How so? How can you scientifically prove evolution is absolutely unguided? I would like to see this.
I said Benedict's statement was wrong; as hamilcarr points out, for a START no evolutionist CAN claim evolution is unguided as the theory states various selection pressures control the 'direction' of the process. That is 'guding'. If Pope Benedict meant non-biological paranormal guidance, then again, Benedict is wrong as evolutionary theory does not require a paranormal plate-spinner to keep the process going.
It could be laughable to a future malapert.
You say malapert like it's a bad thing ;-)
Dear burn, overcoming ground-in dogma that isn't based on fact requires more than the scholarly presentation of facts. You HAVE to rattle windows. You might not be able to lead a horse to water, but you CAN (sometimes) make it think, LOL. And although those that malaperts engage in direct discussion with might be incorrible (hooberus being a case in point) I KNOW a number of 'those who lurk' whose opinions over time have been overturned by lively discussion such as this who I now see arguing from the opposite side of the fence (or at least astradle it). And from personal correspondence I know more who never say a word also have their opinions overturned; not neccesarily by me or others arguing for a modernistic viewpoint but ny the consistant failure of those arguing against it to do justice to their own opinions.
No. I stand by what I said. It is unlikely that future scientific discoveries would render my little creation myth as laughable as that of the Bible/Quran/Bhaghadvita/Norse Mythos/Greco-Roman mythos/Pre-Colombians/Aborigonals.
To make my silly little creation myth as silly as those would require that the basic scientific understandings of cosmology and natural selection were totally wrong. This is rather unlikely; details, yeah, fine? Total re-writes of modern understanding comparable to geocentric -> solarcentric or flat earth -> round world are simply VERY unlikely. Unlike a dogmatic believer using a holy book as my definiton of facts I would embrace such re-writes if they came though.
Oh, please give me an indication of why you think modern science is 100% wrong. Otherwise you are rejecting a valid point on fanciful grounds. You're free to do that, but I am free to point it out.
Ancient creation myths were made up by ill-informed primative people and mine is a deliberate attempt to illustrate how claims to 'inspiration' and ancient people 'doing their best with their understanding' are pointless apologisms for uninspired rubbish. IF god HAD inspired a creation myth then it would be easy to do one consistant with a/ modern science and b/ elastic enough to cope with future refinement. QED Creation myths are uninspired.
Why is it so important that you defend the view that there is no possibility for inspiration in Genesis?
So, you avoid the question (and by doing so answer it - LOL). But I am not afraid of answering yours; because Genesis (and the rest of the Bible et. al.) isn't just used as a nice fluffy thing. It is used by intolerent bigots to validate their intolerent bigoted world-view ON THE GROUNDS IT IS INSPIRED. By all means take the good from it (and the Quran/Bhaghadvita/Norse Mythos/Greco-Roman mythos/Pre-Colombians/Aborigonals). But strain out the bad. Why do you want to swallow the camel Burn?
Science is what you do with it. Of itself, it is meaningless.
No it isn't. Science defines and predicts things even if you do nothing with it. It did so before it (as in the rules) were discovered and will do so when the last person knowing the rules dies.
Oh good Lord, you don't understand capitalizing for emphasis?
Yes, and I was pointing out the thinking behind you emphasising it, and also that you were making strawman argument. Any comment about that?
As I've said, today's modern science will be tommorrow's Ptolemy. I don't subscribe to your hubris.
Rubbish, justify your statements. All I hear from your argument is the sound of someone scraping the bottom of the barrel in order to defend the right of some people to be totalitairian and dogmatic and to cling to a belief in inspiration. At the same time you ignore the fact people like me will happily embrace revison of scientific understanding as it comes whereas those you defend will STILL cling to their dogma no matter what current understanding of science may be.
You totally miss the point and defend the indefensable.