be a witness it is better to put it completely behind you even if you have family members who are witnesses simply because dwelling in bitterness is not good for anyone.
the wt and jws around the world have made the evil "trinity" their reason for existence.
when in fact they have quite a mystery of their own.
one son in two separate an distinct persons with two separate an distinct natures archangel michael/human jesus.. on another thread spike tassel tried to explain this by saying: .
Hi isaac
I was making the opposite point that all angels are messengers because thats what the word angel means.
the hebrew word in malachi is angel which is their word for messenger.
So I'm not saying all messengers are angels, just that angels were defined originally as messengers because thats what hebrews knew them to be. Time has made us think of angels as something separate to God and Jesus but when you look at how the bible defines them as a race it just defines them with God and Jesus as spirit creatures.
the wt and jws around the world have made the evil "trinity" their reason for existence.
when in fact they have quite a mystery of their own.
one son in two separate an distinct persons with two separate an distinct natures archangel michael/human jesus.. on another thread spike tassel tried to explain this by saying: .
hi deputy dog
malachi 3:1 is a specific prophecy Jesus mentions as refering to him and john the baptist who prepares the way for him.
He identifies himself as the messenger/angel of the covenant. Angel simply means messenger in hebrew. All we know of angels is they are spirit creatures like God and Jesus and called messengers because they do Gods work for him and in malachi here the prophecy is identifying Jesus as an Angel/messenger of the covenant which he testifies to in mathew 10:11.
So people saying Jesus can't be an angel because they are a different race type argument or he just isn't an angel is just being tricky. When they know this scripture refers to Jesus being the 'Angel of the covenant' confirmed by himself later. And that angels are the same race as God and Jesus which is that they are all spirit creatures.
thats why it can be just a name change.
the wt and jws around the world have made the evil "trinity" their reason for existence.
when in fact they have quite a mystery of their own.
one son in two separate an distinct persons with two separate an distinct natures archangel michael/human jesus.. on another thread spike tassel tried to explain this by saying: .
hi quietly leaving
I see what you are getting at I must have missed that post earlier.
We don't teach Jesus and michael are separate persons joined together like trinitarians do for triune God, we think michael is just a name change, If it gets proved biblically that Jesus is not michael and is indeed a separate spirit being in his own right then we wouldn't believe Jesus is michael.
thats the difference!
How do you know 'the word' is just an alternative name for Jesus? because the bible tells us, admitedly michael is more of a construct to say that is another name Jesus uses but it wouldn't hurt our doctrine if michael proved to be a separate person. We would just drop him off the list of names Jesus uses.
You not trying to argue angels are a different race to God and Jesus are you? because the bible tells us they are all spirit creatures.
remember angel simply means messenger and archangel means head of the messengers.
To us Jesus is a spirit creature called 'logos' 'lamb' 'jesus' 'immanuel' 'michael' the only unusual thing was Jesus was able to become flesh completely and then become a spirit creature again after resurrection.
14 And (A) the Word (B) became flesh, and (C) dwelt among us, and (D) we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of (E) grace and (F) truth. It says the word became flesh here not joined to the flesh.
the wt and jws around the world have made the evil "trinity" their reason for existence.
when in fact they have quite a mystery of their own.
one son in two separate an distinct persons with two separate an distinct natures archangel michael/human jesus.. on another thread spike tassel tried to explain this by saying: .
hi isaac
not really, all that scripture shows is Jesus is given authority by his father which fits him simply being his fathers son nothing more nothing less!