Do you feel that this turbulence was some sort of sign and it would not happen if an active JW would be taking the same flight or any flight in that sense?
Just my 2 eurocents worth.
i always hear at least two stories a year about someone i know who's left the "truth" goes back despite the trauma surrounding their departure.
this morning i heard yet another story.
a few years ago and elder's wife in my former uk congregation abruptly left the organization, surprising everyone and getting a big df in the process.
Do you feel that this turbulence was some sort of sign and it would not happen if an active JW would be taking the same flight or any flight in that sense?
Just my 2 eurocents worth.
we have a bigg artikel in km abot our wuie on how to treat them in diffrent situations, not so much new things, but they confirm this harder treatment on dfd, as we have 1981.. not so happy for this, i think it is a bigg misstake to dont take this occasion to change to some more loving wuie.i can not follow why they do like this perhaps they are draw this to the end of the lione, but who are take the punnish for this, if not the averge jw, who i think dont like this so very much.. so i can not follow who they think, perhaps we have wolfs among us, who hurt ther members.. .
You missed artikel.
i just got out from jw bye a d.f.
4 weeks ago after 44 years as an active jw.am i insane or why am i having that great feeling of freedom??
i am sitting here infront of the computer having a cold beer and just enjoying life.shouldnt i be crying and having a depression sitting here in tears over missing all my jw friends that now are vanished??.
I just tried out my poor swedish which isn't my mother tongue, as I am just en finne igen.
While we tend to generalize, the fact is that a rank and file witness is not the target we are aiming at. They are kept in dark and sometimes fed with bullshit. As you already pointed out there are some peculiar incidents around the WTBTS. I visited local religious forum today and I felt compelled to point out that while I was a JW I would have never ever believed that there would be a single incident of jailed JW except over the military issue. But with recently I have seen that - jailed pedophile JW's with good standing. It sure makes one to think. I had my share of more than two years over the military refusal and now they changed the doctrine. Until I learned the change I felt it was worth it, but not anymore.
Anyway it is good to have you here on either language.
Natti natti
Edited by - Haereticus on 30 June 2002 18:18:40
Edited by - Haereticus on 30 June 2002 18:21:4
i just got out from jw bye a d.f.
4 weeks ago after 44 years as an active jw.am i insane or why am i having that great feeling of freedom??
i am sitting here infront of the computer having a cold beer and just enjoying life.shouldnt i be crying and having a depression sitting here in tears over missing all my jw friends that now are vanished??.
Hejsan Kjell
Bda vi vet att det behvs en JV fr att frst hurudant det r att vara en JV. ven mera fr att skilja sig efter tiotals r. Fint att hra du har klarat dig bra and jag hoppas att det r detsamma ven i fortsttningen.
Jag har varit med Borgen cirka 20 r och varit ut cirka 30 r. Det var FN-fiasko som slutligen ndrade min sikt av Borgens sanningen(tm). I alla fall hoppas jag att du trivs och har det s bra som mjligt.
Med vnligt hlsning
Edited for missing scandinavian characters, but no avail. Seems that I have to approach Simon once again.
Edited by - Haereticus on 30 June 2002 13:35:45
Edited by - Haereticus on 30 June 2002 13:40:15
plans are to soon have shipments of nuclear waste to cross through many of our nation's cities to reach their dumpsite destinations.
i really don't care for the idea.
how do you feel about it?
It is being referred to as NIMBY, isn't it?
do all of you ex-jehovah's witnesses get upset when you are called an apostate?
you all call each other apostates, so why should you all get upset if i call you apostates?
if you don't like being called 'apostate', what title would you prefer?
Just in case you bump to a native speaking xjw finn, please refer to she/he as "luopio" not as "(Jehovan) todistaja".
i noticed an obituary where the deceased was described as a member of the lions club and devoted jw.
never heard of this combination before and actually know very little about lions.. is this fully acceptable according borg rules?
I noticed an obituary where the deceased was described as a member of The Lions Club and devoted JW. Never heard of this combination before and actually know very little about Lions.
Is this fully acceptable according borg rules?
syn had a funny little dittie about jw's and trekkies here:.
what do you get when you put a bunch of computer literate star trek fans together on a forum?
"Who knows what Jehovah has planned for us? He may very well have us explore and populate planets in the solar system".
They must have taken a new stand. Tens of years ago WT did answer a question wheter there is life on other planets. If my memory serves me well they wrote that there might be, but this Tellus is where we stick to.
Or they are just tacking: *** Watchtower 1981 December 1 p.27 The Path of the Righteous Does Keep Getting Brighter ***
"However, it may have seemed to some as though that path has not always gone straight forward. At times explanations given by Jehovah's visible organization have shown adjustments, seemingly to previous points of view. But this has not actually been the case. This might be compared to what is known in navigational circles as "tacking." By maneuvering the sails the sailors can cause a ship to go from right to left, back and forth, but all the time making progress toward their destination in spite of contrary winds."
Funny that Jehovah cannot even provide a fair wind for its followers. They go fast anywhere else but not towards the truth.
in 1902 there was an office in barmen-elberfeld (today a part of wuppertal) distributing watchtowers and russell's books.
so, the german branch celebrates its 100th "birthday" this year.
last weekend there was a so-called "day with open doors" (tag der offenen tur, quite common in germany) when the public was invited and anybody could come and take a look at the facilities and eat and drink.
Soon there will be, owing to the 1914 generation.
in 1902 there was an office in barmen-elberfeld (today a part of wuppertal) distributing watchtowers and russell's books.
so, the german branch celebrates its 100th "birthday" this year.
last weekend there was a so-called "day with open doors" (tag der offenen tur, quite common in germany) when the public was invited and anybody could come and take a look at the facilities and eat and drink.
I might be wrong assuming that if a JW hits 100 she/he is not supposed to follow this example and open ones door?
Just like charity work i.e. not for file and rank publisher.