Can you say, "Blinded by the Light", sure I knew you could.
JoinedPosts by Quirky1
Skeleton's Come Tumbling out of Bethel's Closet - Ray Franz- Book ISOCF
by flipper inmy wife and i are towards the end ( finally ) of reading " in search of christian freedom " by ray franz .
( long book 728 pgs.
on pg.
When you realized that it was all a lie.. how did you cope?
by stuckinamovement ini realized about a year ago after much lurking here, that the truth was in fact a lie.
it rocked me to my core to come to the understanding that everything that i have been taught, believed in and taught people myself was in fact not true.
when you are a born in like myself, the teachings of the wts become all you know.
10-15 beers a nite was my coping tool...Not good but effective..
I want to thank you
by mouthy infor hugging me on lady lee site daughter that is out of the wt .
was on a atv bike & twisted her leg( sue)she has had a big operation stiched from knee to ankle .
i told her not to go on it .she is 61 yrs old .but does anyone every listen to mouthy!????.
Mouthy, you're a good chick!!
Outlaw, you crack my ass up...
I Want A Greasy Hamburger!
by snowbird inthe kind that used to come in waxed white paper and would make your chin greasy before the first bite!.
an ice-cold pepsi or grape kool-aid would finish the meal, thank you.
I wanna furburger with thighs...
When will the crashing and burning of this organization begin?
by easyreader1970 inas i see it, there are three looming threats that all have the potential - individually or combined - to bring the wbts to its knees, at least in the united states, anyway.. 1. youth retention.
the young people aren't buying it.
the watchtower will argue that faithless young people are giving in to demonic persuasion and leaving the truth.
As much as I'd like to see them close the doors I don't see it happening. I think they will be standing for a long, long time. If you think some scandal is going to bring them down you're wrong. If a scandal is unable to bring down the Vatican then it isn't going to bring down the borg. It is like any other religion, it will have it's hiccups but they will sweep it under the rug and cover it over.
Not all the R & F are like some of us here where a light bulb comes on and we can see the flaws of their teachings. They prefer to keep the light dim and believe what the FDS tells them. Some NEED to have direction n their life.
We are the lucky few.
Jehovah's Witnesses Are REALLY Not The Brightest Bulbs In The Sky!
by minimus inthey are so simple, so ignorant, it's embarrassing!.
when apologists come here and attempt to spar with the enlightened ones on the board, the witnesses really look dumb.. their self righteous arrogance coupled with their stupefying ignorance makes me feel pretty pretty good about myself!.
And it took you how long to figure that out?
Bribes, no. Threat of a knuckle sandwich, yes.
What are your favorite psychedelic songs, albums, videos?
by JimmyPage ini love psychedelic music.
some of my favorites include the beatles' "blue jay way", .
the beastie boys' "namaste",.
Psychedelic or LSD songs??
most dont know me here....
by oompa inbut damm it can be tough on the outside!!
!.....hi old would be sooooo much easier if you work for a company...with normal people around you....but damm if you have your own biz for thirty years with five jw employees out of 15 that pretty much run your company.....well just crap!!
!....anyhwho.....good luck to all moving can be a bitch...but it is worth it....and damm divorce is a bitch...and so is settlement...and so is fukkin alimony!!!!!!
You could always hire me and that would be one less JW you would have to deal